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Manshion (Menswear and Mens Fashion) Thread |OT| Fashion Fades; Style is Eternal

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I scuffed up my pair of allen edmonds, water doesn't help ;_;. Also i bought a pair of j crew pants retail. They fitted pretty good, but retail for a pair bowery twill cotton pants are a bit much. Whats a good alternative (cheaper brand) for dress pants?

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Dude that fit looks so much better on you it's ridiculous. Such an upgrade over those polos you post.

Thanks sir. Got that blue and a grey one. Express had quite a decent sale over the holidays. Now I need some not-too-expensive black and brown shoes. Being that I love my Clark's combat boots, I may look into their work shoes.

Glasses may be next too, I'm sure my appointment is coming. Question is, do I go contacts this time or a new pair of glasses. Hrm.
Help, Mens Fashion GAF!

On New Years Day I/someone somehow drunkenly burnt a hole the size of a cigarette into my down jacket. The feathers are coming out, but I'm able to stuff them back in before I lose any. Anyone know how to fix this hole? Is there something I can buy? Should I take it to a seamstress or whatever? Send it back to NorthFace? I'd like the fix to be as unnoticeable as possible, but it's not necessary as long as it's not glaringly obvious. Thanks!


Anyone know where I could pick up this polo shirt?




It only took 255 pages for my fashion-soulmate of GAF to show up. Hello <3

EDIT: I was looking at some other pictures the blogger had posted (google imagesearch ftw) and this photo and the other ones look like they were taken somewhere in Sweden. Maybe Stockholm. Probably Stockholm. Yay Sweden!


Hah just giving you shit.. Though I did not know they did drkdunks, unless that's another label.

I still want a Rick ma1 but dat coppidge is more my speed.

Haha yeah they're drkshdw, it's just all the same stuff more or less. But yeah, gonna order a black one soon, can't wait.

EVOL 100%

Should have switched colors for the shoes and pants, and then lose the vest.

I guess that's too much of a schoolboy look but it'd look better than that.

edit: or yeah, just lose the vest.
Any other photos of that suit Rookje? I have a feeling it might look better in others. Love that color. The suit as a whole looks big though.

For what it's worth, I love what Gosling's stylist has been doing by giving him different colored suits at his last couple premieres. The blue and army green suits he wore not too long ago were astounding.




what's the diff between these two?

$700 and a name


But yeah, probably wouldn't buy mainline. In fact the two pants I have are probably good enough. Well I might grab a white RO tee if I can find one.

Also doing a closet purge, feels good.
What are those ones at the bottom?


Not sure if this 100% belongs in this thread - but it seems like it might, as this thread seems to also be about no longer being a boy, but a man.

Curious how people handle taking notes at the work place. Is everyone embracing technology - ipad for example. Or pen / paper?

Thinking about switching to Field Notes as they seem to have a nice grown up appeal to them.


As a real man, I use my montblanc pen.

Well actually just a pen and company paper. My law firm provides us with notebooks. I guess taking notes with any electrical device must be a hassle. Over all I feel that this field is not were one should demonstrate his adultness.


Not sure if this 100% belongs in this thread - but it seems like it might, as this thread seems to also be about no longer being a boy, but a man.

Curious how people handle taking notes at the work place. Is everyone embracing technology - ipad for example. Or pen / paper?

Thinking about switching to Field Notes as they seem to have a nice grown up appeal to them.


i just take a pad of paper and pen.


Hugo Award Winning Author and Editor
Yeah I think that suit looks a lot better in some of those pictures, mainly this one. Still think it's a bit long though.

are you going fishing?
My exact thoughts. Doesn't really matter if it's Jordan or DSquared, it's that bucket style hat that screams "I just got off the lake." I don't really see it working unless of course, you are a fisherman.
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