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March WrassleGAF |SHOW-T| Big Shoes Mean Big Appetites


Special mention for Kintaro Kanemura's forehead;


Ever see Samoa Joe vs Necro or Low Ki vs Necro from IWA-MS? I loved those matches because it was just two dudes beating the living shit out of each other, but they aren't amazing wrestling matches. Necro's done some real fun stuff in Japan - I particularly liked a match of his against Masato Tanaka from a few years back. Necro always comes across really well as the crazy gaijin in Japan.

He's an above average deathmatch worker, but all that means is that he's not entirely shitty in the ring and can make his deathmatches seem more than dudes taking it in turns to hurt each other - if you're asking why I find deathmatches entertaining, I'm not entirely sure myself.

Joe vs Necro highlights: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsrcwCkkE-s

Death matches don't really appeal to me. :-/ A buddy of mine lent me a DVD full of them one time, and I couldn't get past the third match. Just don't see the appeal at all. Scratch that. I can see the appeal, but it doesn't personally appeal to me. I'd rather see guys trading holds the traditional way.


Watched Onita vs Akebono in their 'Big Fireworks' confrontation. The match was complete trash, but you've got to love an electrified, exploding barbedwire baseball bat;


Feels like it needs "FINISH HIM" on there.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
So the Billionaire Ted piece at the end of the RAW Bowl episode is funny. It's commenting on how old WWF stars can't compete with the new generation by showing Razor Ramon, Diesel, and Ahmed Johnson...all three will be in WCW in the next few years!


Fuck you, Man God. Those aren't funny at all. They're fucking death. They're worse than anything TNA has ever done in terms of taking shots at WWE.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Well they are funny in that they were made in the first place. Bad not funny propaganda.

What is funny about that particular one is that not even five months later two of the people used as examples of the new generation will be the biggest stars in WCW.


There's one later showing moves that Hukster and Nacho could do and the first 2 or 3 show a jackknife and Razor's Edge. And all the making fun of Savage that they do, after Bret loses the title, he has a promo where he compares himself to Savage in a positive way.


For guys being involved in the sport helping to write it, they sure did a lot of wrong with the story for Warrior. The main ones being multiple fights a night which will never happen in the US again, and a random unknown with no previous fight experience being allowed into this best in the world tournament. Also, the show I'm starting now has Austin vs Taker! The night after KOTR 96. You can say Austin was mishandled, but he really wasn't. The first couple months with the Ringmaster was weird just in the name, but he was shown to be an excellent wrestler and won all the time. Then when he went to Steve Austin, he made the classic rise through the mid card. It wasn't like he was jobbing for a year or even months. He came in and pretty much dominated the mid card and then won the KOTR within about 6-7 months of debuting.


Lol Ahmed starting a promo with Doc Hendrix with "You know, Mike." But then, they had him sing Bad Street USA with the Raw Band, so it wasn't like they were hiding his PS days. I don't even understand the point of bringing Warrior back. He wasn't going to be anywhere near the title hunt, so he ends up squashing young guys and feuding with Jerry Lawler? This has to be one of the weakest come backs of a major star ever. It lasted about 4 months. He squashed HHH, beat Issac Yankem, had multiple count out/DQs with Goldust, and a match with Lawler. That's it.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Lol Ahmed starting a promo with Doc Hendrix with "You know, Mike." But then, they had him sing Bad Street USA with the Raw Band, so it wasn't like they were hiding his PS days. I don't even understand the point of bringing Warrior back. He wasn't going to be anywhere near the title hunt, so he ends up squashing young guys and feuding with Jerry Lawler? This has to be one of the weakest come backs of a major star ever. It lasted about 4 months. He squashed HHH, beat Issac Yankem, had multiple count out/DQs with Goldust, and a match with Lawler. That's it.

It's around the point where WWF was getting desperate for anything to draw.


But the thing is, they were really building up a good mid card, HBK was champ, there just really wasn't anywhere for Warrior to fit in. He was a total waste. Also, in addition to Austin vs Taker, Brian Pillman is making his Raw debut on color. "The first thing I have to ask is who do I have to talk to to get my god damn money!" His first lines on Raw.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife

ROH just turned into a 1998 WWF segment

Dude hanging a belt from his crotch blurred out while 2 women get on their knees in front of him o_O

lol Kevin Kelly apologizing for that

da fuck

Deleted member 8095

Unconfirmed Member
Can someone please link me to the nostalgia stream?


How did none of us notice growing up that Earl Hebner was always one of the worst refs of all time? How did he get the senior ref spot? Dude has been awful since day one and I don't know why I thought he was such a great ref growing up. He's the worst. That he's STILL around is ridiculous. Probably the most ludicrous pick up TNA ever made.


the fact that he's in TNA is all the proof one needs.

Angle and now Bubba (took him 3-4 yrs) are the only former WWE talent worth acknowledging
My Stone Cold fandom cooled significantly post-neck injury, just because he became such a pure brawler. I know there were legitimate reasons for it, and his new style of working fit the Attitude Era perfectly, but he just wasn't as fun to watch anymore.

I had a little bendie toy of Stone Cold that had those Blondes boots, didn't realize they actually saw action in a WWF ring. His first Jakks figure had black boots with a star, as well.


How did none of us notice growing up that Earl Hebner was always one of the worst refs of all time? How did he get the senior ref spot? Dude has been awful since day one and I don't know why I thought he was such a great ref growing up. He's the worst. That he's STILL around is ridiculous. Probably the most ludicrous pick up TNA ever made.

