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Manga News/Discussion |OTX| Attack on Titles

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You mean one should disregard it completely?

No because I will admit that there are very good cooking manga's,it isn't a situation where " ALL COOKING MANGAS ARE 0/7 asses" and I hate everything.

I am not really a fan of the premise. Out of the redonk things that people can do to fight in a manga ( I READ A MANGA ABOUT CHILDRENS CARD GAMES FOR GODS SAKE) I never really found cooking all that riveting. Now while I will admit there are good ones, I am human, and I do have preferences, cooking manga isn't one of them.


Toriko RAW
That Nitro is so fucking dead right now... my god i hate that nitro with all my soul Midora please make that thing suffer like no other thing has ever suffered.
My god.


Splatter no Toriko

Holy motherfucking shit. THIS IS UNREAL.

Why is this manga so fucking good. Manly tears and rage everywhere.


Toriko RAW
That Nitro is so fucking dead right now... my god i hate that nitro with all my soul Midora please make that thing suffer like no other thing has ever suffered.
My god.

I love how a lot of people flamed Mitsutoshi for his choice last chapter... and then it was actually
a bait and now ichi's death feel so much, much more powerful ;_;
Damn i wonder if Midora's gonna ruin that nitro or if we're going to see a power switch at the top and get the old generation out of the way, with Midora losing. I'd like for Midora to become a rogue wanderer for revenge or similar after he discover the truth on nitros acacias and such, something of a more external power in the story.


One Piece
That was par for the course, Oda could have at least showed us a little more of the Luffy-Bart encounter.
300 mio printed copies though, it's a huge feat and we're nowhere near the end yet.

New WSJ covers:




OP looks alright and finally a good cover for Nisekoi but LFMAO @Toriko.


Are you just assuming that the source material is always better, or have you actually watched much of the anime?

I watch the anime weekly and read the manga weekly. In my and many others opinion the source material is way better. The anime censors out the blood and the art style in the manga fits the story better than the anime. Both are good in my opinion but the manga is better.


Are you just assuming that the source material is always better, or have you actually watched much of the anime?

The anime don't have blood, seriously. It's a splatter manga without blood? People fucking eat each other's hand , blow up arms and stomp enemies hearts and then the anime don't ever show any blood (except 2 of the latest episodes, but still).
What's next? Ecchi with fully clothed characters everywhere?

Btw i was sorta right. A much more sinister/post nuclear part of toriko is coming.
I think I lost a fair amount of brain cells by reading the BF4 comparison thread.

Joujuu Senjin!! Mushibugyo volume 2

I had to start from volume 2 because Amazon still hasn't shipped the first one.
It was quite the fun read, light with some fights and lots of feelings, as Jinbee comes off as a rather good natured dude able to influence the people around him in positive ways, plus he seems like an optimist.

Maybe the way he became a rival with Hibachi, as well as how he made Mugai take notice is a bit too cliché, but I enjoyed it.

Another nice touch are the fanservice-y moments with Oharu, which serve also as comedy relief breaks, where Jinbee gets beaten up by all Oharu's admirers while also managing to get her in some embarrassing position.

Those fan service moments always felt so out of place in the anime since they would be so sudden and look so force (like tripping on the bridge to land in her bewbies...).

Well...it was bound to happen eventually. If Rin really had lived, I think she would have loved Obito if he had stayed on the right path. I guess Obito dies soon, hopefully they don't drag this out.


Ichigo on the way...yaaay. More, "mytruepoweryouhavenochancethefightitoverin1second" bullshit. Kubo loves ending each chapter with a new redundant powerup by either side...

One Piece

Interesting...lovin this arc so far but I can't really comment on it much. Let's see what happens next.

Lecture No Jutsu


After his training with King Kai Ichigo has to travel through Snake Road to return to Soul Society to protect his fellow B fighters from saibamen whilst the real threat watches and gloats.

One Piece
Gotta wait for that proper translation but that fishman dude using a denden mushi to describe what's going on down below is actually interesting.


I watch the anime weekly and read the manga weekly. In my and many others opinion the source material is way better. The anime censors out the blood and the art style in the manga fits the story better than the anime. Both are good in my opinion but the manga is better.

Eh. I don't care about blood. Hunter x Hunter censors a lot of violence, but I prefer the current anime over the manga.
Is this blasphemy?
I don't think I'll be picking Toriko back up any time soon. It just wasn't going in a direction that I was interested to see the end of. I don't think it's bad, but it's not nearly as entertaining as I once found it.


No if you count Togashi's will to draw something.

I understand that it's hard to make a weekly deadline when your assistants all quit, but those scribbles.... I can't forget how they hurt my eyes. I just think that the soundtrack, voice talent, and animation all lend themselves well to a really fantastic adaptation that I believe enhances the source material.


Eh. I don't care about blood. Hunter x Hunter censors a lot of violence, but I prefer the current anime over the manga.
Is this blasphemy?
I don't think I'll be picking Toriko back up any time soon. It just wasn't going in a direction that I was interested to see the end of. I don't think it's bad, but it's not nearly as entertaining as I once found it.

Dude the new HxH anime is gorey as shit, did u see that ant arc with people's skulls being crushed and whatsnot? Toriko used smoke to not show mutilated arms, that's really some ridicolous levels of censor for a gore manga. It completely misses the point of it.
Kamine is the best Soul Catcher(s) character, I hope continues to get the best position on the covers.

Naruto 653

Powerful chapter. I wonder if Kishimoto would throw us all for a loop and Obito doesnt accept the hand offered to him still, or if Madara swoops in and interferes. Also what would happen to Juubi, he would have a lifelong fight to suppress it.


