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March WrassleGAF |SHOW-T| Big Shoes Mean Big Appetites


the Bellas
when did this happen?

Mark Henry vs The Ryback never happened. 10 seconds after the bell rang, The Shield attacked Ryback. Ryback initially cleared the ring and faced back off with Henry, but the Shield got the better of Ryback on attempt #2. The Shield left Ryback laying with a trio powerbomb. After Shield left, Henry came back in and gave Ryback a World's Strongest Slam. And then another. And then another. Henry welcomed Ryback to the Hall of Pain.
I like how they are saving this, it's a HUGE match


I hate how they're acknowledging Moody is an actor who played Paul Bearer while in kayfabe they're acting like the character died. It's so awkward.


It's a goddamn work. World Wrestling Entertainment, with all their resources, sending Razor to world class rehab facilities, can't get him cleaned up. Yet we're expected to believe that former United States Champion Diamond Dallas Page can perform this miracle through positive thinking and hot yoga? GTFOutta here. It's a goddamn work and they're milking all the marks for every cent they can get.

Excuse you, DDP is a THREE TIME, THREE TIME, THREE TIME WCW Champion and also a WWF European Champion. You shut your whore mouth.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
So how did the Dynamite Kid: A Matter of Pride documentary turn out? Worth getting?

NJPW, "NEW JAPAN CUP 2013 - ROUND 1", 03/11/13
Korakuen Hall, Tokyo


1. New Japan Cup - Round 1: Satoshi Kojima vs Tomohiro Ishii
2. New Japan Cup - Round 1: Hirooki Goto vs Tama Tonga
3. New Japan Cup - Round 1: Manabu Nakanishi vs Toru Yano
4. New Japan Cup - Round 1: Hiroyoshi Tenzan vs Karl Anderson
5. Special Six-Man Tag Match: Hiroshi Tanahashi & Time Splitters (KUSHIDA & Alex Shelley) vs Apollo 55 (Prince Devitt & Ryusuke Taguchi) & Captain New Japan
6. New Japan Cup - Round 1: Togi Makabe vs Yujiro Takahashi
7. New Japan Cup - Round 1: Yuji Nagata vs Minoru Suzuki
8. New Japan Cup - Round 1: Kazuchika Okada vs Lance Archer
9. New Japan Cup - Round 1: Shinsuke Nakamura vs Davey Boy Smith Jr.

About to watch Nagata vs Suzuki, I expect it'll be all kinds of awesome.

Ah, no matter how disinterested I am for big matches in WWE, CMLL, and TNA, NJPW always comes through to make me care about them all their matches in a tournament because they treat it like it actually matters.

I just wish Okada had gone against someone else. Nothing against Archer, I just didn't get much from that match for either guy.


WWE said:
Fri Mar. 15, 2013 - 12:00 pm
Toys R Us Time Square, Level Three, New York City, NY, United States

Meet WWE Superstars Ryback and Sheamus for an exclusive autograph signing event! Note: Ryback and Sheamus will only autograph WWE merchandise purchased at Toys R Us Times Square or a WWE autograph card provided at the event. No other memorabilia will be signed. Tickets are limited to the first 225 guests who purchase $30 or more in WWE merchandise at Toys R Us Times Square, and bring the eligible receipt to the Personal Shopping department, located in the Level Two Barbie Dollhouse. Tickets are SOLD OUT.

Ryback and Sheamus, in the Barbie Dollhouse. That's great.



WCW Thunder 3/21/2001

The final episode of Thunder. As completely phoned in Thunder had been for two years, I full expect this to be more enjoyable than attending Raw last night. Only WCW would have a brand new opening video for their final Thunder. What.

Air Raid vs Jung Dragons

Oh Jesus, Air Raid now comes out in flight suits and aviators. AJ does kind of look like a redneck young Tom Cruise, though. Paris kind of looks like fat Val Kilmer if he was skinny, if that makes any sense. AJ gets belly to bellied into the corner.


At least Paris has semi professional looking gear now. It's just a singlet, but it looks 100% better than the blue and purple gear he was wearing. Styles Clash!


This is apparently going to be cruiserweight night, with another 6 man later and Jason Jett vs Kash. Burning Hammer from Paris. Paris is Burning? Yang does the leg crossed Juvi Driver. AJ does his rolling German into a face buster thing. Yang gets pushed off the ropes and takes a pretty harsh fall.


