Tyranitar alone makes up for them.
Mantine and Unown.
Tyranitar alone makes up for them.
That doesn't justify Dunsparce. Or Snubbul.
Mantine and Unown.
That doesn't justify Dunsparce. Or Snubbul.
Snubbull/Granbull got a big boost in X/Y thanks to their type change. Dragons can't touch them now.
Fairy Tail 358
Huh, I was wrong, Laxus didn't lose the fight just so they could have a rematch later on.
He failed to save the town and the villain escaped so I still consider it a loss
Fairy TailHe failed to save the town and the villain escaped so I still consider it a loss
rip phoenix wright
After all the free candy I had today at work, I guess I'm glad I'll no longer have a chocolate craving from this series again.
We only had 5 people come to the house (we usually get 30ish). We have so much extra candy I am TRYING REALLY REALLY REALLY HARD to not eat.
Does anyone have an insulin shot for me in the morning? I might need it
Jyoshikausei 02
Lewd things with an electric fan.
Was like that one shot yaoi story collection with him making out with the fan?
Following the daily life and adventures of Momoko-chan, an eccentric and carefree high-school girl.
Itoshi no Karin 02
Hm, really wonder where this romance is going to go, but I do like how it is starting.
Karin is a lot tougher than you expect her to be but still also adorkable. Well everything is pretty much adorkable here.
Ahhh found it. It's SEKITOU ELEGY
Dakkumauji, if you haven't read this, I recommend that you do. This manga is adorkable in its finest, hahaha (though the art is not as... "sweet-looking" as Itoshi no Karin or Shuudan no Kankei)
Holy shit 25 chapters in and all this time I always have this HUGE HAPPY GRIN on my face reading this.
The adorkable level from both the main male and female lead is soooooooo high its incredibly infectious. What an incredibly adorable couple.
Holy shit 25 chapters in and all this time I always have this HUGE HAPPY GRIN on my face reading this.
The adorkable level from both the main male and female lead is soooooooo high its incredibly infectious. What an incredibly adorable couple.
I sure wish Tonnura would save me someday *swoon*
I don't really understand why Halloween existsHey, MangaGAF!
Did any of you go out for Halloween? What did you all dress up as?
I was this fine gentleman!
I don't really understand why Halloween exists
I thank it for Soul Eater, but that's about it. silly weird holiday
We have a holiday here too that comes around spring, and it's basically halloween, except with none of the scary associations (people can still dress for scary stuff, it's just not limited) and with candy switcheroos (like randomly in a group with big packages of candy) rather than giving candy to kids.It's my favorite holiday! Do you not like it? I just love the atmosphere of Halloween. Fall is kind of creepy. Everything starts dying, it gets colder, and it just has this distinct feeling about it. Halloween magnifies this and adds candy, scares, costumes, and awesome events! I just love Halloween so much!
It is silly and weird! That's what's so great about it. It's the time of year where people can be their weird selves, and nobody cares. I'm weird year 'round, but it's fun to see others comfortable being a bit odd in public.
We have a holiday here too that comes around spring, and it's basically halloween, except with none of the scary associations (people can still dress for scary stuff, it's just not limited) and with candy switcheroos (like randomly in a group with big packages of candy) rather than giving candy to kids.
I mean dunno, I don't really see why you'd do something out of gore and zombies and bones and blood, it's weird. And I don't really get the kids knocking on your door thing either, it's weird. I don't get horror either though.
so basically, I'm unwilling to understand anything different from what I grew up with. yay!
Guys what is the name of that manga with that young lady and that old train attendant?