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March WrassleGAF |SHOW-T| Big Shoes Mean Big Appetites


Monsoon just made a terrible call. Goldust brought the IC Title in the ring, but Savio Vega was the one to actually use it and pin Goldy. One ref wanted to DQ Savio, and the other counted the fall. So Gorilla makes the logical decision to...strip Goldust of the title? Goldy TRIED to cheat, sure, but he didn't. Savio did. So Savio should be DQ'd and Goldust retains. Nope. Vacate the title and make them have a rematch next week. Monsoon wasn't even the president anymore, Piper was in charge.


Ain't nothing gay about pro wrestling!


Man God

Non-Canon Member
Admit it strobogo, you secretly want to give the week by week written history of the dark days of the WWF, filled with gifs and pics and the like.


Strobogo, your watching Raw exactly when I started watching wrestling. And I have a very unpopular opinion related to this. Even though I was watching Raw during it's worst times, I always knew it was better than WCW despite the NWO being at its peak. There was something about WCW's presentation that I didn't like. It felt... incompetent. And when WCW finally crumbled, I knew I was right the whole time.

So no one else saw the obvious Predator joke?



Admit it strobogo, you secretly want to give the week by week written history of the dark days of the WWF, filled with gifs and pics and the like.

There's really not a ton to talk about. It's mostly just matches. Raw was still only an hour and was still running in the "don't give away good stuff on TV" era. That means most of the angles are done via guest commentator, phone interview during a match, or run ins. They still ran a lot of angles on weekend shows. It's not even bad, it's just shockingly uncool. Five years in either direction of these shows are dramatically different. You'd get matches between big name guys, but they were almost always to further an angle and not to have good matches.

These are mostly 3-4 matches and an in ring interview or two with Vince. At least one or two of the matches are enhancement style, with one or two being fairly competitive matches with two bigger name guys. And they rotated angles out. One week HBK vs Diesel would be the main focus, the next week Taker vs Mankind, the next week Goldust vs Warrior. It's kind of a weird way to build for a PPV, but this was the era when the weekend shows still mattered.

Some of the booking is still weird, though. Diesel lost to Taker at WM, but he gets the first title shot against HBK. Savio lost to Austin at WM, but he gets two title matches with Goldust. And speaking of Goldy, he beats Razor for the IC Title and loses easily to Bret the next night and jobs at WM to Piper. You'd expect that kind of booking today, but not back then.

I also think it is kind of odd that DiBiase manages Austin, but Austin isn't involved with the Million Dollar Corporation at all. 1993-1995 was definitely way worse in terms of goofy ass gimmicks and terrible wrestlers. There aren't really a lot of gimmicky gimmicks left, and most of them are left overs from the prior two years. You can see some flashes of Attitude creeping in. A lot of the shows start out with random shots of Sunny in bikinis or other sexually suggestive outfits/poses, cursing is becoming more common, everything about Goldust. It's a weird phase where they know what they're doing isn't really working, but they don't want to go full ECW, so they're just adding bits and pieces very slowly to see how people react. A lot of references to Vince being more than an announcer, King getting pretty close to PUPPIES levels of perv, a lot of shots at WCW, guys like HBK/Bret/Diesel/Taker getting a lot more serious. It's interesting. It's not bad, just in an adolescent phase. WCW looked way more high rent at the time, though. Even before the NWO kicked off, WCW looked better and seemed to be more serious.

The only gimmicky gimmick guys left are the Godwins, Body Donnas (although they pretty much dropped the actual gimmick and just kept the outfits), Duke The Dumpster (who was a JTTS for sure), and Taker.

"Uh, I think you're a little homophobic, McMahon." "You got that right."


MMA: Not gay at all



WWF 96 is my thing. Stick to your Kwee Wee, brother.
Mankind, Goldust, Vader, Taker, HBK, Owen/Bulldog, and Bret? Yup. The bad years were definitely 94 and 95. Lost all their top draws from before and had to rely on new blood to take over. Yoko, Bret, Taker, and HBK leading.

^ Goldust gif lol

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Mankind, Goldust, Vader, Taker, HBK, Owen/Bulldog, and Bret? Yup. The bad years were definitely 94 and 95. Lost all their top draws from before and had to rely on new blood to take over. Yoko, Bret, Taker, and HBK leading.

^ Goldust gif lol

and Austin before all the catchphrases and as a heel who hated other heels and got booed.

And Pillman fighting a pencil


He also stopped the match to grab a mic to tell the fans if they didn't shut up, he'd go into the crowd and kiss each and every one of them. Early Goldust is such a hilarious troll. I do wish he would have worn a cup so I wouldn't have to see the contours of his dick and balls every match. His first suit was even worse, though.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
He also stopped the match to grab a mic to tell the fans if they didn't shut up, he'd go into the crowd and kiss each and every one of them. Early Goldust is such a hilarious troll. I do wish he would have worn a cup so I wouldn't have to see the contours of his dick and balls every match. His first suit was even worse, though.

His Sable cosplay in 98 was the best. 'Luna, you little bitch!'


His Sable cosplay in 98 was the best. 'Luna, you little bitch!'

