No just means you're equivalent to Ishida.
We all know who is the real 'A'.
Who would it be?
No just means you're equivalent to Ishida.
We all know who is the real 'A'.
Who would it be?
What's going one in her..oh its Wednesday.
How were the chapters this week?
Beam is this really a question?
i can feel moe in it
...the Mangaritters.
Azumi 1-12
This was a lot more intense than I first thought it would be. It's about a group 10 of kids who were raised to be assassins by a man who they call Grandpa. They are traveling around with Grandpa while doing whatever he says. The main focus of the story is Azumi, the only woman in the group. Not that she even knew what a woman was until she was 10 or 11. The twist in the first chapter was a little unexpected but it really helps to show just how loyal the kids are to Grandpa. This is 40 something volumes long so I suspect that the series will follow Azumi as she grows into an adult. I'm looking foward to reading more.
Caught up with OP, He really needs to ease up on ramming the page full and having speech bubbles everywhere. One or two of the chapters I had trouble working out what in the hell was actually going on.
Also is Berserk dead now? Feels like its been 6+ months since the last chapter.
It's been almost eleven months.
Maybe we'll get a Christmas special.Wow ok. I guess at this point it may aswell be a year.
Based Murata
For the first time, I'm seeing another meaning in Kurita's avatar. This is deep.
For the first time, I'm seeing another meaning in Kurita's avatar. This is deep.
For the first time, I'm seeing another meaning in Kurita's avatar. This is deep.
What are you talking about
For the first time, I'm seeing another meaning in Kurita's avatar. This is deep.
Question of the century:
Are we ManGAF or MangaGAF?
Toriko 255-256
For some odd reason I forgot to read last weeks chapter, kind of undermined the death when he was in fact not dead the next chapter. I'm not really sure how Toriko and company are ever going to get strong enough to fight some of the characters this series has introduced.