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March WrassleGAF |SHOW-T| Big Shoes Mean Big Appetites

this was really the only gif of lockdown

>:| @ watching this Ricardo as Zeb skit for the third time since Friday

Man, it felt like 5x longer Monday during that long-ass show and the live crowd giving zero shits
That's not even me. You guys are using stupid CG effects and stuff. You can't even see my....whoever's face that is.


It's ok, Spin got revenge for us all, and showed that Heel knows how to put people over.



Wait a minute, does Hulk want to fuck Bubba? That's what I got out of their meeting backstage. Hulk seems more in love with him than Brooke. Also, Taz doesn't even act any different as the heel announcer. He says the same nonsense and jokes around with Tenay and that other guy all the time. It's so weird.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
Thanks for doing all those WCW recaps strobogo. I always like to know what went on and the history, but there was no way I could sit through it like you did.

As for Hogan and Taz, yeah, it really does seem that way. Which makes those earlier segments before the wedding, back when Bully was saying "there isn't anything going on! Stop assuming" and Hogan being mad and emotional made it all the more an unintended jealous love story now in hindsight.

Whatever happened to TNA's efforts in India? Ring Ka King.

It was only intended to be that initial run and airing for Ring Ka King and that was it. The school they helped set up is still going however.

Most recently TNA did "Boot Camp" with four British wrestlers to figure out who would get a contract, though in typical TNA fashion it didn't really matter who they picked as the "winner" in the end. Still good watching, and hope for another attempt.


Well, this is random.

Looks like WWE is putting out all the Wrestlemanias on DVD again. Well, 1-15 for now, and the rest later. Makes sense, they don't have to blur the WWF logo anymore. Finally, we'll get the unedited Manias we've been hoping for.


Turns out, Manias 1-14 are the exact same discs as were included with Wrestlemania Anthology, released in 2005. Blurring, dubbed Howard Finkle and shitty replaced music, it's all there!

Oddly, Wrestlemania XV is different. This is not an Anthology reprint. With XV, the first Mania to use the scratch logo, the logo is actually not blurred, and Finkle is not dubbed over.

However, the footage is fucking edited for violence.

Read this customer review from Amazon:

Unlike the other 14 DVDs released along with it, the new Wrestlemania XV is not the same DVD from the 2005 Wrestlemania Anthology, though it does have the same menu style and likewise lacks disc art or extras. The WWF logo is not blurred, Tori has her original theme, "WWF" is spoken and there are no dubbed Howard Finkel announcements. However, it has been edited for violent content. Total running time for the 2005 release of WM XV is 2:46:23, but the total running time for this 2013 release of WM XV is 2:39:03. Notably, the video package and entire postmatch segment were edited from Boss Man/Undertaker, and they also spots where Boss Man choked Taker and Austin choked The Rock.

Differences that I found (time based on more complete 2005 timecode):
16:09: 2013 restores a 5 second shot of Holly walking away with the belt cut from 2005

18:23: 2013 extends the bickering of Test and D'Lo when 2005 dissolves to a shot of the audience. 2013 cuts to the audience after one second of bickering, a little before the point of the dissolve in 2005.

48:51: 2013 restores a half second shot of an audience member giving the finger.

50:05: 2013 restores a half second of dead frame as Road Dogg ducks before a cut to the crowd.

1:25:02: 2013 cuts a 10 second shot of Big Pun in the crowd.

1:26:58-1:27:08: Alternate footage. The lead in on both cuts is Tori walking to the ring. 2005 cuts to 5 seconds of video package from Raw, 2013 cuts to Tori attempting to slide into the ring and getting an axe handle from Sable. At 1:27:06 2005 and 2013 are in sync again, with 2005 not showing the axe handle at all and 2013 showing none of the video package.

1:31:09-1:31:18: Alternate angles. 2013 shows this attempt at a Sable Bomb in a single close profile shot. 2005 cuts to a wider profile shot and then to a shot from behind Sable.