Dude the new HxH anime is gorey as shit, did u see that ant arc with people skull being crushed and whatsnot? Toriko used smoke to not show mutilated arms, dude that's really some ridicolous levels of censor for a gore manga. It completely misses the point of it.

That's because it recently changed its time slot. If you compare it to the manga for most of the series, a lot of violence (mostly Killua decapitating people an' shit) is cut. Also, yes. Showing mutilated limbs, organs, ripped flesh, and all that is usually not shown on television.

This part is directed at the bolded sentence:
Misses the point of it? The point of gore? There is no point. It's just manly and fun. I really hope you're not trying to make it sound like a series is more mature
(Read as "deep")
just for having gore.


That's because it recently changed its time slot. If you compare it to the manga for most of the series, a lot of violence (mostly Killua decapitating people an' shit) is cut. Also, yes. Showing mutilated limbs, organs, ripped flesh, and all that is usually not shown on television.

This part is directed at the bolded sentence:
Misses the point of it? The point of gore? There is no point. It's just manly and fun. I really hope you're not trying to make it sound like a series is more mature
(Read as "deep")
just for having gore.

This isn't deep, Toriko is no Bleach. Gore is just a matter taste. For me it make things look much more believable and i like it in general (not exxagerated ) because i think it's stupid to see monster fights just end with scruffled hairs.

Toriko is extremely simple, fun and straight to the point. The theme of the manga make this even more clear: killing each other is often a matter of survival in the natural world, and there's no malice, just intent to survive and eat. The main is a genetically modified animal bred for fighting after all, and he eat and kill animals with his bare hands all the time. He fight with his limbs torn off, like a beast. It's so refreshing to me. The anime show animals and men mutilated like toys, with no blood and in perfect shape, nowhere the spirit of the manga and its natural survival theme, where you saw a fucking bare handed decapitation on chapter1.


the toriko anime is pretty typical z-tier toei garbage. loses a lot of the charm of the awful manga art for me, and the pretty cool monster designs.


This isn't deep, Toriko is no Bleach. Gore is just a matter taste. For me it make things look much more believable and i like it in general (not exxagerated ) because i think it's stupid to see monster fights just end with scruffled hairs.

Toriko is extremely simple, fun and straight to the point. The theme of the manga make this even more clear: killing each other is often a matter of survival in the natural world, and there's no malice, just intent to survive and eat. The main is a genetically modified animal bred for fighting after all, and he eat and kill animals with his bare hands all the time. He fight with his limbs torn off, like a beast. It's so refreshing to me. The anime show animals and men mutilated like toys, with no blood and in perfect shape, nowhere the spirit of the manga and its natural survival theme, where you saw a fucking bare handed decapitation on chapter1.

Man, that made me laugh. I getcha. I like gore in a series as long as it doesn't take away from it. I recently watched Corpse Party, and that gore... that's all the OVA was. So bad.


Kamine is the best Soul Catcher(s) character, I hope continues to get the best position on the covers.

Naruto 653

Powerful chapter. I wonder if Kishimoto would throw us all for a loop and Obito doesnt accept the hand offered to him still, or if Madara swoops in and interferes. Also what would happen to Juubi, he would have a lifelong fight to suppress it.

Still time for Madara Tank to happen.


That's a new one...
I am glad you commented on this. Is it another baseless rumor? I wasn't reading HxH many years ago, but my friend (in Tokyo) claims that his assistants had to find new work due to Togashi's inconsistent schedule.
Bleach 555

It took a hiatus and lots of months but I think Bleach is finally back. So many good Ichigo panels, smiling even. The arc is starting to reach the same feelings that the Arrancar Saga did.


I am glad you commented on this. Is it another baseless rumor? I wasn't reading HxH many years ago, but my friend (in Tokyo) claims that his assistants had to find new work due to Togashi's inconsistent schedule.

Well it was probably more like they were made redundant.



Lecture no Jutsu too strong.

It makes sense considering all of the character development for Naruto, Obito, and Kishi's general style. Pretty good though.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"

Lecture no Jutsu too strong.

It makes sense considering all of the character development for Naruto, Obito, and Kishi's general style. Pretty good though.

Except we basically heard it for the last three chapters, and were shown little flashbacks of it.



Lecture No Jutsu


After his training with King Kai Ichigo has to travel through Snake Road to return to Soul Society to protect his fellow B fighters from saibamen whilst the real threat watches and gloats.

One Piece
Gotta wait for that proper translation but that fishman dude using a denden mushi to describe what's going on down below is actually interesting.
Your Bleach impression is the exact same thought I had as well.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
And? It's all one giant lecture. Last 3-4 chapters is barely anything in an actual tankouban, lol.

I'm not even sure where this conversation is taking place. There's like Bleach no-backgrounds, so I don't know if this is some kind of mental space conversation or what.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
One Piece

Figured that Ricky and the Solider were related to Rebecca, but it's nice to have confirmation.
Interesting that Trebol is the one that turns people into toys. Poor Sai, becoming one of those horrid cymbal-monkeys. Hopefully Merlin's around to stop him.
I wonder what King Riku did 10 years ago that lead to the country hating him. His family line sound like good people if they let the dwarves live free.

I did want to see Luffy and Bartolomeo's meeting... next week I hope.


Isn't this just Snake Way?
You guys are totally right about it being snake way

Also why are none of the zero squad going with him? I know there job is to protect the soul king but come on helping Ichigo kill the threat is more useful then staying back in case he fails


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
gotta say punk hazard arc (on chapter 678 atm) is a shitload better than mermen island, holy shit oda is a fucking genius. the worldbuilding and series mythology is sooooooo good.
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