Not sure of all time, but here's the top 5 most influential mangas in my life. Also, I might as well explain why.
Dragonball - It was the 2nd most popular manga/anime in Malaysia (first was Doraemon, but I thought against of putting it in here since my most fond memories of it is in anime form that EVERYONE bought. There were two bookstores near my school that sold them and the rivalry was so bad both kept selling the books at a huge discount for a while. Everyone talked about it each time a new issue came out.)
I"s - I know many here hated this, but it helped me realise that if I ever was gonna get THE girl, it was up to me to be more pro active about it.
GTO - One of the funniest mangas EVER and probably the first 'mature' manga I read. While it had a lot of stupid jokes, it had some pretty great life lessons peppered in for 15 year old FlutterPuffs as well.
Vagabond - I really loved Slam Dunk, but this manga just elevated into one of the best works in any format. How Takehiko Inoue managed from the first issue of Slam Dunk to this continues to be an inspiration for me.
Apollo's Song - My first classic manga, and it was marvelous. I loved how Osamu Tezuka took a Greek theatrical format of storytelling and made it into a manga. Not to mention creative use of panelling. Then, you learn about his Star System and you realise that the man is undoubtedly the God of Manga. He is still one of the best, ever.
(I'm sad I can't fit 7 Seeds, Slam Dunk, YuYu HakuSho and Otoyomegatari and lots more in there)