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March WrassleGAF |SHOW-T| Big Shoes Mean Big Appetites


Vince, I'm not sure that "The Modern Day Kamikaze" is a great nick name for a Japanese face in America.



The Billionaire Ted stuff is so petty. It's worse than anything shots TNA has taken at WWE. It's straight up pathetic and the only thing I get from watching it is that Vince was butthurt to the max because someone else dared to do what he does and pay people better for it.

Stro, those Vader gifs are <3

The slap was my favorite. Even better was how Jack Doan just walked up and got all up in Vader's face like he was some king bad ass.


Forgot how much I enjoy Chris Hero vs Bryan Danielson from PWG's Guerre Sans Frontieres - both guys kick the absolute shit out of each other over the space of 40 minutes, just a brutal match with a great story that both guys sold perfectly. Danielson was/is SO fucking good, I really miss him on the indies.



What a great match that was. I hadn't had the pleasure of seeing that one before. The part afterwards, him with everyone in the ring, that was great to watch too. Poor Dolphin... you bastard Kendrick.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Bummed I didn't get to meet Mechashiva tonight at SRPW. Had brought a few pals, who wanted to leave at intermission (wrestling ain't their thing) and since I was driving, had to take em back. Super bummed about that :(


No One Remembers
Bummed I didn't get to meet Mechashiva tonight at SRPW. Had brought a few pals, who wanted to leave at intermission (wrestling ain't their thing) and since I was driving, had to take em back. Super bummed about that :(

You need new friends. <3


Torrie Wilson >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Stacey Kiebler

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
You need new friends. <3


Torrie Wilson >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Stacey Kiebler

They were one of those...non-wrestling friend types.

Had to endure a good-natured but eyeroll worthy discussion on the way home. "I practice martial arts and I'm not sure exactly how wrestling works, it looks like SOMETIMES they slap them really hard..." etc. It's not that bad, everyone just knows the type :)

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Stacy took a deep breathe to calm herself. She had been struggling with the cloth that tied her to the bed. She only remembered walking into her and Randy's locker room and then someone had shoved some kind of cloth under her nose and now she was here. In a dark bedroom tied to a large bed. Just as she was about to scream out her frustration through the gag the door opened and slammed shut in one movement.

Hunter, Stacy drew in a sharp breathe.

"Finally decided to wake up?" he asked smirking.

Stacy glared at him hatefully.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" she snapped. Worried at the gleam that was in his eyes. "Oh, nothing," he said teasing her. He placed one finger at the bottom of her lip and dragged it down to her stomache. Grinning at the gooseflesh that appeared. He smirked. "You like that?" he asked.

"No, I don't," she sneered. "Besides from I what hear from Stephanie you just take what you can and walk away."

Hunter's face darkened. "You know, I was going to go slow, make you want it, enjoy it, but now I'm just going to fuck you like the little slut that you are."

Stacy's eyes widened in terror. "Wh what?" she asked fearfully.

The only answer she got was a sick smile. "Ready?" he asked grimly.

It goes on from there, and it's pretty gross.


i meant something a little more drama, with Stacy cheating on Sin Cara with Ric Flair. not Triple H capture her in his dungeon!


It's so weird how different Austin looked when he shaved his head and grew some facial hair. He really looked like a different person from one Raw to the next. Also, that dude had some massive thighs.


Two new titles added to Netflix:


WWE: The Best of Raw & SmackDown 2012


WWE: The Top 100 Moments in Raw History

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Suddenly, it dawned on A.J. that she was surrounded and everyone was advancing on her from all sides now. One cardinal rule during a Too Cool ring dance was this: You NEVER, EVER, under any circumstances, stole the shades off whomever Rikishi chose to wear them! That was NOT Too Cool! Little A.J., all by herself in the ring, just trying to have some fun, was now trying to remember which manipulative face to wear in order to get what she needed. Mischievous? No. Playful? No. Ah, there it was! Remorseful! Rikishi's heart melted at the sight of A.J. with her moist, saucer-like anime eyes.

Oh god, this looks so bad.

Then, without any provocation, A.J. skipped around the Samoan Stinkface Machine in that preschool Ring-Around-the-Rosy manner which we'd come to know as an A.J. pastime.

She then faced the north corner of the ring and, with one hand pointing to the bottom turnbuckle, she flashed him an atomic grin, an electric smirk, a mushroom cloud of body language which seemed to percolate and say "Okay, I know I must be punished." If that didn't turn Rikishi's world upside down, the next thing did, when she actually said that, and a whole lot more.

"Okay, Rikishi…" she said, positioning a microphone three inches away from her mouth as they'd taught her to prevent feedback, "I know I have to be punished. I'll submit myself to your inarguable stature in this business and your unalienable authority, which I will now uphold. I won't even try to talk my way out of it. I know it's not up for debate and I have no choice but to bend to your will and obey the instructions of a future Hall of Famer or face penalties and fines levied against me in Wrestlers' Court. I hereby recognize that, since locker room rule of law is unwritten, unregulated code, I COULD pursue some form of legal recourse but I hereby waive any rights to do so and offer up my body at your discretion… I am but a woman in a sea of men and I long to be instructed! Teach me, Mr. Fatu!"

