Hey everyone, Jeff Hardy's still here! Jeff. Hardy. Marvel at his absurd makeup and bumpkin voice.
Hey guys, when did this Scum faction form in ROH? Watching the last TV episode on the ROH site. Really strong opening with Nigel in the middle of the ring with the rest of the company. Good stuff.
SCUM started a few months ago..now it's just been blown up with random dudes.
Is the opinion of it pretty favorable at this point by smarks? I dig it based on this short TV episode I'm watching.
HOLY SHIT. American Wolves tag match to start the show was phenomenal. So much original offense, high octane action, and a DEVASTATING finisher. You'll never see a match like that to open up Raw.
smarks don't like anything involving Matt Hardy...Steen is the guy the smarks like and it looks like he might be separated from SCUM.
.Steve Austin ‏@steveaustinBSR
I've had many questions concerning WrestleMania 29. The decision has been made that I will not be at WM29 and that's the bottom line.
Sexy time in Cajun Country.But WM XXX on the other hand...
If it's a good story, I'll bite. Does the group have a clear motivation for their actions?
wwe.com been killing it lately
NXT Spoilers:
* WWE Intercontinental Champion Wade Barrett b. Bo Dallas with the Bullhammer to retain. Crowd was pro Barrett, chanting “Let’s Go Barrett” and “No More Bo”.
* Emma b. Bayley via submission. Kyle says the crowd is as hot for her as they are with Paige.
I like her dance.
It's so dumb.
From the 3 or so appearances shes had on NXT she has a serious goofy gimick where she isn't a Santino type of comedy more like shes just weirdIsn't her gimmick essentially being goofy as hell?
Makes for fun gifs though.
Isn't her gimmick essentially being goofy as hell?
Makes for fun gifs though.
the most logical setup"Mr Austin, I want you to embrace the straight edge lifestyle"
"What you say boy I aughta whoop yer ass"
Mexican Lucha Libre news:
Atlantis and Ultimo Guerrero have signed a contract for a "mask vs mask" match this year. CMLL has yet to set a date for the match, but it will probably be in september, on CMLL's 80th anniversary show.
This is big
Yeah, so, Naito needs to come back real soon or something because the Tanahashi/Okada formula has gotten stale. How many times can I see Okada do an elbow drop and a dropkick and Tanahashi do that little neckbreaker and a dragon suplex?
It was fine the first time, but it's getting real generic.
strobogo said:Does he really look that bad or were those clips old?
Alucard said:If it's a good story, I'll bite. Does the group have a clear motivation for their actions?
I'll be the pessimistic one. We get Faction Wars part 2. No one winsso I'd imagine the big pay-off for this is Steen turning face and helping ROH get rid of SCUM.
Matt seems to go up and down with his weight - he looked OK when he first showed up in ROH at the end of last year, but seems to have piled the pounds back on in recent months.
I'll be the pessimistic one. We get Faction Wars part 2. No one wins
He looked like Zandig Jr.
God, faction wars might be the real reason i stopped watching ROH for all those years. God that was so...i dont even know anymore.
God, faction wars might be the real reason i stopped watching ROH for all those years. God that was so...i dont even know anymore.
NXT taping was seriously good last night! All the spoilers have already been posted, but there were no pure "jobber matches" like there have been in the past, and well worth the money.
One thing that wasn't mentioned was this dude int he crowd had an Emma sign that was a huge cutout of her, and he had strings attached to it so he could move the arms on a pulley system and make the sign do her dance. It was cracking me up all night! I hope it gets on the show, because it was genius!
We love candid AJ pictures here.
Just saying.
We love candid AJ pictures here.
Just saying.