Nisekoi 96
Gee whiz, what could Marika's super mega ultra secret be?
200/1 - Futa
This could redeem the whole series
Nisekoi 96
Gee whiz, what could Marika's super mega ultra secret be?
200/1 - Futa
Hokuto no Toriko
So basically Raoh has spared Toki's life because he admit he's no longer a threat and he still remain his brother. In a sense Toki's dead because he won't fight Raoh's again, and will die of old age anyway pretty soon, so Raoh's fine with this ending. Now it remain to be seen who will Raoh actually fight, if the third brother, or someone else entirely.
The scanslators are finally realizing it is here to say, its been in and out of the middle of Jump the past few weeks. I also bought the first volume. Now if they would just hurry up elDLIVE and Monster Kingdom oneshot.Did Rafa=FedKilla not read Soul Catcher(s) chps 1-3 yet?!
Fairy Tail 357
Number of Nine Demons Gates with Good Designs:0
Anyway, arc is going good after this slow start with laxus getting in, wonder if he has what it takes to pull through at least, for the council members I thought were supposed to be a bit stronger than guild members but being wiped out easily by the gates makes them seem weak. Could see Laxus maybe cutting it close then being able to redeem himself much better later in the arc handing Natsu some more powers.
Holy Fuck.
I have just spent the last 7-8 hours reading Kingdom straight from the 1st volume to the 16th.
This manga's epicness is beyond words. I did not expect to find a manga worthy of stealing the title of "the most epic" in my heart from Ryuuroden, but this manga really managed to do FANTASTIC job at it. HOLY SHIT.
Holy Fuck.
I have just spent the last 7-8 hours reading Kingdom straight from the 1st volume to the 16th.
Kenichi 544 - Naked Shigure, Metal Gear Touchuumaru.
Kenichi - 542
I want 99999 doujins on what will happen after that last page.
Nisekoi 96
You cannot fool me Komi, the secret is probably something really stupid.
Please, that's what he wants us to think.I think she has some kind of terminal illness. They mentioned before that she was sick all the time and Chitanda's perverted clone asked that question in response to Marika saying it "takes time" to change someone.
Silver Spoon
At the very least someone's got the stones to point out overly thick shonen behavior. Somehow I doubt this will result in any development of their relationship at all.
Minamoto-kun Monogatari 1-7
Aunt Tits really is the perfect name for this manga. Really tempted to use it over the real name.
Aunt is without a doubt A+ material. Not really feeling the cousin though.
This entire arc has had a lot of "Wait, you two AREN'T dating?! Wow, seriously?" moments. I'd like to think that Valentine's would put an end to some of that.
But then I come back to reality and get sad.
Mikage sucks. Team Cheese Girl.
Nah, Naruto was heavily influenced by editors. Mario still has a very bright future, he just tried to cram too much into the oneshot and a lot was edited out. It happens when you really want to get a story out you've been waiting on. Mario will carry a Shueisha manga at the very least.
And speaking of baseball manga, its a shame Mr. Fullswing never got an anime. It held down the back of Jump with Jaguar for ages...
Did you actually read the baseball one? Every single character in that story had their design stolen from Naruto.
And everyone in Mario didn't?
It could be worse; have you seen the character designs on the Sternritter?
It was more obvious in the baseball one is my point.
True enough.
They look like Snow's absurd sidekick squad in Final Fantasy XIII.
Nisekoi 96
Gee whiz, what could Marika's super mega ultra secret be?
2/1 - Childhood something something
20/1 - Dying of a terminal illness
200/1 - Futa
New girl has about 0.5 chapters left before she becomes grating.
Kenichi 542
I somehow managed to read this at Uni.
This is incredible. Solune I feel like I haven't seen you in a while breh.
MangaGAF, answer me this: what is the best manga that you can recommend that involves Princesses?
Nothing wrong with feeling naked around hereHaven't been reading manga all that much! I still lurk though. Playing too many things and watching anime/TV. I even rewatched Marineford Arc kind of out of the blue.
Feels naked without a Neoriceisgood avatar coming in here and Laughing Banana's avatar wtf.
Technically all those Pokemon avatars that Neorice made are naked. But putting one on would make Solune feel not naked.
I went through so much inner turmoil trying to avoid avatar-quoting you right here, and decided that distracting myself with meta commentary was the only way I could escape the temptation.Just wear a scarf and you'll never feel naked.
It depends on what part of the body was used. We need pictures.While we're on this, I'd like to bring up that to date I've seen 3 applications in fiction of something using a part of its body as a scarf. Incidentally they're my 3 favorite scarves. But would that count as being naked, if that's all they were wearing?
This is confusing.
Grimace's avatar, at first glance, is also naked. But that's a facade because it's just a dude (who may or may not be wearing a scarf), wearing a costume of a naked sonic. I guess whether that counts as naked or not depends on the viewer...
I went through so much inner turmoil trying to avoid avatar-quoting you right here, and decided that distracting myself with meta commentary was the only way I could escape the temptation.
I don't even know how you managed to post right as this was happening, it's crazy
You know, Shimabukuro is going to kill someone off for real, and nobody is going to believe it. Oh right, I forgot Tommyrodd is dead.
I'm guessing Toriko's devil limbs will be his new power, until he gets one that breaks everything like Minority World or Midora's Mirror Neutrons. Science!