1:33:13: 2013 restores an extra 1 second of Lawler before the X-Pac/Shane match graphic, and the graphic runs about 5 seconds longer as well. It's interesting because in 2005 it flashes to the DX promo, while in 2013 in dissolves to the promo, so in 2005 you can like see everyone with their eyes down, which you don't notice in 2013 because of the dissolve. By the time the dissolve finishes everyone's eyes are up.

1:48:02-1:50:23: 2013 removes the Undertaker video package in its entirety, though it does tack on a 3 second shot of the M&M blimp in its place.

1:58:29-1:58:50: 2013 removes Boss Man choking Undertaker, replacing 18 seconds of violence with 3 seconds of Paul Bearer B roll.

2:05:11-2:08:36: 2013 completely removes the hanging of Boss Man, cutting right to the Rage Party.

2:08:38: 2013 is reversed here for some reason, and notice whatever kinda ghosting or overlay is goingon with the WWF logo.

2:09:19: 2013 cuts 30 seconds of the Rage party vignette here.

2:09:49: 2013 cuts a 4 second shot from the Rage party.

2:25:35-2:25:50: 2013 cuts Austin choking Rock, replacing it with a three second crowd shot.

2:45:27: 2013 completely cuts Undertaker/Boss Man from music video, and oddly also the Shawn/Vince stuff afterward, picking up with the shot of The Rock's entrance.

Some title graphics were not altered for 2005 (Hardcore, Brawl for All), but the ones that were are restored on 2013.

I'm really shocked at some of these edits. We're gonna have to somehow let WWE know that these alterations are not cool. Particularly the two choking shots but really all of it. These events should be uncut. I have to give it one star because they didn't make any kind of mention of the editing.

First Star Wars, now wrestling. Why can't I just get the originals that I remember from my childhood?

Also, further reprints of Wrestlemania 13 DVD will edit out the Bret Hart/Austin match entirely, and Benoit is completely absent from all future releases, including Wrestlemania 20.


formerly cjelly
Well, this is random.

Looks like WWE is putting out all the Wrestlemanias on DVD again. Well, 1-15 for now, and the rest later. Makes sense, they don't have to blur the WWF logo anymore. Finally, we'll get the unedited Manias we've been hoping for.


Turns out, Manias 1-14 are the exact same discs as were included with Wrestlemania Anthology, released in 2005. Blurring, dubbed Howard Finkle and shitty replaced music, it's all there!

Oddly, Wrestlemania XV is different. This is not an Anthology reprint. With XV, the first Mania to use the scratch logo, the logo is actually not blurred, and Finkle is not dubbed over.

However, the footage is fucking edited for violence.

Read this customer review from Amazon:

First Star Wars, now wrestling. Why can't I just get the originals that I remember from my childhood?

Also, further reprints of Wrestlemania 13 DVD will edit out the Bret Hart/Austin match entirely, and Benoit is completely absent from all future releases, including Wrestlemania 20.
Are they not even new transfers? They really seemed to have cleaned up some of that mid-late 90s stuff now and it looks really crisp.
Also, further reprints of Wrestlemania 13 DVD will edit out the Bret Hart/Austin match entirely, and Benoit is completely absent from all future releases, including Wrestlemania 20.

Glad i bought the WM 20 DVD in time. It didn't come in the original tri-fold pack but it had all 3 discs... And Benoit


I am having a hard time believing A8 is a real group.

Mike Knoxx
D'Lo Brown
Mr. Anderson
Wes Brisco
Garrett Bischoff

This can't be real. Not only is it the worst stable ever, it's probably the worst long term angle ever. 9 months and they still don't even have a reason or purpose for being around except for wanting to play cards at Universal Studios. Now that they aren't going to run the Impact Zone, do they still really care? All they wanted was to wear vests and play poker there. They should have just left everyone masked so no one could be disappointed when they found out they were WWE jobbers and rejects, or worse, Garrett Bischoff. Wes isn't even a real WWE reject; he's a FCW reject. Even the Invasion was better than this. WHY is this still running? I can't believe they still haven't even given a motivation for A8. After 9 months. This thing should have ended or escalated at least 3 months ago. But nope, all these people who worked for WCW don't see the problem with a big heel group full of straight up losers going on way too long with no story progression at all.

