WCW Saturday Night #10 (90 Minutes of F/X)
Dark Match: No Fear Soldiers v Fit Finlay & Chris Harris
In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, No Fear Soldiers defeated Fit Finlay and Chris Harris in 6:34 when The Prototype defeated Chris Harris by pinfall with a Spin-out powerbomb.(D)
Dark Match: Johnny Swinger v Big Vito
In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Johnny Swinger defeated Big Vito in 8:24 by pinfall with a Swing Thing. (D+)
Dark Match: Jamie Noble v Hell Raiser
In an extremely short match, Hell Raiser defeated Jamie Knoble in 4:44 by pinfall with a Powerbomb. (D-)
Dark Match: KroniK v The Harris Brothers
In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, KroniK defeated Harris Brothers in 8:13 when Bryan Clark defeated Don Harris by pinfall with a Power Bomb. (D+)
Dark Match: Konnan v Road Warrior Animal
In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Konnan defeated Road Warrior Animal in 6:45 by pinfall. (D+)
Dark Match: Vampiro v Hugh Morrus
In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Vampiro defeated Hugh Morrus in 13:24 by pinfall with a Nail in The Coffin. (C)
- Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay & Stevie Ray hype up the final four of the #1 Contender's Tournament which will be decided tonight. Tony Schiavone cannot look beyond a Bill Goldberg/Scott Steiner confrontation. Mike Tenay says that you shouldn't discount Kanyon as that Kanyon Kutter can be hit from almost anywhere in the ring. Stevie Ray says the man his Brother is fearing wrestling the most is Mike Awesome again - he took him close to the bell last time they thought on the very first Saturday Night a few months back! (C-)
Match: Air Styles v Elix Skipper v Kwee Kee v Shannon Moore
In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Air Styles defeated Elix Skipper, Kwee Wee and Shannon Moore in 7:09 when Air Styles defeated Elix Skipper by pinfall with a Styles Clash. (D+)
- Jason Jett makes his way to the ring, he has a microphone (the crowd don't seem that interested). He lays out an open challenge, as he wants to prove himself to everyone in 'TV LAND'. (E+)
- The Masked Psycho appears from somewhere in the crowd, jumps over the barriers and slides into the ring. He crouchs down waiting for Jason Jett to turn around... (D-) Match starts!
Match: Jason Jett v The Masked Psycho
In an extremely short match, The Masked Psycho defeated Jason Jett in 4:51 by pinfall with a Sickle Of Death. (E)
- Vampiro slides into the ring. He's looking at The Masked Psycho at the other end of the ring, nodding and smiling. Vampiro has a mic, he says he likes Psycho's style. There's a brief stare, before Psycho launchs a spinning wheel kick into Vampiro! Psycho leaves through the crowd, as Vampiro is left getting to his feet... SMILING. (E+)
- The show returns from a break. Don Callis, Kevin Nash & Mike Awesome are in the ring. Kevin Nash is talking: he says that as Don Callis' consultant he's still watching, still keeping an eye out for potential talent to join Mike Awesome in representing the true owner of WCW - Don Callis. Don Callis takes the mic and begins to tell everyone that the date for the Kangaroo Court has been set - Starrcade 2001. He reminds Eric Bischoff that whoever wins, wins outright control of WCW. (C-)
- Alex Wright & Norman Smiley (AKA Team Amazement) enter and make their way to the ring as their horrible techno funk dance music plays. "PREPARE TO BE... AMAZED!" They enter the ring they start to dance for the crowd! (D-)
- Natural Born Thrillers are standing at the entrance ramp looking at each other in disbelief. They tell everyone that they are the only amazing tag team in WCW. They were born to entertain, born to thrill, born to amaze. They don't need horrible dance moves to prove anything as they have the titles. They give Team Amazement a 5 count to leave the ring. (D+)
Match: Team Amazement v Natural Born Thrillers
In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Natural Born Thrillers defeated Team Amazement in 10:22 when Sean O'Haire defeated Alex Wright by pinfall with a Double Superkick. (D+)
- It looks like Natural Born Thrillers are going to smash Alex Wright & Norman Smiley through a pair of tables..! WHEN ALL OF A SUDDEN KroniK run down to make the save! They attack Natural Born Thrillers, saving Team Amazement. The fight goes back and forth across the ring before finally KroniK manage to put NBT through the tables they had set up earlier... REVENGE! (D+)
- KroniK pick up the Tag Titles and walk away. They stop at the entrance ramp as they see NBT get back to their feet. "You want your titles back? Tomorrow at New Blood Rising - Tables match." KroniK drop the mics and walk away. (D+)
- A Countdown timer quickly winds up from 00:00:00 to 24:00:00, as it hits 24:00:00 it slowly starts to countdown. Images start to fade onto the screen, a black & white face paint design. A scorpian. "Tomorrow..." (B-)
- The show returns from the ad break. Scott Steiner is in the ring. He's rambling on about how he doesn't need any #1 Contender's Tournament to tell him he's the #1 Contender, as he's the Champion. The Genetic Freak Champion. He said he's out to stop all other pretenders from trying to claim his throne. Mike Awesome might be awesome, but he's Steiner, and Steiner is greater than Awesome. There's a lot of grunting in there too. (C+)
Match: Mike Awesome v Scott Steiner
In a match that had some good action and average heat, Scott Steiner defeated Mike Awesome in 10:09 by pinfall after Midajah interfered. (D+)
- WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BETTTTTTTTTAAAAAAAAAAAAAA THAN KAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANYON..! Kanyon is cutting a promo about how he's the best in WCW and no one can deny it. No one. He dares Goldberg to deny it. He dares Booker T to deny it. He dares them to come feel the... BANG! (B-)
- Bill Goldberg starts his long entrance from the locker room. Police escorts are with him all the way to the ring, leaving no chance for Scott Steiner to blind side him before this match. (B-)
Match: Kanyon v Bill Goldberg
In a match that had some good action and a good crowd, Bill Goldberg defeated Kanyon in 9:34 by pinfall with The Spear. (C)
Show End (C-)
TV Rating: 0.23 (down from 0.25)
Rey Misterio Jr. did an impression of Chavo Guererro and Gene Okerlund before the show started, which raised morale in the dressing room.
No Fear Soldiers (better known as Samoa Joe & The Prototype) made their debut in a dark match.
DDP continues to impress as manager of Johnny Swinger.
The Wall made his debut as Hell Raiser, showing off his new demonic gimmick.
The Jason Jett/Masked Pyscho match bombed the crowd. The feeling within WCW is that Jason Jett's TV time is numbered with the company.
The feeling is that WCW don't have enough interesting Storylines.
- Who will be the #1 Contender to face Booker T: Scott Steiner or Bill Goldberg?
- What does Vampiro want with The Masked Psycho?
- Can Natural Born Thrillers regain their titles face-to-face against KroniK at New Blood Rising?
- Will Sting appear at New Blood Rising?
New Blood Rising Card
subject to change
WCW World Heavyweight Match: Bill Goldberg/Scott Steiner v Booker T (c)
WCW US Title Match: open challenge v Billy Kidman (c)
#1 Contender's Match: Bill Goldberg v Scott Steiner
WCW Tag Title Match - Table Match: KroniK v Natural Born Thrillers (c)
WCW Cruiserweight Title Match: Air Styles v Gregory Helms (c)