Infinite Justice
Seems to be as potent as ever lol
At least she'll always be remembered unlike half of the other cast
We'll see lol
At least she'll always be remembered unlike half of the other cast
So we're all under the agreement that Dark Soma > Soma, right?
He's just a completely ridiculous character, I love it
At least she'll always be remembered unlike half of the other cast
Wait, hekk got banned AGAIN?!
Bronze Soma>Dark Soma
What's the dancing manga?
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun.
Bronze Soma>Dark Soma
I don't particularly care for what weird nicknames people come up for Soma characters, no matter how little sense they make, but
What we've seen from Kurokiba's childhood had him being verbally abused while working in his first kitchen an treated like shit, and looking scared out of his kind that he'll be thrown to the streets if he doesn't get better. This continued until eventually he became so hyper competitive that he became the best cook in that restaurant till Alice came along and they had their 2 year battle and he started to respect her.
Also, Kurokiba wears a bandana that switches him to his hyper-berserker mode (a gimmick Soma never had) and Soma wears a headband. That is where their aesthetic similarities begin and end.
As for wanting to win ... is there any character in this series that doesn't want that? If anything, Soma's character is more about accepting loss and learning from it in order to better himself and refine his lack of skill, while Kurokiba is all about wanting to have exciting, hot blooded matches.
What's the dancing manga?
My favorite Soma > Your favorite Soma
If people only cared about huge breasts then Erina wouldn't be universally recognized as trash.People only remember her because they are pervs and tosh draws her with implausibly huge cans. The author never ended up doing anything terribly interesting with her (so far). It seemed like there would be more development at her entire branch family being perceived as inferior to Erina, but for the most part it seems like she doesn't care.
Seshiji wo Pin! to ~Shikakō Kyōgi Dance-bu e Yōkoso~ starting in Jump soon.
The teaser image of it looks kinda nice. Hopefully it doesn't get axed quickly. (It'll get axed quickly)
Where did all the Kurokiba Ryou hate come from. His firey personality is great as his one where he cares little for things, and he had such a huge sword in that AU even.
Seriously. ;_;Gakuen Babysitters cartoon and US release when.
Zweizer, Please talk to Hekk so that he dont get himself perman before the next manga thread happend.
Bronze Soma?
you mean spice dude?
if you want to compare similarities..... which is really a few if any, the only similarities he has to anyone is his sense of smelling being comparable to Erina's taste buds
This manga is amazing.
Real Account 18 - omake
This manga is amazing.
Dark Soma is just a fun nickname, not something I seriously want to push.
Yes, really. I'll admit, that I was pretty vague with my comparisons, but i'm going to clarify them. To wit; they both come from a similar background of working in restaurants at a young age. Unlike most of the students, they're experienced with being on the battlefield.
The difference you mentioned only highlights the fact that they're foils. Soma was in a loving environment where there was no real penalty to losing, whereas Ryou was in an abusive one where failure meant getting fired (and starving? it's implied he's an orphan).
The bandana / headband parallel is pretty blatant. Hell, they both tie their headbands on their wrist and immediately use them in a serious cooking match. Ryou going berserker doesn't preclude this from being a parallel. This one should go without saying.
I guess I will read this someday
You should !
Several reasonable points
Are any of those "big"?My Hero Academia, Black Clover. Who wants to join them in the stratosphere as the new big three?
Okay, I concede. I didn't really want this to become a drawn out argument, but I guess I didn't do myself any favors with the words I used, heh.
Are any of those "big"?
Big enough to not get cancelled immediately in Jump.
Lowered expectations~
Who are we kidding, nothing is too big to be cancelled in Jump. its just a matter of time and everything will be axed in the end.
So are you telling me that One Piece will end one day?
So are you telling me that One Piece will end one day?
Which will end first: One Piece, Bleach or Kochikame?
I'm waiting for the ultimate troll where One Piece isn't a physical treasure, but the treasure you found by adventuring with your friend and crew around the WORLD.
Oda: Yes, I already decided on how its going to end. Should I tell you now?
Sakura: . Well, I want to know, but I probably shouldnt. BUT, the One Piece, its not something like the growth your heart went through, right?
Oda: Hahaha, no no, I wont be pulling off some kind of Wizard of Oz thing like that. After having gone through an adventure like that, it wouldnt be fair to not actually give them a reward.
Isn't the Hell arc still to come.
Which will end first: One Piece, Bleach or Kochikame?
Real Account 18 - omake
This manga is amazing.
You should !
- It made fun of Fuuka :
I didn't get to reference, even after re-reading it...maybe some lost in translation joke ?
So. Read it !
Which will end first: One Piece, Bleach or Kochikame?