The finish to Angle vs. Rock at No Way Out 2001 was the worst ref botch I've ever seen. So bad.



"I choppee choppee your pee pee!"

Oh Raw

I legit cried during the moment where I thought Val Veins was getting his dick cut off. He was in my fav five as a kid.

It got so bad my dad told me over and over for an hour that he'd be okay, that somebody would save him.


He's always in the way, he is AWFUL at telegraphing stuff, he has always taken the worst bumps, and he's an active part of far, far, far too many matches. From opener jobber matches to main event title matches. He's just the worst. I'm sure there are enough Earl Hebner spots to get his own DVD made.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
He's always in the way, he is AWFUL at telegraphing stuff, he has always taken the worst bumps, and he's an active part of far, far, far too many matches. From opener jobber matches to main event title matches. He's just the worst. I'm sure there are enough Earl Hebner spots to get his own DVD made.

We was replaced by his evil twin brother sometime in the 80's...


Earl IS the evil twin, which I supposed explains a lot of things. Dave Hebner never would have screwed Bret over. Austin is awesome on color just giving non stop shit to Vince a full year before their angle would even start. He's just all over Vince and it's great. Then he and King both double team and make Jake is a drunk jokes while Vince is disgusted in that Vince voice where you can HEAR his facial expression.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Stone Cold beat up Matt Hardy but Owen beat up both of them.

Beating up both Hardy's. I knew you were my favorite for a reason, Owen.


hahahahaa.... Kama promos


Matt looked like such a goober. Not that he ever really grew out of it, but his random jobber appearances are hilarious. Taijri showed up in one of these.

Johnny B. Badd vs Dustin Rhodes is headlining Raw! Mero looked like he was TRYING to blow out a knee. Next week has Warrior vs Owen!

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
The latter half of 97 does have a big blemish. And why is that?

Don't ever let anyone tell you that DX was cool. DX was never cool nor funny. The John Cena of the 90s, honestly. The 'me too!' group. 'Hey NWO is popular, hey Stone Cold is popular and a tweener and Bret kind of is too. WE WANT TO BE A TWEENER TOO! Let's reward Owen for being loyal by jobbing him out to Hunter. Let's waste Taker's momentum so he can wrestle Huner too!' And you have a HBK that's so drugged out that he's not even entertaining at that point.

Even going back now, I'm glad to see that I was right as a kid to see how dumb that group was. In retrospect, NWO was dumb, but I can admit there were things about it that I thought was cool as a kid. I always thought DX was fucking awful.


via Imgflip GIF Generator

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via Imgflip GIF Generator

Dragon is so right. NWO and DX stuff does not hold up at all. They're best in montages and clips, because every week was Hogan/Shawn coked/pilled up and rambling for 20 minutes until their voices went hoarse. It's fucking awful. HHH's promos of death in 2002-2004 are easier to sit through. The WWE revisionist history that the NWO were the rip offs of DX is also pretty ridiculous since DX came over a full year later.
Who would be the modern version of late 90s early 00 HHH?

That guy who isn't that great, who only got a push because the actual main event guy was injured or on a break, The lame half of thr tag team, better at backstage politics then they are on the mic or in the ring.


Data West

coaches in the WNBA
nWo Saturday Night was actually pretty funny. Where Nash and Hall wrestled jobbers and commentated while they did it.

You could always tell the difference between X-Pac and Nash/Hall during those. Nash/Hall just didn't let anyone do anything and X-Pac let the jobber beat him up for a good while.


DX was definitely Shawn at his worst. He was coherent for about 5 minutes and the next 15 would be mindless rambling with the last few minutes pretty much impossible to understand because his voice would sound like he was gargling glass by the end of it. So bad. Hogan was probably worse since he got to do that for about a year and a half straight and would literally say the same things every week.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Who would be the modern version of late 90s early 00 HHH?

That guy who isn't that great, who only got a push because the actual main event guy was injured or on a break, The lame half of thr tag team, better at backstage politics then they are on the mic or in the ring.


[cheapheat]CM Punk [/cheapheat]


The main flaw in that question is that late 99-2001 HHH was awesome, great in the ring and mic, and totally deserving of his spot.
Who would be the modern version of late 90s early 00 HHH?

That guy who isn't that great, who only got a push because the actual main event guy was injured or on a break, The lame half of thr tag team, better at backstage politics then they are on the mic or in the ring.


Hey, Miz is better than Triple H. Miz is pretty good on the Mic, not amazing like Punk, but he holds his own, same with him in the ring.

The latter half of 97 does have a big blemish. And why is that?

Don't ever let anyone tell you that DX was cool. DX was never cool nor funny. The John Cena of the 90s, honestly. The 'me too!' group. 'Hey NWO is popular, hey Stone Cold is popular and a tweener and Bret kind of is too. WE WANT TO BE A TWEENER TOO! Let's reward Owen for being loyal by jobbing him out to Hunter. Let's waste Taker's momentum so he can wrestle Huner too!' And you have a HBK that's so drugged out that he's not even entertaining at that point.

Even going back now, I'm glad to see that I was right as a kid to see how dumb that group was. In retrospect, NWO was dumb, but I can admit there were things about it that I thought was cool as a kid. I always thought DX was fucking awful.

I actually liked DX, just for Shawn though.


Jim Cornette is so annoying. Sometimes in the good way, but in the bad way most of the time. He and King together are the corniest and most annoying guys ever.
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