No Austin. Was hoping for some more punk/Austin teasing
He better be at WM30. Against Punk. Not some shitty triple threat but a 1v1 vs the Straight Edge Superstar.
No Austin. Was hoping for some more punk/Austin teasing
That's what you get for daring to get yourself over...and succeeding.Poor Ryder. Could have been good, but they shit all over him.
SoNo Austin. Was hoping for some more punk/Austin teasing
That's what you get for daring to get yourself over...and succeeding.
Also, I'm sad that no one cared about the Kanyon Cutter video. I little work into it.
Also, I'm sad that no one cared about the Kanyon Cutter video. I little work into it.
- Khali
- A-Ry
- Jinder Mahaaalalalalalala
- Hobo Rotundo
- Aksana
- Hornswaggle
- Ted Dibiase
- Hawkins
- Camacho
Truth, Kofi, and Ryder can still be used as enhancement talents.
The big black dude that held the IC title once (seriously, the fuck was his name?)
I was actually thinking about something like this the other day, say after Mania Vince gives you the book and complete creative control. He wants you to reduce the roster to 50 male wrestlers and up to 10 female wrestlers - you can bring in up to FIVE outside talents to replace some of your cuts - who do you choose, and a month or so down the line how do those 60 wrestlers fit into your plans? My WWE would look like this, with the following wrestlers in contention for the belts;
Big Zeke?
WWE need to stop hiring guys just because they're big.
But he didn't say that Stone Cold said so. There may be a chance.No Austin. Was hoping for some more punk/Austin teasing
Ooo I agree with Aksana. However, Camacho? You don't think he has any potential for future development, and Jinder Mahal(o) as well?
I haven't seen it!
Link it to me, baboon!
Then they mix in a few storylines, keep old traditions like Survivor Series and the Royal Rumble alive and hire some indie darlings to keep all the wrasslin fans coming back for more.
But he didn't say that Stone Cold said so. There may be a chance.
He better be at WM30. Against Punk. Not some shitty triple threat but a 1v1 vs the Straight Edge Superstar.
"Mr Austin, I want you to embrace the straight edge lifestyle"
"What you say boy I aughta whoop yer ass"
"Mr Austin, I want you to embrace the straight edge lifestyle"
"What you say boy I aughta whoop yer ass"
That makes me think - consider this scenario. Punk vs Austin is set for Mania 30, and it's Rumble time. However, John Cena has to compete in the main event.
How do you get the most out of this triple threat match? Note: you CANNOT write Cena OUT of the story.
and then
"WHOA THERE, COWBOYS! *wink and smirk at audience since they're in Texas* I know you guys are sore at each other, but you have to remember that this is the WWE, AND THEY *points to the crowd* ARE THE WWE UNIVERSE. And whether they love ya or hate ya, THEY are the reason we're allowed to come out here and say what we NEED to say. Now I know you two guys wanna throw down, but you're gonna need someone who knows the ring like the back of their hand who can also keep you two calm And what better person to do that than ME, JOHN CENA BABAY!! *seagull pop*
Rest assured I will call things right down the middle...even for you, Punk. *stops and stares* Just remember not to throw any blows 'round my way. Because you BOTH know the saying...if you want some *stares at Austin* COME. GET. SOME." *drops mic*
Ya time is up, my time is now...
EDIT: LOL I wrote this before Sunflower posted, so now it looks even more fitting.
Pretty much - if it weren't for guys I know from the indies finding success in WWE, I can't say I'd keep watching. And even the Rumble & Survivor Series have been totally lacking in recent years. It depresses me how bad Survivor Series is each year, when it used to be one of my favourite events. Also, fucking King of the Ring - remember when that shit used to be super important?
It was pretty funny. A real nice showcase of how bad the animations and other various glitches can be in that game. However, I think the next video you do should be an animated version of that DHWAV dream you had.Also, I'm sad that no one cared about the Kanyon Cutter video. I little work into it.
You would think with the sucess of march madness vice would bring KOR back. I'd fill a bracket out
Colt Cabana had an awesome interview with Hillbilly Jim this week on The Art of Wrestling. A must listen for all of the old school wrasslin fans here.
Survivor Series hasn't meant dick since 1997. I mean, before that, the actual Survivor matches were random fairly random for a few years. But since then, SS has just been about how they can redo the Screw Job. I wouldn't even care if they got rid of it at this point. There hasn't been a quality SS match in 10 years now.
Poor Ryder. Could have been good, but they shit all over him.
Yeah, and they have like 1 actual "Survivor Series" match? C'mon now!
Like there should at least 3.![]()
He better be at WM30. Against Punk. Not some shitty triple threat but a 1v1 vs the Straight Edge Superstar.
It was pretty funny. A real nice showcase of how bad the animations and other various glitches can be in that game. However, I think the next video you do should be an animated version of that DHWAV dream you had.
John Cena should get to be the special guest referee in his own match sometime.
Crummy roster does that!Yeah, and they have like 1 actual "Survivor Series" match? C'mon now!
Like there should at least 3.![]()
If they can do it TWICE for Cena, they can sure as hell do it for Punk.
"WHOA THERE, COWBOYS! *wink and smirk at audience since they're in Texas* I know you guys are sore at each other, but you have to remember that this is the WWE, AND THEY *points to the crowd* ARE THE WWE UNIVERSE. And whether they love ya or hate ya, THEY are the reason we're allowed to come out here and say what we NEED to say. Now I know you two guys wanna throw down, but you're gonna need someone who knows the ring like the back of their hand who can also keep you two calm. And what better person to do that than ME, JOHN CENA BAYBAY!! *seagull pop*
Rest assured I will call things right down the middle...even for you, Punk. *stops and stares* Just remember not to throw any blows 'round my way. Because you BOTH know the saying...if you want some *stares at Austin* COME. GET. SOME." *drops mic*
Ya time is up, my time is now....
There have been discussions about turning Kofi Kingston heel with the idea that he's talented but has been booked in a way where they will never be able to get him over as a babyface without a heel turn and push first.
- A new change in WWE developmental is to give the talents bullet points instead of scripts and teaching them to do promos like they used to be done.
It's been noted that Triple H is far more old school in his thoughts on pro wrestling than Vince McMahon and when he's in full control, we will likely see the storylines evolve back to a more believable and serious approach.