Can somebody explain how this OR
would be appealing without using the word silhouette.
The first picture - designer labels and material qualities notwithstanding - looks patently ridiculous because it is what a cardboard box-dwelling homeless person would wear. It's cobbled together with nonsensical layers repeatedly piled upon each other in what appears to be some avant garde Friends cosplay.
On the other hand, the second one is pretty interesting (although the photo itself is lacking much detail thanks to the atrocious contrast and crushed blacks). Brings back the brief conversation about men wearing shorts with tights from several pages ago, and this fellow is rocking it hard. There's some visual appeal in the textural combinations - the dramatic cowl, quilting under crinkling leading down onto the sleeker solids... The deep, naturalistic colors are very complimentary together, as well.
Traditional menswear and all the dumb RULES that come along with it
is boring and has been for ages; we cycle through various cuts, from baggy to slim to billowy to flattering to short to long but we're always wearing more or less the same things. I mean, we're sitting here with the most daring "everyman" fashion trend being dudes' pants revealing their brightly adorned - or, shock!
bare ankles. Outfits like the above are never going to be commonplace (thank Christ) but luckily some guys are confident and creative enough to pull it off so the rest of us can maybe have the balls to try something beyond the status quo once in a while and stop caring so much if what we put on follows the big important checklist in the sky.