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March WrassleGAF |SHOW-T| Big Shoes Mean Big Appetites

I was never a fan of Gibson or his title run.

I really liked Gibson and felt like I would have enjoyed his title run a whole lot more if it had happened naturally, rather than being a case of him returning to WWE and them giving him a short run with the belt as a thank you. Still better than Xavier's run, though.

strobogo said:
I feel like Jerry Lynn having a title reign in 2009 is automatically worse.

I actually liked the idea, but it wasn't a good time for it and they really laboured the whole connection with The Wrestler - in the end, all it served to do was further mess up Tyler's push towards the title.


Raw hasn't been worth staying up for since 2001.



The thing that really sticks out to me is how ROH did Homicide with his title run. He beat Dragon for the belt, and then only held it for two months before Morishima killed him...I would have personally preferred if Dragon could have held it till Morishima took it from him.



That isn't something that is "worth staying up for" IMO. That is one of those things that WWE does that come out of nowhere and they're awesome and then when they do follow-up and you start watching it's not as good as the initial angle and it never is.


He got a completely random title shot against Danielson in 2006, in which he was DQ'd, and then he lost a completely random 4-way in 2007 to Jack Evans, which also featured Jimmy Jacobs & Shingo. No idea why he was brought back. Still one of the oddest title reigns of all time.

Still, the storyline behind the title win was at least good. I really loved The Prophecy.


That isn't something that is "worth staying up for" IMO. That is one of those things that WWE does that come out of nowhere and they're awesome and then when they do follow-up and you start watching it's not as good as the initial angle and it never is.

Countdown to Vince dying storyline - 3 months.


That isn't something that is "worth staying up for" IMO. It's those things that WWE does that come out of nowhere and they're awesome and then when they do follow-up and you start watching it's not as good as the initial angle and it never is.

That's goes just about EVERYTHING.

WCW was full of garbage by the end of it's run. I don't know if it's retro thing that people think it's good now, but it wasn't. What payoffs were good besides initial NWO stuff anyway...

Sting vs Hogan? Yeah what a payoff. Shit, the black scorpion was better than that.

Everyone worth a damn jumped ship anyway.
The thing that really sticks out to me is how ROH did Homicide with his title run. He beat Dragon for the belt, and then only held it for two months before Morishima killed him...I would have personally preferred if Dragon could have held it till Morishima took it from him.

I'm glad we didn't get an extended Homicide title run, but, in hindsight of their later feud, Morishima beating Danielson for the belt would have been amazing. Still, the pop when Homicide won was huge - it wouldn't have been the same had it been Morishima.

tm24 said:
Still, the storyline behind the title win was at least good. I really loved The Prophecy.

The storyline was fine, but it happened far too early into Ki's reign, imo - also, it would have worked a whole lot better with an established heel. I always felt that, despite being a black-hole of personality, Xavier could have been built as a good heel given time, but I also felt that a lot of Xavier's heat was just because people didn't want to see him with the belt.


I'm glad we didn't get an extended Homicide title run, but, in hindsight of their later feud, Morishima beating Danielson for the belt would have been amazing. Still, the pop when Homicide won was huge - it wouldn't have been the same had it been Morishima.

It wouldn't have been a huge pop, but the shock of the moment would have been bigger. Dragon, the unstoppable champion gets defeated by a visiting Japanese monster.


That isn't something that is "worth staying up for" IMO. That is one of those things that WWE does that come out of nowhere and they're awesome and then when they do follow-up and you start watching it's not as good as the initial angle and it never is.

The Raw two weeks after that promo was definitely worth staying up for. Punk killed it.


strobogo hates wrestling now, ever since he watched the entire 2000-2001 WCW within 3 months.

Actually I'd say it's the opposite, as my standards have lowered considerably since November or so. But Raw has been a brutal, boring mess for most of the past 2-3 years. And since the 3 hour thing, there probably have only been 3-5 genuinely good Raws. I'm talking shows where everything is at least decent. They're so long and are basically just commercials for themselves.

Also, I'd really say Raw started to take a down turn around 2004ish. I think 2003 is actually a really underrated year for WWE in general. All that HHH is a lot better in hindsight. But now, shows that are 3 hours and have 80% jobber entrances, a solid hour of ads for their own products/movies, the same amount as wrestling as the 2 hour shows, and regularly go 15-25 minutes into over run are just brutal. This is supposed to be their strongest time of the year, but Raws have outright sucked all year.

Absolute minimal effort has been put into WM and its television buildup. Even in the past when most of the show wasn't finalized until 2-3 weeks before the show, the main feuds would get a ton of build. Well, it feels like Cena/Rock has had no build at all and Punk/Taker would have had nothing if Paul Bearer hadn't died when he did. Bork/HHH is also just kind of there. How many Raws has Rock been on this year? 4 total, maybe? I think he had one before the Rumble, one before EC, the night after EC to reveal the new belt, and once sometime this month. Is that right? One confrontation and the same hype video is all that's been done for the main event of the biggest show of the year. Why should anyone care when not only is Rock not around, but Cena isn't even really bringing it up when he's on shows?