Air Raid apparently botch a superbomb spot since it cut to the crowd at the start of the move and then the move had been finished in the ring with no sound. Kaz pins AJ with a reverse bulldog.

YES. Commercials are left in. A sweet Oscar De Le Hoya ad. What a sexy little man.

Then a bizarre one with a kid getting a goose to lay a golden Gameboy so he can play Pokemon.


Dustin Rhodes comes out with a duffel bag. I hope it's burritos! No, it is a game of Pin the Naitch on the Jackass.

Some chap stick. "Everybody needs some chapstick when they're going to pucker up to an ASS!" Sound advise, Dustin. Scope and a room at the hotel for Ric and the donkey in case they want to have some fun. Ric pops up on Thunder Vision. He's pretty pissed about that ass kissing stuff. "I'm a serious personality in this sport!" Ric Flair hadn't been a serious personality since the late 80s. Dustin vs Jeff Jarrett/Scott Steiner is the main event of your final Thunder. Flair was fucking crazy on this and sounded like he developed a massive head cold right after Nitro or something.


Jason Jett vs Cash

As in, Kid Kash. This should be fun since they're pretty familiar with each other. Mild ECW chants at the beginning of the match. And by mild, I meant like 5 people were chanting it for 5 seconds. Kid hits a slingshot rana to the floor. Pendulum of PAIN! Huge tope from Kash.


Oh shit, Kash does an Octopus. Whisper in the Wind from Kash. Kash kicked out of the sit down reverse powerdriver thingy. Crash Landing is reversed into the Money Maker, but EZ kicked out due to Kash waiting to make the pin. EZ hits a gnarly Crash Landing for the win.


Just Visiting looked like an awful movie. Fucking sick of AOL commercials already.

TO THE BUFF CAM. Ric Flair apologizes to Rick Steiner for being accused of being the mystery attacker.

TO THE BACK. Cat talks with SMOOV and Ms. Jones. SMOOV/Cat vs Animal/Kanyon tonight!

SMOOV/Cat vs Kanyon/Animal

You had a good show going, WCW. Why would you run this? Why couldn't you put Kanyon with someone good? Why couldn't you let us have Positively Kanyon, the greatest Thunder gimmick of all, one last time? All I can think about is Glacier's return. They hyped that thing for like 2 full months and he ended up showing up on 2-3 Thunders and never even wrestled. SMOOV pinned Kanyon with a big splash.

Rick Steiner vs Hugh Morris

Is this the season finale of Thunder 2001 or Worldwide 1996? Rick did a full on Angle Slam. "Your mother and your sister and your brother and your mama" says Rick, presumably in response to someone telling him he sucks. Hugh gets his foot on the ropes after the Steiner Bulldog. Even on the last Thunder, Hugh can't get any offense in. Attempted ref bump just so Rick can kick Hugh in the dick. He uses a chair right in front of Hugh and the ref lets the match continue. He calls Shane Douglas out while holding Hugh's arm hostage. Shane comes out and gets beat up. The ref won't let Hugh use the chair, even though he let Rick use it. Shane uses the cast and Hugh hits a German suplex for the win. Shane gives Penzer a video tape. WCW booked faces like WWE books mid card champions today.

TO THE FRANCHISE CAM. Why can't guys just cut normal promos anymore? Why does everything have to be on a security camera or camcorder? Shane is going to make Rick his new project and will go after Flair next. He challenges Rick for a match on Nitro. Why don't I remember that happening on the final Nitro? Shane was rocking a small handlebar mustache.

Kid Romeo/Elix Skipper/Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Kidman/Rey Mysterio Jr/Shane Helms

Kid Romeo is from South Beach and it shows. He has that Miami douche attitude. "We've seen just about every body. We haven't seen Rey, or Prime Time." Lol, what? You haven't seen 1/3rd of the combatants, how is that just about every body? Rey does a flipping Asner Press, Chavo hits a suicide dive, Shane with the frog splash cross body, Romeo with a flying clothesline, and Kidman with a cross body. This is a boring dive sequence. Dragon suplex from Prime Time.


Gory bomb. Kid Romeo is fucking short. He's barely taller than Rey, but that little dude is jacked like a personal trainer who spends his day flexing on the beach. Kidman pins Romeo with the Kid Krusher. I wish there were more gifs for this. There wasn't really much in terms of flashy moves, which is weird in a 6 man cruiser tag.

