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March WrassleGAF |SHOW-T| Big Shoes Mean Big Appetites


It takes so little effort to have feuds each week. I spent 30 seconds a couple weeks ago writing two sentences about the inevitable Brodus v. Tensai breakup. 30 seconds. That's it.

RAW is three hours long. 5-7 minutes each week is more than enough to start telling multiple undercard stories. All it takes is dedication to doing it each week.

So frustrating.

It really does seem to be that simple. The main problem is the creativity and the fact that they have favorites. Sheamus and Barrett could've been a great match and it looked like a feud may have been starting since Sheamus trashed Barrett's promo for two weeks straight. But then they decided the hero Mr. Sheamus needed to serve justice with two other big names against the Shield. Why? There's no storyline there. They just want to fight because The Shield are super heel.
I don't think they have to feel that way at all, though. If you don't want to do the whole cheesy backdrop, you can have the guys hanging out on a set of stairs somewhere, or outdoors. It's wrestling. It's hyperbolic theatre.

Plus, keep in mind that the key to maintaining wrestling's success is to constantly appeal to younger generations. I loved watching colourful characters get all pumped and psyched before a match while they told me how they were going to squash the other guy.

Guys just talking to a camera for 3 minutes seems like a hard thing to take seriously. I'm not saying it can't work and in the past it has, but for me I think you either do it in the ring or backstage you're talking to somebody. I don't like scenarios where logically you can't justify logically why something is happening. Like when Del Rio popped up in a prerecorded thing during his entrance last night. It just totally takes me out of it and reminds me these guys are actors.


Guys just talking to a camera for 3 minutes seems like a hard thing to take seriously. I'm not saying it can't work and in the past it has, but for me I think you either do it in the ring or backstage you're talking to somebody. I don't like scenarios where logically you can't justify logically why something is happening. Like when Del Rio popped up in a prerecorded thing during his entrance last night. It just totally takes me out of it and reminds me these guys are actors.

I don't see how it's any different than a politician or public speaker making a speech to be honest. Just look at it as a campaign video. It's one of the main reasons I'm enjoying the Swagger pre-recorded stuff: it's getting the angle over, and it quickly lets me know what each faction is all about.

Here's a modern take on it by Dean Ambrose when he was Jon Moxley in Dragon Gate:


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Movies and TV shows have continuity experts on-site to make sure things make sense. Make sure things don't move. Make sure nobody does anything that is in a direct violation of how their character is written.

WWE needs to pay a couple of them.
MArk HEnery learned kick its super effective


and Boswer wanted this one
Classic Match of the Day;

Terry Funk vs Stan Hansen - (AJPW 04/14/83)

Super fun crazy brawl here between these two tough-as-nails Texans. Terry was so insanely over in Japan before his 1st retirement and the fans go wild seeing Stan do his best to destroy the man. Notice how quickly the flower girls GTFO of there - last time these two faced, Hasnen & Funk started brawling before they'd had a chance to leave the ring and one got knocked over hard onto her ass, lol. I love it when guys would go outside and get tangled up in the streamers, also, check out Stan trying to escape the spinning toe hold by busting Terry open. You can see Terry's stunned for a second, then the blood starts pouring all over Hansen. Fucking awesome, this is exactly how brawls should be done.


So not worth it


Only because it's Australia and they show NXT there.

I don't see why they don't do more to promote NXT in the US, put some recaps on Raw, Smackdown or even Main Event ffs. Have Big E wear his NXT Title while he stands around waiting for AJ to tell him to hit someone.

At least then you can generate some interest for the program while you try to sell it to a network and even get Hulu some customers as well.


Only because it's Australia and they show NXT there.

I don't see why they don't do more to promote NXT in the US, put some recaps on Raw, Smackdown or even Main Event ffs. Have Big E wear his NXT Title while he stands around waiting for AJ to tell him to hit someone.

At least then you can generate some interest for the program while you try to sell it to a network and even get Hulu some customers as well.

Stop being better at promoting the product than WWE.


Only because it's Australia and they show NXT there.

I don't see why they don't do more to promote NXT in the US, put some recaps on Raw, Smackdown or even Main Event ffs. Have Big E wear his NXT Title while he stands around waiting for AJ to tell him to hit someone.

At least then you can generate some interest for the program while you try to sell it to a network and even get Hulu some customers as well.