These shows are awful, and this is coming from a dude who just binged the last 15 months of WCW. They're clearly in the mind set of "It's Wrestlemania, the name is all that matters, who cares what the card is like". This year clearly isn't for the core base at all, it shows, and it feels gross watching the programs when they aren't even pretending to try to put on the best show they can.
I can't and won't argue with any of that. It's a shame that Raw has become less about wrestlers and wrestling, and more about selling stuff not entirely based around PPV buy rates.


I know advertisment is crazy, but it's not like others forms of sports "sans" entertainment don't follow the same.

I'm at the ballpark and there is like nowhere I can look without seeing some type of billboard ad. And how many commercials do I have to watch during an NFL game? Timeout, injury, two minute warning, kick-off, etc etc etc. ADS. The sponsorships at the Stadium are fuking nuts. Perhaps WWE seems "guiltier", but hardly anyone is guilty free. Not at that level anyway.


So not worth it
Raw needs more AJ.

Put her on commentary. King can call her a whore while she cracks geeky jokes, puts on his crown and talks about her and Zigglers washboard ab baby's
Classic Match of the Day:

Billy Robinson vs Nick Bockwinkel - (AJPW 12/11/80)

Ridiculously awesome classic here between two grappling masters, Billy Robinson and Nick Bockwinkel. We get some excellent mat work from both guys at the start as they trade holds. Billy uses his European wrestling style to gain the upper hand, at one point locking in an octopus hold, only for Bock to roll through and go right back to the arm! Billy isn't down for long though, trapping Bockwinkel with a head-scissors and really wrenching it in. Bock makes it to the ropes and they go to lock up, but Billy slams Bock's arm over his shoulder and hits a PROPER neckbreaker. Considering how often neckbreakers are done in wrestling today, it's remarkable how awful they all are. I'm looking at you, Kofi. Billy runs Bock into the ropes and goes for a hip-toss, but Bock holds on, arm-dragging Billy over into an armbar! THAT WAS AWESOME! Bock applies a ton of nasty looking pressure, forcing Billy to the ropes. Robinson looks slightly annoyed at this point, grabbing Bock in a vicious headlock. Great application and some excellent selling from Bockwinkel here. Nick, living up to the smartest man in wrestling name, pulls out every trick in the book in trying to escape, but Billy is absolutely relentless with the headlock. Eventually, he scores a drop-toe hold and Billy screams in pain. Nick immediately goes to work on the leg and knee of Robinson, who sells expertly as he tries to relieve the pressure. He makes it to the ropes and stalks over to Bock, hitting a huge European uppercut, but Bock no sells it and just slaps the taste out of Robinson's mouth! Billy charges at him, but Bock jumps him over the top rope! They go to the floor and Robinson scores with a bodyslam. He waits for Bock in the ring, only to be fooled by the same trick again! Both guys start throwing some big bombs, Nick scores with a piledriver, but Billy makes it to the ropes. Billy's strength shows here as he manhandles Bock, hitting some big backbreakers, but on the third one his knee gives way and Bock's like a rabid dog as he goes straight after the leg! The final stretch is great as Bock works a figure 4 and both men slug it out to the finish. Great, great match. Seriously, I love this match.

Here's the playlist of other classic matches so far;


  • Bob Backlund (c) vs Stan Hansen - WWF Heavyweight Title - (NJPW 09/30/80)
  • Tatsumi Fujinami (c) vs Tony Rocco - WWF Light Heavyweight Title - (NJPW 09/11/80)
  • Takako Inoue vs Kyoko Inoue - (AJW 01/24/93)
  • Tiger Mask (c) vs Bret Hart - WWF Light Heavyweight Title - (NJPW 02/05/82)
  • Stan Hansen vs Andre the Giant - (NJPW 09/23/81)
  • Mitsuharu Misawa & Kenta Kobashi vs Toshiaki Kawada & Akira Taue - Real World Tag League FINAL - (AJPW 12/03/93)
  • Jumbo Tsuruta & Tiger Mask II (c) vs Stan Hansen & Ted DiBiase - PWF World Tag Team Championship - (AJPW 11/07/87)
  • Keiji Mutoh (c) vs Nobuhiko Takada - IWGP Heavyweight Title - (NJPW 10/09/95)
  • Aja Kong (c) vs Dynamite Kansai - WWWA Title Match - (AJW 08/25/93)
  • Naoki Sano vs Masakatsu Funaki - (SWS 04/01/91)
  • Koji Kanemoto (c) vs Jushin 'Thunder' Liger - IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Title - (NJPW 01/04/96)
  • Nick Bockwinkel (c) vs Jumbo Tsuruta (c) - AWA Heavyweight Title & NWA United International Title - (AJPW 02/23/84)
  • Terry Funk vs Stan Hansen - (AJPW 04/14/83)
  • Jushin 'Thunder' Liger vs El Samurai - Top of the Super Jr's III FINAL - (NJPW 04/30/92)
  • Genichiro Tenryu vs Yoshiaki Fujiwara - (WAR 11/27/97)
I know advertisment is crazy, but it's not like others forms of sports "sans" entertainment don't follow the same.