A Playstation 9 ad aired. If they don't have mind control by PS9, this is false advertising. Extra Polar Ice commercials were obnoxious.

TO THE BUFF CAM. Moments ago, Rick Steiner threw some stuff around.

Palumbo cuts a promo on Mike Awesome.

Chuck Palumbo vs Mike Awesome

Sweet. Chuck is bigger and younger than Awesome. And dare I say better, too. Mike hit a big springboard plancha.


He comes back in with a slingshot splash and does a butterfly suplex. Chuck blocks a chair shot and hits his own. Awesome no sold it and went back to work. Match just kind of slowed to a crawl for a while. Mike misses a frog splash. Lance runs in and throws Chuck into the guard rail. O'Haire comes out and fights with Lance. Chuck gets out of the Awesome Bomb with a roll up, but it only gets 2. O'Haire trips Awesome while on the top and Chuck catches Awesome in a power slam. Jungle kick for the win.

Dustin Rhodes vs Scott Steiner/Jeff Jarrett

With Scott's injury, it makes more sense to me to not even have him in this. I'm sure Jeff will do most if not all the work, but why even put him in a match if you know he's injured and might not even make it to Nitro?

Animal found Ric laid out in his office. He's dead!

Back to the match. It was pretty short. Scott did about 2 moves and made Dustin tap out after a pipe shot. They continue after the match when Booker makes the save. Security guy Paul London! The last Thunder ever had AJ Styles and Paul London on it.

This was sad, not because it was the last Thunder, but because a 12 year old episode of Thunder that featured Cat/Animal/SMOOV in the same match and Jeff Jarrett in the main event was much more enjoyable than attending a Raw in March with Bork, Taker, Punk, Daniel Bryan, and Antonio Cesaro. That says terrible things about the current WWE product.


So not worth it
But the character did die. It's not like we'll ever see Paul Bearer appear in the WWE Universe again.

So true.

I guess the only thing that bothers me is that the character died because he was locked in a meat locker for months by Kane and Randy Orton. There should've been a Dr. Shelby segment where Kane vents about murdering his own father.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
It's a goddamn work. World Wrestling Entertainment, with all their resources, sending Razor to world class rehab facilities, can't get him cleaned up. Yet we're expected to believe that former United States Champion Diamond Dallas Page can perform this miracle through positive thinking and hot yoga? GTFOutta here. It's a goddamn work and they're milking all the marks for every cent they can get.

Even if it were, I'd feel like a piece of shit for not taking it at face value. If it's a work, it's a work, but I'd rather look like a dope and try to help someone instead of bring up negativity and make people doubt when someone needs real positivity.



Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Hey, WrassleGAF, I just built a PC last night and now I need Steam friends. I went through the February thread and compiled a list from people that had posted their user names there. Hopefully I didn't miss anybody, but if you want to be added to the list just reply or PM me.


Edit: I should also probably mention that the list contains XBL IDs and PSN IDs as well.

Hey I'm already there!

If you're looking to beef up your library on the cheap, visit the Neogaf Buy/Sell/Trade thread as we have a few folks over there that do good work.


Hey, WrassleGAF, I just built a PC last night and now I need Steam friends. I went through the February thread and compiled a list from people that had posted their user names there. Hopefully I didn't miss anybody, but if you want to be added to the list just reply or PM me.


Edit: I should also probably mention that the list contains XBL IDs and PSN IDs as well.

My PSN was taken when I created one last week. It is now: McNeily4
Even if it were, I'd feel like a piece of shit for not taking it at face value. If it's a work, it's a work, but I'd rather look like a dope and try to help someone instead of bring up negativity and make people doubt when someone needs real positivity.

I'm with Sun.

It's a lot different when on of your peers is trying to help you. Dallas is nothing but a wave of positivity. I don't doubt him for one second. Hell hall and Jake may fall off the wagon but it won't be because DDP wasn't genuine.
Arctic Rescue Ant's finisher is called the 2Radical MegaAir Tailbone Slammer: Xtreme.

Can the Extreme Colony be any cooler?


Announced for Wrestle Con.


Let the speculation begin as to whom the mystery partner will be. I think
Shane Storm
makes his return.


So not worth it
I'm with Sun.

It's a lot different when on of your peers is trying to help you. Dallas is nothing but a wave of positivity. I don't doubt him for one second. Hell hall and Jake may fall off the wagon but it won't be because DDP wasn't genuine.

