Hunky Nostradamus
let me paint you a picture here lunchbox
not but two years out of university, you are a up-and-coming ad executive at a fortune 500 company. you're up for a substantial promotion, but there is one other candidate you are in close competition with, some rube who makes the numbers work but has the class of a mcdonald's napkin.
football season rolls around, and everyone is welcome to wear something sports related on game day. naturally, this achilles heel of a schlub, gunning for your position, comes in donning some lame sports apparel and team sneakers. he strolls by your office, pokes his smarmy head in, passively-aggressively questioning out loud how you could talk so much of your love for the game but have nothing to show.
bemused, you casually look up from your computer, taking a moment from browsing your cougarlife profile (deleting all the requests from 8's since your inbox is full), smile confidently, and reply, "Your flammable polyesters are nice, but my loafers are made with the pebbled, high-quality tanned leather used in official NFL footballs"
The man turns ghostly white, heads to the elevator, and is never seen from again.
ahahaha I love you