Until someone debuts and Cole yells "Thats _______ from NXT!!!!", NXT doesn't even exist. It felt weird during the Highlight Reel actually hearing Jericho refer to NXT, even though it was much different then.


So not worth it
Stop being better at promoting the product than WWE.

The problem is they're really close to becoming a better product, but they refuse to take the last step.

Every damn time.

For instance, this week they actually had some matches on Raw that were set-up last week. They had Bryan vs. Ziggler which had some sort of lead-in on Smackdown with the segment with AJ. They had Rhodes Scholars vs. NAO which was set up last week as well and they managed to set-up a tasteful story surrounding the death of the storyline father of two of their talents that both paid respect to the death of Bearer and draw heel heat to Punk. Good stuff.

But it's incidental at best and hardly extends beyond a week.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Classic Match of the Day;

Terry Funk vs Stan Hansen - (AJPW 04/14/83)

Super fun crazy brawl here between these two tough-as-nails Texans. Terry was so insanely over in Japan before his 1st retirement and the fans go wild seeing Stan do his best to destroy the man. Notice how quickly the flower girls GTFO of there - last time these two faced, Hasnen & Funk started brawling before they'd had a chance to leave the ring and one got knocked over hard onto her ass, lol. I love it when guys would go outside and get tangled up in the streamers, also, check out Stan trying to escape the spinning toe hold by busting Terry open. You can see Terry's stunned for a second, then the blood starts pouring all over Hansen. Fucking awesome, this is exactly how brawls should be done.

Marked for lunch break - can't wait. I'm one of the few that get NO enjoyment out of anything I've seen Terry Funk do (he's just not my kind of wrassler) - but if anything's gonna get me to turn the corner, this will be it.


NXT is not the NXT of old. NXT is a separate product now like FCW was a separate product when it was FCW. I like it that way.


The problem is they're really close to becoming a better product, but they refuse to take the last step.

Every damn time.

For instance, this week they actually had some matches on Raw that were set-up last week. They had Bryan vs. Ziggler which had some sort of lead-in on Smackdown with the segment with AJ. They had Rhodes Scholars vs. NAO which was set up last week as well and they managed to set-up a tasteful story surrounding the death of the storyline father of two of their talents that both paid respect to the death of Bearer and draw heel heat to Punk. Good stuff.

But it's incidental at best and hardly extends beyond a week.

The Bryan/Ziggler angle most likely ended when Big E did his thing to Dbry. No way that goes any further because its WWE. They'll just put him back with Kane and tease us on whether or not they are breaking up.
its weird that when the shield or Big E debut. Cole is yelling about how that person is from NXT when 95% of the people watching have no idea what nxt is.

like if we saw Big E 5 count fools on a some what regular basis we would under stand why he is a threat. but he looks like goofball out there(though i guess that is oart of his charm)
the Youngbucks are becoming self aware!!!

Oh dear, this just means more superkicks.

The Bucks vs The Inner City Machine Guns from PWG's DDT4 had, no joke, about 8 superkicks in the space of 30 seconds.

Sunflower said:
Marked for lunch break - can't wait. I'm one of the few that get NO enjoyment out of anything I've seen Terry Funk do (he's just not my kind of wrassler) - but if anything's gonna get me to turn the corner, this will be it.

Well, if that doesn't do it, try some of the tag matches he had - Terry was always at his best (in-ring, at least) when tagging with Dory, imo, and some of their tags in the mid-80's are up there with the very best. Here, Meltzer gave this one five stars;

Terry Funk & Dory Funk Jr. vs Stan Hansen & Bruiser Brody - (AJPW 12/08/84)


I actually have no problem with what they are doing with The Shield or Big E. So far, they have made The Shield look like a serious threat. They have also looked VERY good in the ring so it will only make their singles debut mo betta. The same thing with Big E. They're making him seem like a force that doesn't need to fight anyone yet. It's cool.

Jamie OD

Movies and TV shows have continuity experts on-site to make sure things make sense. Make sure things don't move. Make sure nobody does anything that is in a direct violation of how their character is written.

WWE needs to pay a couple of them.

