Don't worry guys, he'll be back to mentor the Miz.
Apparently my computer is going to reset in <5 minutes. I'm trying to keep it from doing that, but it might happen. A shame, I have the biggest viewer count in personal history![]()
Mine did that this morning, resistance is futile. Are you on Windows 8?
Oh? You mean Sunny Sunday Morning with Sunflower (and games)!
Random wrasslin' stream;
Got a great Michinoku Pro show from 2000, a whole bunch of 90's New Japan and some NOAH.
Why isn't this a Barbershop Window shirt?
Is that Tokyo Magnum? I just tuned in, and I'm pretty sure it is!
Hope wasn't already posted
I don't think that's a valid complaint when teenage and young adult males are super into MMA, which is almost always far more homoerotic than pro wrestling. Any fight that goes to the ground is "gayer" than anything non Goldust/Rico/Billy and Chuck related you're going to see in pro wrestling.
Young males and teens aren't watching wrestling because it's been fucking lame for years. Not because dudes are scared of some man ass.
Are you serious? They're legitimately trying to beat the shit out of each other in MMA, that fact alone makes it less "gay" and more "cool" to the younger crowd. Not comparable.
Also, they don't wear underwear that shows off half of their ass. (correct me if I'm wrong)
A lot of MMA competitors wear pretty much the same as wrestling tights. If anything it's even more form fitting.
According to the most recent reports by Box Office Mojo, "The Call" featuring WWE Superstar David Otunga is off to an unexpected start this weekend following its debut.
While "Oz the Great and Powerful" kept its strong lead, "The Call" beat out "The Incredible Burt Wonderstone" featuring the likes of Steve Carell, Jim Carrey, Olivia Wilde, and Steve Buscemi. The film debuted with $6.2 million over 2,507 locations, and is expected to gross between $13 and $16 million for the weekend, surpassing its budget in the first three days.
The only difference between boxing, mma, and wrestling is the booking and the amount of fixing.
They all share promos, managers, and booking. And various degrees of fixing. MMA and boxing even have their own term for jobbers. MMA and boxing competitors will often cooperate with other and make outlandish comments that they don't really mean to drive up the buys from the marks.
If the WWE can't sell a match to a people, it's because of their booking sucking and hype machine being terrible, not because the competitors are not trying to actually harm each other (in theory)
hmmmf. Not bad.
Just finished Raw... not sure how I feel, I guess exhausted. I fast forwarded some of the matches and still feel a bit deflated.