WCW Monday Nitro 2/5/2001
We start the show mid promo with Nash and Flair. Flair invites Nash into the ring, but he has to get through Animal first. Nash easily disposes of Animal. Nash attacks Flair.
TO THE BACK. Flair's boys arrive in a limo and Sanders lets them know what's up.
Back in the ring, Nash says he's going to strip Flair naked. I don't see how that's going to embarrass Ric "I'll show my dick anywhere" Flair. The rest of Flair's guys show up, but they can't enter the ring or Nash will literally kill Ric Flair. Flair looks like he hasn't been in the gym once since he retired. He actually looks in better shape today as a 300 year old man than he did during this.
We have ourselves a hostage situation. Cat is Nash's negotiator. Flair's guys look at the ramp, but Cat comes out through the crowd. SWERVE! If anyone hits the ring, Cat will make sure they are all sent home. Cat is now in charge for the night and books Scott Steiner in THREE matches! 1. Against four cruiserweights. 2. Against DDP! 3. Against Kevin Nash in the main event for the title! If Nash wins, Flair must resign. Also, Nash can have a mystery partner!
After a commercial, the guys are still helping Flair out of the ring.
Scott Steiner vs Jung Dragons/Knoble and Karagias
Yang looks so nervous. Scott kicked out even with 4 men on top of him. Three press slams to the floor is followed by a top rope t-bone to Karrang.
Scott stops the ref so he can throw more dudes around for a bit, which makes no sense to wear himself out even more. What an idiot. He just LAUNCHES Jamie like he was a kid. Triple Recliner!
TO THE BACK. Flair is putting on new clothes. Animal has changed his outfit as well. Flair spazzes out on Mike Sanders. The Cat, DDP, Nash, and Crush celebrate and talk about the night. Crush can kill Buff tonight. Nash and Crush talk about gas problems. Gene is with Rick Steiner. He'll get his US Championship match tonight. They're giving away two of the title matches scheduled for the PPV about 2 weeks early? Gene is now with Crush after a break. Wrath is on the shelf due to that brutal chair shot from Animal on Thunder. Flair/Buff/Lex/Animal laugh that Wrath is out for 3 weeks. Kronik vs Totally Buffed is booked for Superbrawl in a no replacements match.
Shane Douglas vs Rick Steiner WCW US Championship
Shane's right arm is in a cast. Steiner cuts him off before he can get a chance to talk and laugh maniacally. Rick's music is weird. It's really atonal and seems to have no pattern or progression. Just kind of random notes with no flow. That cast doesn't look super legit to me, but the ref said it was. Blatant chair shot right in front of the ref. A disqualification was not called. The ref won't let Steiner use it, though. What kind of bullshit is that? This crowd is really into the show. It would make a lot of sense to me for WCW to be running pretty much exclusively in the South during this time period. That's where they drew the best and had their most loyal and vocal fans. Plus WWF weren't running shows in small market Southern cities. Steiner wins with the DVD. New champion.
TO THE BACK. Flair talks with Chavo. Ric went drinking with Chavo Classic over the weekend and he's got a guy booked to put him over tonight. During this, Flair saw that Dustin Rhodes was coming to the ring.
Dustin Rhodes comes to the ring. I swear, Dustin changed music more than anyone in WCW. He never had the same song for more than a few weeks at a time. Flair pops up on the Nitro Vision saying Dustin will never work for WCW. God damn it, crazy Flair is the fucking best. The kind where he gets blown up from screaming and ranting. That's so awesome. Flair gets the mic cut. Then we were shown Dustin being escorted out by security during break, but that is cut off as well, because Ric won't give him another second of screen time.
DDP vs Scott Steiner
It will be interesting to see how they work together after their SHOOT fight at the last Nitro of 2000. They kissed and made up, but you have to think that Steiner might be a little extra stiff. This kind of sucks for DDP. He's just there to wear down Scott for Nash later. He doesn't get a title shot. He is the Metal Gear Excelsius to Kevin Nash's Senator Armstrong. Steiner is actually working surprisingly light. His mouth got busted open at some point. Steiner hits the ref. DDP hits a float over Diamond Cutter.
The ref comes to and calls for a DQ. Super short, but DDP did his job for Nash. A fan attacked DDP. Why, that's not a fan, it's Kanyon! Kanyon is back! BANG! He's not Positively Kanyon anymore, but Kanyon is back! He hasn't been seen since New Blood Rising in August. But now he's back!
TO THE BACK. Cameras catch the face team checking on DDP, who can't stand. He may have reinjured his kidneys. Bring back the rib tape! Kanyon and Jeff Jarrett speed off in a limo.
El Nino vs Chavo Guerrero Jr.
This is Flair's guy who was brought into to make Chavo look good. It's clearly Rey Jr. His mask looks like Super Dragon's with the tail and mouth piece cut off. They won't go in close on the face because it's obviously Rey. He gets whipped into the guard rail and goes over it into the front row.
Super rana from The Nino. Wasn't El Nino the name Eddie went under when he wrestled on a mask during the Rey/Eddie feud? Speaking of Eddie, his body transformation is so crazy. Not just what happened to him in WWE, but just what he changed into by the end of WCW was pretty nutty. The Nino wins only to reveal Rey Mysterio! SWERVE!
Team Canada vs Palumbo/O'Haire
Lance again pledges his support to Ric Flair. Non title match, but this was booked by Cat as a punishment. Does that mean these NBTs are now faces? They're mad that people interfered in their matches, they accept all challengers, and now they're doing the dirty work for the face commissioner. This is pretty good. Just Lance and Awesome. Prime Time and the YAK aren't even out there. Both Thrillers are about the same size as Awesome, but faster, younger, and more agile. Lance somehow accidentally puts Awesome in the Maple Leaf. I don't know how you accidentally put the wrong person in a half crab, but Seanton Bomb for the win.
TO THE BACK. The Leftovers were watching this. They're going to be the next tag champs.
Buff Bagwell vs Brian Adams
WCW...come on! You had a good show going. Why do you do this? Lex comes out, but Wrath ambushes him. SWERVE! Animal saves Lex as the match continues in the ring. The bell rings. Mickie Jay didn't call for it. He looked just as confused as anyone. Time limit draw? Seriously? It was 5 minutes. Crush is put in the torture rack.
TO THE BACK. Flair's guys celebrate, but Ric is worried for the WCW Championship. Gene is with Crush. Crush don't care about shit. He just wants to get stoned. Then he challenges Lex for Thunder. WCW! Fucking knock that shit off. Nash and Steiner head to the ring.
Scott Steiner vs Kevin Nash/Rick Steiner WCW Championship/Ric Flair's CEO position on the line
Oh shit. Brother against brother! And Nash. Rick and Scott start off against each other. Nash comes in and gets hit right in the dick. Scott Steiner really looks like a fake human. He looks like a weird Skynet prototype. Nash drops the straps and hits the jackknife! Rick Steiner breaks up the pin. SWERVE! Scott Steiner pins Kevin Nash with a standard elbow drop from Rick. Lol. Nash is completely dead from an elbow drop. Nash calls them back to the ring. DDP comes out and says "I'm your huckleberry" with a chair but WE'RE OUTTA TIME!