This show has been boring as fuck. Not even A Double and B-Roode could have an interesting match. I'm currently at Kurt/Brisco. It sucks. Ref bump in a cage! Tenay and Taz's bickering might be worse than King and Cole at their height of feuding. Kurt Angle now reminds me of the ED-209. Tenay is such an annoying cunt. I can see his Tenay faces through his voice. This whole angle better lead to D'Lo returning to the ring. This show is just making me realize why I stopped watching TNA in the first place. It's exactly the same as it was in November.


My Vietnam is actually WCW 1999. WCW 2000 is more like my Iraq. Bubba joining is the only thing to make A8 even halfway legit. If he had been the first guy to reveal himself, it might have saved the angle from the start. If this ends in Eric Bischoff being revealed as the true leader and this was all a long term revenge plan, TNA deserves to fail for good and be bought out by DJ Hyde. The only guy that can save this is Vince Russo. Angle would totally be redeemed if he was the higher power. I also would have been okay if they wrestled the whole match and then all of Team TNA turned on Sting as soon as he got to the ring because he's Sting and his partners always turn on him.

I wish Festus and Mike Knoxx had come into TNA completely unrelated to this stupid angle. They're both big awesome dudes and are capable of so much more than this garbage angle.


Honestly, more John Cena probably would have made the show better. Him coming out after the show was the first reaction from the crowd in about an hour and a half.
If you had brought a WrassleGAF Loves Cena sign, they would have sent him out sooner.
You have only yourself to blame.


This is fucking stupid. Hart vs. Austin is one of the best matches in WrestleMania history.

I'm trolling. If they edited arguably the greatest match in wrestling history off the dvd there would be riots.

But if they're gonna edit out Bossman being hanged and a couple of seconds of choking... Austin/Hart was far more graphic.
My Vietnam is actually WCW 1999. WCW 2000 is more like my Iraq. Bubba joining is the only thing to make A8 even halfway legit. If he had been the first guy to reveal himself, it might have saved the angle from the start. If this ends in Eric Bischoff being revealed as the true leader and this was all a long term revenge plan, TNA deserves to fail for good and be bought out by DJ Hyde.

bubba is the leader which is insane. like why this long con when he could ahve been champ 6 months ago?


If you had brought a WrassleGAF Loves Cena sign, they would have sent him out sooner.
You have only yourself to blame.

I was too high up for any sign to make it to TV. After 10, the only things the crowd got excited for were the RKO/Bro Kick and Jericho.

bubba is the leader which is insane. like why this long con when he could ahve been champ 6 months ago?

Maybe he'll explain things on Thunder. Just by how this angle has gone, I don't believe for a second that Bubba is really the top guy. I think in another 2-3 months, the real leader will finally be revealed. Probably at Slammiversary. I can see 4 options for the higher higher power.

1. Eric Bischoff. Pretty obvious. The angle started up about a month after he went off TV. Probably the most obvious choice.

2. Jeff Jarrett. Also a pretty obvious choice. He's been forced out of power of his own company like 5 times now and came up with A8 to get his power back.

3. Hulk Hogan. Because SWERVE. This is probably the most TNA of all the choices. It would make absolutely zero sense, but Bully Ray joining makes no sense, either.

4. It's never revealed. The angle either dies out or TNA gets mad when the choice is leaked online, so they never reveal who was really at the top. This is also a pretty TNA choice.