I read years ago they did hire someone to do just that and he only lasted a couple of weeks.
I actually have no problem with what they are doing with The Shield or Big E. So far, they have made The Shield look like a serious threat. They have also looked VERY good in the ring so it will only make their singles debut mo betta. The same thing with Big E. They're making him seem like a force that doesn't need to fight anyone yet. It's cool.

no soubt both are being handled well i just wish there was some more mystery to it. like why does justin roberts know where seth rollins is from and how much he weighed in. they are better off not mentioning it all.

also raw should go back to 2 hours with the 8-9 hour being NXT.


So not worth it
I actually have no problem with what they are doing with The Shield or Big E. So far, they have made The Shield look like a serious threat. They have also looked VERY good in the ring so it will only make their singles debut mo betta. The same thing with Big E. They're making him seem like a force that doesn't need to fight anyone yet. It's cool.

It is, The Shield is pretty much the best thing WWE did last year.

Big E's debut was great, but they should've done more with him, but that's not his fault as they're currently burying Ziggler and that meanst burying Big E and AJ as well. They don't even get a televised entrance anymore, so.


So did the NAO die last night. I was pretty worried, they didn't move for like 6 minutes.

Also, Strobogo, how awkward was it live when Orton came out, then RS, then Shaemus after them. Of all the jobber entrances last night that one seemed really weird.

It was really weird and confused everyone. Especially since it went Orton, Rhodes Scholars, commerical so nothing happens for 3 minutes, then Sheamus.

Having Ryback come out and then go to break and then have 3MB come out was also weird. Everything about it was weird live. There are no such things as surprises at a live show since you see the camera crew scrambling to the ramp a full 2 minutes before anyone interferes, you could see where Shield was coming from before they came out, and so forth. They don't even try to hide it. Also, security were yelling at kids in the front sections (especially behind the announcers) because they were too animated. The only people who are genuinely excited to be there and they get yelled at for being excited.


Big E's just going to be squashing guys like Santino, Kofi, and Ryder. Then he moves to Brodus, Tensai, and possibly Kane. Enters main event, faces top face champion. Think of HBK/Diesel relationship. I'm sure he'll beat Zigs several times, but they need to balance the shit out.

What makes it sad is we all know who will be jobbing to these guys they plan on giving their monthly mega push to.


The Bryan/Ziggler angle most likely ended when Big E did his thing to Dbry. No way that goes any further because its WWE. They'll just put him back with Kane and tease us on whether or not they are breaking up.

Haven't they been doing Big E and Ziggler vs. Hell No! at the live shows? Man this shit is getting confusing. Jericho vs. Ziggler at WM looks scratched, I can't tell if Miz is done with Cesaro or if him vs. Barrett is just movie promotion, Sweet T have had only one match together I think. Is Big Show a face now because he fights The Shield?


So not worth it
Haven't they been doing Big E and Ziggler vs. Hell No! at the live shows? Man this shit is getting confusing. Jericho vs. Ziggler at WM looks scratched, I can't tell if Miz is done with Cesaro or if him vs. Barrett is just movie promotion, Sweet T have had only one match together I think. Is Big Show a face now because he fights The Shield?

You must be new, because Big Show changes alignment every six months by default. He's a face now until late spring/early summer, when he's back to being a heel.
i think they might be building a Rhodes scholars vs team hell no. Honestly i think creative has for forgotten that the tag titles exist. there is no tag divison and they have not had a defense in months

though it seems that a sandow cody feud is building. also at some point hell no are going to break up.

it would be nice to see cody win MITB this year.


i think they might be building a Rhodes scholars vs team hell no. Honestly i think creative has for forgotten that the tag titles exist. there is no tag divison and they have not had a defense in months

though it seems that a sandow cody feud is building. also at some point hell no are going to break up.

it would be nice to see cody win MITB this year.
If they have a tag title match, it should be between four teams:

New Age Outlaws, Bryan-Kane, Rhodes Scholars, and why not, just throw in Brodus-Tensai. Better booking would be to have Rhodes and Sandow go over and have a feud with the Outlaws.


I know everyone harps on the "Once in a Lifetime" tagline from Rock/Cena feud last year

But what about the "End of an Era" Triple H and Undertaker are both wrestling this year anyhow.. so what was the end of the era.. HBK's ref stint?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I know everyone harps on the "Once in a Lifetime" tagline from Rock/Cena feud last year

But what about the "End of an Era" Triple H and Undertaker are both wrestling this year anyhow.. so what was the end of the era.. HBK's ref stint?

End of An(other) Era
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