size down for best fitguys i need some good, durable, cheap and stylish hoodies
size down for best fitguys i need some good, durable, cheap and stylish hoodies
HOLY FUCK IT'S HIM.I didn't know Acrid modeled tucked shirts.
let me paint you a picture here lunchbox
not but two years out of university, you are a up-and-coming ad executive at a fortune 500 company. you're up for a substantial promotion, but there is one other candidate you are in close competition with, some rube who makes the numbers work but has the class of a mcdonald's napkin.
football season rolls around, and everyone is welcome to wear something sports related on game day. naturally, this achilles heel of a schlub, gunning for your position, comes in donning some lame sports apparel and team sneakers. he strolls by your office, pokes his smarmy head in, passively-aggressively questioning out loud how you could talk so much of your love for the game but have nothing to show.
bemused, you casually look up from your computer, taking a moment from browsing your cougarlife profile (deleting all the requests from 8's since your inbox is full), smile confidently, and reply, "Your flammable polyesters are nice, but my loafers are made with the pebbled, high-quality tanned leather used in official NFL footballs"
The man turns ghostly white, heads to the elevator, and is never seen from again.
Twilight wears tuck
Terminator wears untuck (with sperrys)
thanks for settling the debate
these are nice where do i get some
hes working out
now what does arnold wear when hes out on the street terminating ladies?
boom. who's that handsome fella
What are some of your guys fashion peeves.
Every dude I see around work wears plaid fucking shorts. When will it die??
Once Lunchbox posted that picture I knew FallingEdge wasn't too far behind.
What are some of your guys fashion peeves.
Every dude I see around work wears plaid fucking shorts. When will it die??
Sneakers when worn inappropriately really bug me. You can have a really well thought-out, well put-together outfit that exudes class and sophistication, and then completely ruin the entire thing by wearing sneakers. Why do people do this? Yes they're more comfortable than any other shoe but you're doing yourself such a disservice by wearing them.
Ties with untucked dress shirts is one that really gets me. It's like the dude tried to be sophisticated with the tie but didn't want to go all the way with it.What are some of your guys fashion peeves.
Ties with untucked dress shirts is one that really gets me. It's like the dude tried to be sophisticated with the tie but didn't want to go all the way with it.
Business in the front, party in the back. It's the fashion mullet.
people wearing things
Low crotch pants.What are some of your guys fashion peeves.
People who wear things because forum members thought it would look good rather than because they wanted to
What are some of your guys fashion peeves.
Oh man I love this too.I enjoy it when other guys dress poorly, it provides a visual distinction between me and the jort-wearing peons.
You're just jealous you don't have any sneaker game
Oh man I love this too.
What are some of your guys fashion peeves.
That new trend where guys wear shorts over leggings.
guys i need some good, durable, cheap and stylish hoodies
lol kruger with dat ether
But how will I look alpha without a Supreme hat
GoodwoodNYC maybe?Got a question and maybe you guys can help.
I'm looking for hand carved wooden bead bracelets. There was a specific brand I was looking for, but can't remember the name. I remember the website completely though. It basically looked like a tumblr site, stripped down, simple and minimal in design. the company was run by a couple dudes and they made the bracelets all themselves. They charged about 40-50 bucks for their work and they looked quite amazing.
if anyone has any sites that sound remotely familiar, just toss em at me.
Well, I wear shirts too man.
Are Kanye-esque leather kilts okay?
guys i need some good, durable, cheap and stylish hoodies
ebay -> korean jacket
Maybe I can avoid ebay since I'm in Korea atm. Do you know the brand?
eh, i dunno, the listing said Fashion Korea, whatever that means
water you getting at?
no really.
I'm so confused. What are we talking about? I like those two jackets in the photo, that's what I'm getting at.
Yes, and the label was "Fashion Korea" in the ebay listing. The "water..." part of my post was directed at the two people above you.