DustyDust was always my favorite. Also, I haven't quite made it to the real Stone Cold yet. He's going by Stone Cold Steve Austin and has the bald head and goatee, but Ted still refers to him as The Ringmaster and he hasn't really changed his character much. Hasn't debuted the Stunner yet, either. Although, Ted is about to leave for WCW, so all of that is coming up in a hurry.

I'm right at the start of "HBK tried to fuck Diana Hart Smith".


No, but all faces get along. I'm not sure how involved he was in 1996, though. But as soon as Yoko was ousted from Camp Cornette, he teamed up with Taker on the next Raw. And Ahmed and Jake came to his aid for no apparent reason other than he was a face. The only exception I've seen to this is the brief time when Diesel definitely was a heel with Taker, but still friends with HBK. But he fully turned pretty shortly after by turning on HBK, too.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
in today's WWE, the heels still don't get along with each other.

Zeb and Swagger punked Barrett last month
Big Show and Ziggs didn't get along
Punk left Ziggs hanging and vice versa during tag matches
Big Show and The Shield









That ring might as well have been a lucha ring that night. I saw at least 5 concussions in a 45 minute show. Dudes just bouncing off of it and immediately grabbing their heads.
and Austin before all the catchphrases and as a heel who hated other heels and got booed.

I ain't no sexy boy. I don't dance, son.

Austin in 96-97 > any other version

Whenever people are disappointed by Rock's return, I tell them that I don't see why. He's still doing the same stuff.

Rock's best promos were still all along the same lines, but Austin before they just told him to say hell yea cut some of the most intense promos ever.


I think this might be the best gimmick ever. Ultra no-nonsense, take no crap, afraid of no one, walking all over everybody, intense promos, alpha male.Stone Cold at the top of his game.

And that Survivor Series video IS the best promo vid they've ever done. Still works 17 years later. So raw. "You ran away in shame...." with the light panning over Austin and the dogs barking. My God, they wouldn't be able to make something that badass these days if they tried their hardest.


It's pretty great. He went all in and it was awesome. His reaction to Taker coming out with the golden casket was so good. He starts out full on Goldust. The lights go out and it starts to slip, then the casket is shown and he starts freaking out, then Vince says lol u gotta casket match and he flips out all, "oh fuck oh fuck shit god damnit no no no no no" style. Then he settles back down into Goldy and all the interesting things he could do with the urn. Then he molests Paul and gooses Owen.


That's coming up on one of the next two shows, I believe. Will most definitely gif it. The only dude today who is so into his character like Goldy is Damien Sandow. Maybe Mark Henry, but his is a completely different type of gimmick. It's really interesting how many of their younger talent came from WCW at this time. Goldy, Austin, Mero, HHH, Mankind, Pillman would be showing up soon, Hall/Nash/Taker all came from WCW, Fatu was in WCW/NWA before the Headshrinkers came to the WWF, the Godwinns, Vader. That's a lot of WCW dudes in a pretty short amount of time. They were like the opposite of WCW since they took all the young guys while WCW took the old guys.


No One Remembers
Legvit wrasslegaf bro talk:

Aguirre and I were talking on steam a lot ..... she was cool, she thougbht I was cool. This past week she like removed me and seemingly blocked me on steam. WTF? Weirdness. Wonder what the fuck is up with whtat..

Also hey guys! <3

MMA: Not gay at all


So fucking hot.


They didn't completely shy away from that, though. I don't think it was ever explicitly mentioned until he turned face in 1997, but there were definitely references to Dusty pretty early on.
Strobogo, your watching Raw exactly when I started watching wrestling. And I have a very unpopular opinion related to this. Even though I was watching Raw during it's worst times, I always knew it was better than WCW despite the NWO being at its peak. There was something about WCW's presentation that I didn't like. It felt... incompetent. And when WCW finally crumbled, I knew I was right the whole time.

WCW 1997 was the greatest year for an American wrestling promotion ever, so you're wrong.
Watching some old AJW, Terri Power (Tori in WWF) was super green at the time but looked great and showed off a lot more in the way of actual wrestling than she probably did in her entire WWF run.

A lot of the gaijin talent in AJW were pretty good in the early 90's, especially Debbie Malenko, who really should have been a huge star if it weren't for her career-ending injury in 1993. I was also a real big fan of Reggie Bennett, who became a huge star in Japan thanks to this lol, wtf? commercial. For her first few years in Japan she made a great impact in JWP and later AJW because she was a big girl, both in height and weight, but also very agile and an accomplished technical wrestler.



That's coming up on one of the next two shows, I believe. Will most definitely gif it. The only dude today who is so into his character like Goldy is Damien Sandow. Maybe Mark Henry, but his is a completely different type of gimmick. It's really interesting how many of their younger talent came from WCW at this time. Goldy, Austin, Mero, HHH, Mankind, Pillman would be showing up soon, Hall/Nash/Taker all came from WCW, Fatu was in WCW/NWA before the Headshrinkers came to the WWF, the Godwinns, Vader. That's a lot of WCW dudes in a pretty short amount of time. They were like the opposite of WCW since they took all the young guys while WCW took the old guys.

Listening to interviews with Sandow, I am pretty sure he has spent some time thinking about Sandow's family tree, that's how into his character he is.
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