To this day i still don't understand what's supposed to be in that cup...
Male tsunderes are miracles.
Male tsuderes are a work of fiction, they do not exist in the real world.
To this day i still don't understand what's supposed to be in that cup...
Male tsunderes are miracles.
It's been awhile since I've seen that meal pic again...
It's been awhile since I've seen that meal pic again...
I think its semi-important is that Kuromaru's problem with becoming a woman is that she thinks they're weaker fighters, but that's blatantly untrue in Ken's universe.
To this day i still don't understand what's supposed to be in that cup...
One Piece
I just want to say Oda is really dragging out if Law is going to die or not. Dude got shot twice and his arm cut off. The new world has had it's moments, but I just not impressed. I don't care if Law dies anymore not emotional invested in him at all. Hopefully Luffy Vs Doflamingo is less then 20 chapters with No interruptions Oda!
TL: God's Beard doesn't know Japanese and doesn't live near Japan Town
If there's one only thing I want from the OnePunch Man adaptation by Madhouse, it's a perfectly animated Fubuki.
Seeing a animated fubooty can do wonders to a man.😎
Plus her interactions with Saitama is amazing.
If not then fuck this world.
If there's one only thing I want from the OnePunch Man adaptation by Madhouse, it's a perfectly animated Fubuki.
Seeing a animated fubooty can do wonders to a man.��
Plus her interactions with Saitama is amazing.
If not then fuck this world.
Well, there's that $30 Italian meal that's kind of a meme now...
He can do soooo much better though.Kazuki makes love happen at all boys high school 32
All these close encounters, handholding between boys and please this time actually kiss. Have courage kazuki!
Its all been translated already. /a/ surprisingly plentiful in translators, but lacking typesetters and editors to make scanlations.
Yes, whats missing is punks firing up photoshop or gimp, editing out the japanese text and replace with english.
edit: saw this on 4chan..
Utter stupidity at its finest.
To this day i still don't understand what's supposed to be in that cup...
I even mention the $30 meal sometimes in OT in jest.
btw, I can get 4-5 Large pizzas with $30 and still have change left over.
edit: hell. I even bookmarked that thread in my funny bookmarks folder. fun times.
My Balls 1
There can be no honor in dishonorable things... unless if your name is Lupin the 3rd.IS THERE NO HONOR AMONG THIEVES!?
Alright. I get it. I'll tone it down on the Negima talk.UQ Holder
I'm assuming the bad guy is either evil Setsuna or somehow related to her. We heard she was disguising her real appearance and that she was some kind of demon, but nothing ever was revealed of that.
Is my balls hentai? I honestly didn't know that manga went this far.
I like it
Digital Manga Sales on Viz Week of March 16
(Note Claymore was/is on sale during this time)
1 Food Wars!, Vol. 5
2 Tokyo Ghoul, Vol. 1
3 Claymore, Vol. 1
4 One-Punch Man, Vol. 2
5 Naruto, Vol. 69
6 One-Punch Man, Vol. 6
7 Assassination Classroom, Vol. 2
8 Seraph of the End, Vol. 4
9 Claymore, Vol. 3
10 Claymore, Vol. 10
Digital Manga Sales on Viz Week of March 16
(Note Claymore was/is on sale during this time)
1 Food Wars!, Vol. 5
2 Tokyo Ghoul, Vol. 1
3 Claymore, Vol. 1
4 One-Punch Man, Vol. 2
5 Naruto, Vol. 69
6 One-Punch Man, Vol. 6
7 Assassination Classroom, Vol. 2
8 Seraph of the End, Vol. 4
9 Claymore, Vol. 3
10 Claymore, Vol. 10
It technically isn't, but it's one of theses series that blur the line so much they end up being lewder than a fair amount of h-works.
Do You Like Big Girls c. 14
oh my. the redraws...