One only has to look at Jake in the recent videos to know this isn't a work or fake. Jake has never looked this good or been this coherent since the mid-nineties.

Not a doubt in my mind this is 100% legit.

Who knows if it lasts, but for as long as DDP does his thing who can not be impressed?


Jake's said this is the longest hes been sober since he was 10.

After this many years of abusing their bodies I'm sure those guys just want to be healthy. DDP is just giving them the support system and a plan to make that happen. Seeing that there are a lot of fans that give a shit about them even when they're not on TV helps too.

Hey I'm already there!

If you're looking to beef up your library on the cheap, visit the Neogaf Buy/Sell/Trade thread as we have a few folks over there that do good work.

Cool! Thanks for the heads up. I always thought that thread was used mainly for physical item so I never entered much. I've got some FTP in-game credits from my graphics card purchase, hopefully I can turn those into something I'll use.

Jamie OD

Arctic Rescue Ant's finisher is called the 2Radical MegaAir Tailbone Slammer: Xtreme.

Can the Extreme Colony be any cooler?


Announced for Wrestle Con.


Let the speculation begin as to whom the mystery partner will be. I think
Shane Storm
makes his return.

This is a wild guess, but maybe Jushin Liger. He'll be in America wrestling for the Extreme Rising show in Philly on 4/4. The Review A Wai podcast hinted he may also be doing something for Wrestlecon. This would be a fitting match to do, Quack bringing in his hero to fight his turned star protege and the protege's evil doppelganger.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Cool! Thanks for the heads up. I always thought that thread was used mainly for physical item so I never entered much. I've got some FTP in-game credits from my graphics card purchase, hopefully I can turn those into something I'll use.

Lots of digital sellins over there because nobody likes to go to the post office :p
Arctic Rescue Ant's finisher is called the 2Radical MegaAir Tailbone Slammer: Xtreme.

Can the Extreme Colony be any cooler?


Announced for Wrestle Con.


Let the speculation begin as to whom the mystery partner will be. I think
Shane Storm
makes his return.

I'm super excited to see all the Batman action figures as ants.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I'm going to be running a Mania stream that'll be happening often up until this coming Mania. Sound good?


So not worth it
Sounds great Sun, love watching some old Mania's for that Nostalgia Feelin'.

Gonna need to open Photoshop and start working on that WM OP as well now that they've announced most of the upper card matches.


Does anyone else have certain events or matches that are generally disliked, but you love them cause of nostalgia?

WM13 seems to get shit on by most people, but it was my first WrestleMania so I don't think I can ever not like it. My parents made me go to bed right before the Chicago Street Fight that I was so hyped for. No matter how bad any of the matches were that show will never be anything but cool to me. I can't wait to rewatch it on the stream.
As someone who loved The Marine and most of Stone Cold's garbage DTV movies over the last few years, I really want to marathon all these DTV WWE films from the last few years. Crappy sequels to crappy originals with even lower budgets and crappier "stars" in the main roles? Sign me up!


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
As someone who loved The Marine and most of Stone Cold's garbage DTV movies over the last few years, I really want to marathon all these DTV WWE films from the last few years. Crappy sequels to crappy originals with even lower budgets and crappier "stars" in the main roles? Sign me up!


The Condemned was alright! So was See No Evil, if you expect it to be trash it totally delivers.


Can't we get a D-level Attorney Goes Rogue action movie starring David Otunga?

Delayed Justice.
Hung Jury.
Motion to Quash.
Final Verdict.


Can't we get a D-level Attorney Goes Rogue action movie starring David Otunga?

Delayed Justice.
Hung Jury.
Motion to Quash.
Final Verdict.

Otung Jury
Disqualified for Using a Metal Objection
Evidence to Convict

Co-starring Tiffany "New York" Pollard as the rival corrupt attorney.



Chikara is running Porterdale, GA May 4th. I may go to this show also. That is a little southeast of Atlanta. On a side note, I hate May the 4th jokes.
Short documentary from Vice about joshi wrestling promotion Ice Ribbon, following twelve year old Kurumi, who began training with the promotion at age nine;


a 12 year girl old works stiffer than the WWE guys.

T-minus 5 minutes to the Wrestlemania Forever Stream. All Wrestlemanias. Starting from 1.


Enjoy friends. :3

oustanding, thanks for the link, Sun.
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