Thanks, zethren.
Man, that's a downer. Here's hoping though. I'll cross my fingers for you, yo.
Here's a pic of my outfit from last Sunday I had meant to post. Didn't realize until now how blurry it turned out. Also my navy chinos look black.
Yeah, man. I'm just telling myself it's going to be of the "trim" variety instead of the "slim" and it's making me feel better/more optimistic. I think I'll be alright, and even if I'm not, I'll figure something out.
I dig the hell out of that outfit though, man. Not something I could pull off in a thousand years but you rock it well. If there's one thing I'm not crazy about, it's the large buttons on the jacket, but the way that you compliment them with your shoes makes me
almost look past it. Good choice on the red tie as well.
Also, that's picture number two I've seen of you in that amazing closet. It's yours, isn't it?