Anybody read the pokemon adventures manga?
Reading it years later, i like it more than the anime
Any body with me?
Everybody's with you on that.
Anybody read the pokemon adventures manga?
Reading it years later, i like it more than the anime
Any body with me?
Anybody read the pokemon adventures manga?
Reading it years later, i like it more than the anime
Any body with me?
It's leagues better than the anime. Adventures actually tries to tell a story (and does pretty well at it too), with different protagonists every generation rather than sticking with one guy the entire fucking time (who seems to be suffering from brain damage). Past protagonists even show up in later stories.
It's such a shame Viz mistreated it for years.
I was thinking of reading it through, you guys think its worth the time? Sounds like it is
Anybody read the pokemon adventures manga?
Reading it years later, i like it more than the anime
Any body with me?
Got my Atelier: Artwork of Arland Artbook. Such a great book full of awesome drawings.
I'll never understand those infidels that badmouth Mel Kishida.
I haven't played any of the games yet (might change that with the Vita games) but I just can't stand the generic art for most of the characters. I kinda like Totori somewhat but to me it looks like Tales of rejects with better colouring. :/
It's leagues better than the anime. Adventures actually tries to tell a story (and does pretty well at it too), with different protagonists every generation rather than sticking with one guy the entire fucking time (who seems to be suffering from brain damage). Past protagonists even show up in later stories.
It's such a shame Viz mistreated it for years.
I haven't played any of the games yet (might change that with the Vita games) but I just can't stand the generic art for most of the characters. I kinda like Totori somewhat but to me it looks like Tales of rejects with better colouring. :/
The art is about the only good thing about the games
The outfits are less elaborate than Tales which is what I like about them. And more subdue.
As in they are actually sensible outfits, not one step below Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts outfits in terms of what use is that.
Btw, is it the actual artwork, or the 3D models based on the artwork? Or both?
I like Tidus.
Did anyone mention the new one piece shueisha site?
Did anyone mention the new one piece shueisha site?
Tidus is okay, I guess.Glass-kun
What are you implying
You like Toriko, your opinion is invalid.People here like Tidus' design?
I don't know any of you and never talked to you.
Yamada 81-84
Shocking twist. This looks like it could end anytime soon but I won't get my hopes up.
I like Toriko and Tidus.
What now
Yeah, but you're crazy.I like Toriko and Tidus.
What now
Gold x Silver are where its at, still and Exbo is still one of the best handled pkmn. Origin must not be excluded.
You like Toriko, your opinion is invalid.
What are you implying
Yeah, but you're crazy.
AW HELL NAWas long as everybody agrees that gen 3 is the worst everything's cool
I'll make another threadshat yer hore mouf wise
as long as everybody agrees that gen 3 is the worst everything's cool
as long as everybody agrees that gen 3 is the worst everything's cool
Yamada 81-84
Shocking twist. This looks like it could end anytime soon but I won't get my hopes up.
I know the difference between it could end and it will end soon, I just don't want to see it possibly turning into Yankee-kun 2.He still has to get 3 of them on his side and then we're just assuming it ends as opposed to more random story showing up (e.g. why the hell Yamada and Tamaki have powers)
Gen 2 had Heracross, y'all can go suck it
That doesn't justify Dunsparce. Or Snubbul.