Rikishi couldn't believe the endless torrent of words coming out of this girl's mouth. This bitch is crazy, period! End of story! She's gone! He thought to himself, flummoxed, In all my years in this business, the only thing she mentioned I have any clue about is Wrestlers' Court. What was all that other stuff? I've never seen this in all my years in this sad, strange, mondo bizarre business, and as he composed his thoughts, she was still prattling on. Everyone else had left the ring in fear, boredom or an even mixture of both.

"-A firm hand to guide me because of that! I'm a woman, and that means that… That I sometimes feel things I don't mean, even though I mean to feel them! What I guess I'm trying to say, Kish, is that I'm ready for my close up. You're going to stinkface me, and there's nothing I can do to prevent it."

A.J. extended her arms outward as if going in for an embrace of a close friend.

"Come and get me, you golden Buddha, you! Finish me off, big boy!"

A.J. threw herself down with anxious fury to land in the corner. She was giggling softly to herself as she tied up her hair into a firm bun, holding up her right hand to pause the proceedings, then when she was well and truly ready, she beckoned Rikishi to to come park it on her impish complexion. Rikishi picked up the microphone she had laid at her feet. He was in absolute shock; Stunned, speechless, incredulous, baffled. Any one would suffice but still couldn't capture the unique exasperation which decorated the Samoan entertainer's face.

There were mixed reactions about what he should do with this itty bitty slip of a young woman with the perky titties and the butt that could heat an entire city (no wait, the butt was Rikishi's!).

Large portions of the audience demanded he honor her REQUEST for him to smother her amazingly faun-like features between his fleshy gravy biscuits. The dissenters were a bit more scattered, but their boos did sting the Kish's surety.


"Give it to me, PLEASE!" A.J. begged as she cupped his ass cheeks in her tiny hands, which was like an ant colony trying to move a sand dune. Rikishi decided to go about this a little differently. She might live to regret asking Santa Kish for this present, he thought humorously as he pulled down his tights completely so that they dropped around his ankles. A.J. Lee was about to become the first diva ever to receive a bare ass stinkface! And she was still excited, kicking and swinging her feet around like she'd found Wonka's Golden Ticket.

"OH, YES! PUNISH ME! PUNISH MEEEE! PLEEEEASE!" she cried, moaning out the final string of syllables as she pounded her fists against his flab.

Rikishi had had enough. He would punish her, and she would not enjoy it as much as she thought she would. He crouched down so his knees were bent, then pressed upward to raise A.J.'s chin to meet her fate. He pressed his pelvis forward in order to increase the impact, then crashed into Miss Lee's face with reckless abandon. Her face was now submerged in the same area that kept Rikishi's toilet warm. Speaking of which, he'd had a rough battle that evening with a backstage stall, so that parts of the menu from the Indian restaurant kept sluicing out of his bowels in juicy, gushing torrents. He'd wiped and wiped, but the sweat and anal leakage made it a lost cause. AJ was tasting it at such high doses as he smothered the nerd queen's face that it would inform the flavor of everything she ate for two weeks and no perfume would mask it for at least three, which made her colleagues both male and female keep her at a considerable distance from them lest her body odor rub off on them.

I can't do this anymore, I quit


Data West

coaches in the WNBA
All I remember about Vader in WWF was Owen throwing water in his face and making him fall over himself at the Slammy's.


Yeah, still pretty stupid that Booker T didn't win the title here.

Yeah, it would've made him huge at the time and they could've had the feud continue for multiple PPVs. Triple H retaining it, especially after that fucking promo, was completely worthless.

And shit, JR hyped up how important the match was for Booker the ENTIRE TIME. He made it seem like a loss was career-ending and while it wasn't completely, it was pretty damn damaging.


Yeah, we get it. Booker broke the law and is black. We don't need to hear about how he tried to buy things at the mall with cartons of cigarettes.


Yeah, it would've made him huge at the time and they could've had the feud continue for multiple PPVs. Triple H retaining it, especially after that fucking promo, was completely worthless.

And shit, JR hyped up how important the match was for Booker the ENTIRE TIME. He made it seem like a loss was career-ending and while it wasn't completely, it was pretty damn damaging.

He pretty much never recovered after that until he got to the King Booker gimmick. There was no reason for HHH to keep the belt either since the entire story was set up for Booker to win.


HHH kicks out of all of Booker's moves but Booker doesn't kick out of the Pedigree even though it takes HHH a while to pin him. Pretty badly booked.


Everyone says Booker got screwed by Goldberg coming in, but Goldberg didn't win the title until September. He wasn't even in the WHC scene at all after that. He got dumped right into the IC level and had that terrible feud with Christian. Then he got hurt and was pretty much a non-factor until he went to Smackdown and even then it was only at the US level.

Dude just got straight jobbed and thrown away for no reason I can see besides being a WCW guy. Even Goldberg didn't have enough power to match HHH's shovel during that period.
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