Spider from Mars
tap that thorax
The first of 2 good matches!
So this is what the thread is like when it's in a constant state of watching something? Weirdddddd
Once the first airing is done it'll calm down, just think of it like a weekend marathon.
It's mindblowing how much content is strictly at Wrestlemanias. None of these have the preshows either, which usually would last an hour. A shame, because there's one where JBL creams, just CREAMS Hornswoggle with a trash can. One of my favorite moments.
That's nothing compared to modern tag team title matches!
Didn't appreciate it at the time, but Kat has a great body.
Holler if you hear me!
They should rename that Big Poppa Park.
You know, I just thinking something. WWE should go to a five month season instead of running full time year round. This way they can keep their big stars fresh and not wear them out like they tend to. A five month season could be like:
Month1: Build + Money In The Bank/Rotating PPV MITB contract good for 2 seasons to also give the potential for the MITB gimmick to carry into the season without the MITB PPV
Month2: Build + Royal Rumble
Month3: Build + Elimination Chamber
Month4: Mania Build
Month5: Build + Mania + Aftermath
Cut out all the fat from the schedule and allow them to develop new talents in the off time with shows like NXT which could run year-round and also truly develop storylines with a beginning, middle and end.
Holler if you hear me!
They should rename that Big Poppa Park.
But then they miss out on the money they get year-round by working their core talent to the bone. It's just too risky and doesn't pay off even remotely quickly, and WWE is such a machine that consumes money like no other. They can't go off-season. It's too big!
Off season they can focus on merch and putting their top stars into good movies, instead of shitty movies that take a week to film because they're on such a tight schedule.
Watching these old Manias.. when was the last time Mania had a major heel/face turn?
Seemed like happened all the time back then
As a man o' business my question would be:
Why would they need time off to focus on merch while that's something that is being done or should be done while the product is currently working?
I was hype for the worm just then, it's the king of stupid moves, the Cobra can't even polish the Worms boots, not that worms (or Cobras) have boots.people hype for the worm.
must be 2000
The worm was more over than 99% of the current roster
He is great in Kaiju Big Battel also.Gavin Loudspeaker is the true star of that promotion.
Seriously, that guy is 100% showman. He would be a great manager in WWE if he wasn't having fun doing Chikara.
Mr. Sandman said:You know what I took away from finally seeing Chikara live? Gavin Loudspeaker is the true star of that promotion.
Seriously, that guy is 100% showman. He would be a great manager in WWE if he wasn't having fun doing Chikara.