I think I lost a fair amount of brain cells by reading the BF4 comparison thread.
Joujuu Senjin!! Mushibugyo volume 2
I had to start from volume 2 because Amazon still hasn't shipped the first one.
It was quite the fun read, light with some fights and lots of feelings, as Jinbee comes off as a rather good natured dude able to influence the people around him in positive ways, plus he seems like an optimist.
Maybe the way he became a rival with Hibachi, as well as how he made Mugai take notice is a bit too cliché, but I enjoyed it.
Another nice touch are the fanservice-y moments with Oharu, which serve also as comedy relief breaks, where Jinbee gets beaten up by all Oharu's admirers while also managing to get her in some embarrassing position.
Parasite Doctor Suzune volume 5
Well, the thing I liked more about this, i.e. Suzune managing to not get nailed, is no longer. It was clear with the way volume 4 ended but I kept hoping something would happen to stop it. Not that I wouldn't have liked to see her get into some action, just not like that, not by the hand of those assholes.
The positive side is that it made the plot even more interesting and confused, because understanding who are the good guys and who are the bad guys is something I'm lost on at this point.
Suzune is definitely on the side of good, but is she being unwittingly used? It's clear, by what has been said, that she's identical to a certain other one, in every sense, but who is this other one? A clone? Her mother? The only thing clear is that whoever she is, she's been done a lot.