The 50 Douchiest Clothing Items Of All Time | Four Pins
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Jake Woolf said:Ah yes, the mythical douchebag. Once an easily defined species, the douchebag has evolved throughout time and space to now represents a multitude of shapes, sizes, behaviors and, of course, wardrobes. The epic rise of the Internet has only exacerbated this factthe enormous influx of information shared has made the douchebag more clever than ever before. As this sect of assholes matured, so did their clothing choices. Items once regarded as classic staples have been unprecedentedly co-opted and bastardized, becoming symbols synonymous with ostentatious tackiness right before our very eyes. And that's exactly why we've outlined the 50 most recognizable garments in the history of douchedom, so that you are better equipped to identify, avoid and, ultimately, protect yourself against their socially corrosive ways. Godspeed.
First item on the list:
Big Logo Polos
Do you have a favorite polo brand? Well, how the fuck is anyone going to know what it even is unless the logo is AT LEAST 4 inches tall and 3 inches wide? Now everyone will FINALLY stop asking you where your totally awesome shirt is from!
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