We the people love them
You love them.
We the people love them
Was Generico still maskless? That makes me so sad. Why would you hire Generico and take his mask off? Why wouldn't you bring him straight up and sell those fucking masks?
Was Generico still maskless? That makes me so sad. Why would you hire Generico and take his mask off? Why wouldn't you bring him straight up and sell those fucking masks?
Was Generico still maskless? That makes me so sad. Why would you hire Generico and take his mask off? Why wouldn't you bring him straight up and sell those fucking masks?
Isn't her gimmick essentially being goofy as hell?
Makes for fun gifs though.
The peoples Diva.
I disagree to an extent
I like what Ryder did
But in the entire time.. and even now.. I don't feel he has improved in the ring at all
His matches.. sans with Ziggler do very little for me. He has the broski boot, the Rough Ryder.. and the double knees in the corner.. that's about it
y ya'll hate Rocky, I don't get it? He's about the only reason to watch WWE, along with Punk.
y ya'll hate Rocky, I don't get it? He's about the only reason to watch WWE, along with Punk.
One thing that wasn't mentioned was this dude int he crowd had an Emma sign that was a huge cutout of her, and he had strings attached to it so he could move the arms on a pulley system and make the sign do her dance. It was cracking me up all night! I hope it gets on the show, because it was genius!
What? No, I love Rock, I meant AJ was the people's diva, not Rock. He's well past his prime, but he shit on most of the roster still.
Also, the fact they put the title on him when he wasn't able to commit to every Raw between the Rumble and WrestleMania was a catastrophic mistake on WWE's part.
We don't hate The Rock.
I do hate current era "haha, I bought a car and there was a crachhead on the backseat haha" while King and Cole go *snicker*snort* on commentary - Rock.
Also, the fact they put the title on him when he wasn't able to commit to every Raw between the Rumble and WrestleMania was a catastrophic mistake on WWE's part.
No worries. I've not been keeping up with wrestling for the last year or so outside a couple ppv's, so I've missed all the fun by the sounds of it.Ah, lol. My mistake. I'm just surprised at how much shit people throw at him in this thread or the Internet in general. The comments section in SEScoops will give you a headache, for example.
So, you think they should have kept it on Punk or go with Cena? Because we all know those are the other realistic choices.
Rock is one of those "IN 2013!?" type characters. his shtick is boring as fuck, his in-ring work passable and he didn't even bother to show up to put someone new over.
Yes, they should've put it on Cena. The story wouldn't have been that different and at least the champion would've been on the show.
You speaking bad about The Rock?!
Hey, if you like your go home promo's to be about crackheads on the backseats of cars, more power to ya.
So why don't you just download NXT than?
Rock is one of those "IN 2013!?" type characters. his shtick is boring as fuck, his in-ring work passable and he didn't even bother to show up to put someone new over.
y ya'll hate Rocky, I don't get it? He's about the only reason to watch WWE, along with Punk.
No respect for the people who built this industry from the ground up. The Rock made Hollywood what it is today, dammit. You youngbloods.
Rock is one of those "IN 2013!?" type characters. his shtick is boring as fuck, his in-ring work passable and he didn't even bother to show up to put someone new over.
Well, yeah, Hollywood Rock is legendary. And he could absolutely pull it off these days, kind of a waste.
I love Rock, and will always consider his "Hollywood" phase some of the most entertaining wrestling stuff I have ever seen. The problem is that current day Rock does absolutely nothing for me. His promos are stale and boring, he's hardly ever there, and he has zero stamina which results in his matches being a series of rest holds
y ya'll hate Rocky, I don't get it? He's about the only reason to watch WWE, along with Punk.
NXT taping was seriously good last night! All the spoilers have already been posted, but there were no pure "jobber matches" like there have been in the past, and well worth the money.
One thing that wasn't mentioned was this dude int he crowd had an Emma sign that was a huge cutout of her, and he had strings attached to it so he could move the arms on a pulley system and make the sign do her dance. It was cracking me up all night! I hope it gets on the show, because it was genius!
He really isn't. He hasn't even been seen in two weeks, and when he's there, he just has lame segments with Cena.
Yes we all loved him a decade ago, but he's not getting a free pass now, he's not done anything interesting since about January.
We're still in March. Cena hasn't done anything interesting since 2006.
We're still in March. Cena hasn't done anything interesting since 2006.
Rock is one of those "IN 2013!?" type characters. his shtick is boring as fuck, his in-ring work passable and he didn't even bother to show up to put someone new over.
You know what's awesome? Bork is basically exactly the same character he was when he debuted in 2002, yet is taken more seriously than the entire roster, with Mark Henry being the only dude even close to his level of "shit is about to get real" when he arrives. Big bad ass who fucks people up never goes out of style.
Rock isn't the problem, it's WWE. They need Rock because they have no one else to draw that mainstream appeal - now, considering their inability to create stars that have a true cultural impact as guys like Austin, Hogan & The Rock did, you'd think that they'd perhaps alter their business model to something aimed at pleasing the core audience year round and making sure as many of those regular viewers buy Mania as possible, rather than pandering to a group of hardly-fans who are only ever going to buy Mania and only Mania. It's all well and good doing that when you've got these part-timers to draw mainstream interest for the biggest show of the year, but what happens when Rock's gone, Brock's gone, Cena's retired, etc? What happens when you're left with a bunch of guys who are only famous to wrestling fans? Start pandering to them, I guess, but perhaps by then it'll be too late.
Rock isn't the problem, it's WWE. They need Rock because they have no one else to draw that mainstream appeal - now, considering their inability to create stars that have a true cultural impact as guys like Austin, Hogan & The Rock did, you'd think that they'd perhaps alter their business model to something aimed at pleasing the core audience year round and making sure as many of those regular viewers buy Mania as possible, rather than pandering to a group of hardly-fans who are only ever going to buy Mania and only Mania. It's all well and good doing that when you've got these part-timers to draw mainstream interest for the biggest show of the year, but what happens when Rock's gone, Brock's gone, Cena's retired, etc? What happens when you're left with a bunch of guys who are only famous to wrestling fans? Start pandering to them, I guess, but perhaps by then it'll be too late.