My guess is either 1 or 4. More likely 4 since I can definitely see this angle just ending on a random Impact and it not being mentioned again. Kind of like the whole Immortal thing where Hogan came into TNA specifically to take it over and run it into the ground, no one believed Sting for a whole YEAR, but then Hogan taps out and Dixie and Sting thought it was totally a good idea to put him back in charge of the company. Even though Hulk and Eric's plan in taking over TNA was straight up to embezzle, ruin the company, and leave when there was no money left. Because Sting is the one that believed in Hogan's change of heart, I feel 3 can't be ruled out. I actually feel like Jeff is probably the least likely choice, just because I think he's done as an active competitor and they've basically retconned Jeff's involvement of the start of TNA in favor of Dixie Carter.
1. Eric Bischoff. Pretty obvious. The angle started up about a month after he went off TV. Probably the most obvious choice.

2. Jeff Jarrett. Also a pretty obvious choice. He's been forced out of power of his own company like 5 times now and came up with A8 to get his power back.

3. Hulk Hogan. Because SWERVE. This is probably the most TNA of all the choices. It would make absolutely zero sense, but Bully Ray joining makes no sense, either.

4. It's never revealed. The angle either dies out or TNA gets mad when the choice is leaked online, so they never reveal who was really at the top. This is also a pretty TNA choice.

5. Goldberg.


Well, this is random.

Looks like WWE is putting out all the Wrestlemanias on DVD again. Well, 1-15 for now, and the rest later. Makes sense, they don't have to blur the WWF logo anymore. Finally, we'll get the unedited Manias we've been hoping for.


Turns out, Manias 1-14 are the exact same discs as were included with Wrestlemania Anthology, released in 2005. Blurring, dubbed Howard Finkle and shitty replaced music, it's all there!

Oddly, Wrestlemania XV is different. This is not an Anthology reprint. With XV, the first Mania to use the scratch logo, the logo is actually not blurred, and Finkle is not dubbed over.

However, the footage is fucking edited for violence.

Read this customer review from Amazon:

First Star Wars, now wrestling. Why can't I just get the originals that I remember from my childhood?

Also, further reprints of Wrestlemania 13 DVD will edit out the Bret Hart/Austin match entirely, and Benoit is completely absent from all future releases, including Wrestlemania 20.
Benoit I understand, but removing Hart/Austin?

fuck everything. what the hell is the point of these watered down dvds..

Aces & 8's makes more sense


So not worth it
Why are they showing that Del Rio/Rodriguez spoof video again on Main Event. That's the third time they've shown it and it wasn't even that funny.

So weird. Why?


My brother and I played Wrestlemania 2000 on N64 last night. We did a Royal Rumble for a belt that I created back in 2000 when I was 10. The last 4 people of the 30 man rumble was Mankind, Matt Hardy (me), Stone Cold (my brother), and Chaz. I managed to eliminate Mankind first but then my brother threw me out immediately after. For revenge, I was able to pull out Stone Cold right before he was going to eliminate Chaz. What a champion he will be.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
These are probably the most understated tights Macho Man has ever worn.

Also lel @ Chaz. Good god. I liked him in the GWF (the real GWF from the 90s) but never understood why he never had a good run in WWF.


I can tell you exactly why Chaz didn't go anywhere: He was decidedly average both in the ring and out. Then he had three mid card for life gimmicks in a row.

Lockdown sucked. In true TNA fashion, Bully's reveal was about 4-5 months too late, and pulling the trigger on a Bully Ray title win was at least a year and a half over due.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I can tell you exactly why Chaz didn't go anywhere: He was decidedly average both in the ring and out. Then he had three mid card for life gimmicks in a row.

Hey I was totally invested in his character in GWF! Him and Hot Stuff Eddie Gilbert could work a great angle :(

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Perfect makes that match, but Bossman is no slouch at that time. Really good at in-ring work, but I also fear this might be part of his lazy period.


No One Remembers
I remember when I first got back into wrestling my dad and I went to a house show (Nov, 1998 in Toronto). On the way back we stopped in an HMV and I asked if I could get a wrestling tape - I picked up WM7. Good times.
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