I've discovered the secret to perfect hair forever
I've discovered the secret to perfect hair forever
... did i say that i work for owens? did i ever imply that i know of all the clothes that the dude has "made"?
Yeah, shave it.
Okay MANSHION GAF, tell me a good pair of brown/dark brown (leather) desert boots that I can find at a mall. Going there in like 30 minutes. Preferably under $100, but willing to make exceptions for exceptional quality.
You make it sound like all malls are identical.
Cue the dontbelievehislies.jpg.Anyone know where I can find this hoodie for sale online?
Or have any other suggestions for stylish hoodies? I generally don't wear hoodies but I think I should have one in my collection.
I don't think I've ever seen a dressed up, overly stylized hoodie that didn't look a little off. Hoodies are like tees, KISS
Get the Clarks. Or whatever it is these guys are wearing.
too many amazing thrift shops with some crazy designer label shit in los angeles to even think about passing up used clothingSo... What do you guys think of used clothing? I saw on one of the sites I go to of people recommending getting allen edmonds used on ebay since they're pretty much half off. Is this a really bad idea? Some of them like this are actually in pretty good shape. Just curious what you guys think.
shoes weird me out. irrational but whatever. stuff I can get drycleaned or washed is fine IMO. sometimes it's the only way to get unique stuff that is no longer made. f it's all stained or tattered I pass.
I'd think allen edmonds go on sale or are available on grapevinehill etc for cheap enough that used really wouldn't be my first place to look.
Too easy but it's also an essential. Granted, I've never been upset with anyone foregoing the safe choice and taking the adventurous one, so I say go for it.full suit. keep in mind I have white shoesactually at the moment I don't have a grey suit, I got all dad-sized and it's too small. shoutouts to anyone who wants a 36r suit for cheap
the reason I want to skip on grey because well, that's just too easy you know?
For what it's worth, I've yet to hear any horror stories about the Clark's soles. In fact, they seem pretty durable. Granted, they aren't going to last you as long as say, something like a work boot will, but that's to be expected from not only the style but the price. Hope that helps.Am I wrong for thinking that the soles on those shoes will wear down fast? I've held them in my hands and they seem like erasers that will just be burned through by normal walking around, and that a normal leather sole will be better, no?
dat neck.
Suvins are cool. Right now, if I had to get a new pair of Naked & Famous I'd get the Vintage Dungarees. Those are sick.I'm about to cop some camo shorts, I've got too much camo going on right now
Also have Naked & Famous Suvin's coming in to my shop tomorrow. I don't need another pair of blue denim but I'm excited to try them on.
weird, I haven't looked there in ages, maybe they're out of business? places like sierratradingpost, shopthefinest, virtualclotheshorse and other carry nice discount stuff. not always allen edmonds, however. occasionally you'll see AE seconds on ebay (stuff that might not quite be AAA QC level, or samples), from what I hear they are fine.Ya, it's a little weird but I figured you could probably get them cleaned cheap enough.
I've never seen them on sale but I also don't really know where to look. Do you know of any specific places? Grape vine hill doesn't seem to be loading for me for some reason.
For what it's worth, I've yet to hear any horror stories about the Clark's soles. In fact, they seem pretty durable. Granted, they aren't going to last you as long as say, something like a work boot will, but that's to be expected from not only the style but the price. Hope that helps.
weird, I haven't looked there in ages, maybe they're out of business? places like sierratradingpost, shopthefinest, virtualclotheshorse and other carry nice discount stuff. not always allen edmonds, however. occasionally you'll see AE seconds on ebay (stuff that might not quite be AAA QC level, or samples), from what I hear they are fine.
Ya, it's a little weird but I figured you could probably get them cleaned cheap enough.
I've never seen them on sale but I also don't really know where to look. Do you know of any specific places? Grape vine hill doesn't seem to be loading for me for some reason.
Ive bought Allen Edmonds twice at Nordstroms Rack super cheap, if you have one of those nearby check there. Also as for buying used, AE offers all different levels of recrafting so for the right deal I say go for it.
recrafting link
Tried on about 10 pairs of jeans today. Naked and famous had some cool stuff, but the weird guy fit looked a little off and the skinny guy I couldn't even get on. Apc ps is an awesome fit, except that the rise is so low that if I bend my knees and sit down, the jeans are pretty much hanging beneath my ass. Didn't really like the new standard that much.
Ended up going over budget and getting the momotaro 0702. Fit its great and I love the colour. Now just got to get through the breaking in period, these are ridiculously rigid. Buttoning them up its painful even.
YesIs Scotch & Soda an okay brand
Hmm. Not sure if I can justify $100 (down from $250 lol) for a well-fitting spring jacket-y thing that is literally a single piece of fabric. Like, there's no lining or pockets or anything. I do like it, but common sense keeps saying this is so dumb.
Don't make me post those dress shoe worship vids
Yeah, I sag my apc petit standards a bit. another inch in the rise or so would be perfect, probably while i'll pick up diors once these apcs kick the bucket.
re: used clothing. i have no problem buying used, some of my best pieces are used, the only thing i'd be wary of is footwear. i'd probably only bite if they were worn a few times.
I dunno, all the model pics look fine, but on actual persons most pics in this thread looks like some sort of costume for me. I totally do not mean this in any way insulting though. It's just something I noticed. Maybe a cultural thing, dunno, but sometimes I fail to see the difference between the pics of people wearing stuff you guys really like and pics of people you make fun of.
Again, not intended to be insulting in any way.
Reposting since I got the last post on the page.
For macuser. Obviously I'd need the rest of the outfit, but there's your blazer.![]()