I'm at the ballpark and there is like nowhere I can look without seeing some type of billboard ad. And how many commercials do I have to watch during an NFL game? Timeout, injury, two minute warning, kick-off, etc etc etc. ADS. Perhaps WWE is "guiltier", but hardly anyone is guilty free. Not at that level anyway.

I appreciate the Devil's Advocate role here, but the one thing I will blame WWE for is the adverts. Not so much the Network regulated ad-breaks, but the during WWE programming ad-breaks.

RAW returns from an ad-break then spend 15 minutes shilling some movie I have no interest in. Or some Sonic chicken burger I won't/can't buy. Or the WWE App.


I appreciate the Devil's Advocate role here, but the one thing I will blame WWE for is the adverts. Not so much the Network regulated ad-breaks, but the during WWE programming ad-breaks.

RAW returns from an ad-break then spend 15 minutes shilling some movie I have no interest in. Or some Sonic chicken burger I won't/can't buy. Or the WWE App.

I don't know what to tell ya man.
, except


Edit: God damn that Money in the Bank briefcase is more beat up than Chyna's butthole.
Because you guys are my favourite part of GAF.

Here are some random Steam Keys.

Defense Grid: The Awakening - Hidden
Red Faction Armageddon - Hidden

Jamie OD

Do you know what improves the "driving on a planet's surface" sections in Mass Effect? Playing Hillbilly Jim's "Don't Go Messin' With A Country Boy" in the background while hopping over the dunes.


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Because you guys are my favourite part of GAF.

Here are some random Steam Keys.

Defense Grid: The Awakening - Hidden
Red Faction Armageddon - Hidden

Such a nice guy! I didn't redeem any of them, since I own em, but they're good!


Edit: God damn that Money in the Bank briefcase is more beat up than Chyna's butthole.

You know, they could easily turn that thing into an icon for Ziggler (THE BRIEFCASE NOT THE BUTTHOLE YOU SICK JACKASSES). It's something strongly associated with him by this point and it looks so beat up because he prefers to use it as a weapon, which also speaks to his character. (Or should.) There's a lot of ways you could spin it. Have a face point out that it's a metaphor for how useless he is--he's taken something prestigious and ruined it through his own laziness and ineptitude. Meanwhile, Ziggler could wax philosophical about how every dent or scuff is a story on his path to greatness or whatever self-aggrandizing thing he chooses to say. It'd tie him back into the title hunt and be more entertaining than loljobsomemore. Point is, the briefcase itself could have its own legacy by now if they'd do something with it.


I appreciate the Devil's Advocate role here, but the one thing I will blame WWE for is the adverts. Not so much the Network regulated ad-breaks, but the during WWE programming ad-breaks.

RAW returns from an ad-break then spend 15 minutes shilling some movie I have no interest in. Or some Sonic chicken burger I won't/can't buy. Or the WWE App.

Ads themselves aren't really the issue, it's the way that they actually book their shows around advertising. Rock winning the title? 100% so he could lug the title around with him while doing PR for his real job, which he hasn't really done anyway. This Miz and Wade thing that came out of nowhere? 100% to promote their WWE Films movies. Actually, everything about Miz in the past 5 months has been about The Marine 3. Matches and angles happening during the break? 100% to get people to download their app, which they will spend 15 minutes of each show telling people how to download like smart phone owners have no idea how to download an app. HIDEOUS product placement "Hey King, you know what I could go for right now? A banana explosion milk shake and a Sonic Burger." "Oh yeah, I love Sonic. I go there all the time." kind of shit. It's so gross. John Cena changing colors every 3 months? 100% to get the kiddies to buy the same shirts in a different color.

I mean, it's all about making money, but WWE is completely transparent about it now and it's really pretty gross.
Agree again.

I'm sure it was here I saw the CM PUNK/CENA merchandise comparison picture, where they basically had the exact same merch being sold - wristbands/t-shirt. They basically looked like they should be a tag-team.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
What bothers me about the merchandising, mainly, is what keeps the WWE afraid to do major character overhauls to established stars that they may not be able to market as well - i.e. John Cena. He needs an overhaul in a critical sense, but the money he brings is something that the WWE, as a business, needs to consider, so they never pull the trigger on ANYTHING.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Wonder how many cena sucks shirts have been sold

Not a great amount I'm sure, seeing as I never see em and most people would rather buy something they LIKE than show off their distaste for someone. Also it's disingenuous, and people pick up on that even if they don't understand it clearly.

"Why would I wear a shirt that even SAYS John Cena? I hate him"

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Dude's name is Homeless? That's kinda awesomely bad.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I've seen like 5 indie wrestlers known as the "Real Deal", too good. If I ever do go to wrassle I'll be the "Smorgasboard of Death" or "Truth in Advertising, WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET WITH SUNFLOWER"


Agree again.

I'm sure it was here I saw the CM PUNK/CENA merchandise comparison picture, where they basically had the exact same merch being sold - wristbands/t-shirt. They basically looked like they should be a tag-team.

The only difference is people who buy Punks merch is the older audience which means he can go Heel or Face at anytime and it will still sell because his fanbase doesn't care.

Cena fanbase is kids and parents so turning him is a problem because everyone else hates him and won't buy it.
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