Gents of ManshionGAF I need your help. I feel it's time to somewhat reinvent myself, also in the fashion department. I however have no idea where to start... Never been one for fashion, I just wear my jeans and a shirt or tank top from H&M. So this is where you guys can hopefully help me out.
Over the last couple of weeks/months I've slowly been falling in love with the clothing style of the people from before the 50's. They just look classy and also insanely bad ass. This fondness for this style has been growing ever since I went to a retro barbershop and made
this video and I started watching Hell On Wheels. The look of Bohannon really struck a chord with me. I really dig his clothing style.
I also really like the suits they wear in the 40s en 50s.
Anyway, I'm kind of worried it would look kind of ridiculous if you would wear it nowadays. Or you'd look like either a businessman or a cosplayer. Also I just have no idea where to look for these kinds of clothes lol. I would greatly appreciate it if you guys could help me out here with some advice and maybe some links to a couple of fashion blogs with this style or links to sites where you could buy these kinds of cloths, preferably located in Europe and The Netherlands.