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March WrassleGAF |SHOW-T| Big Shoes Mean Big Appetites



It's a shame too. Would have been a lot better if they'd just book it as if they hated each other's guts.
Especially seeing how this is the second time they've booked this match for Mania and they ran the exact same build last year.

There was more tension when Dwayne was guest refereeing Miz's title match than there has been for anything the past two Manias.

I mean, ever since HBK/Taker II they've decided they have to have a WM rematch every year now, every big match now has to be two matches.

But HBK/Taker had a build, then HBK/Taker II had a different build that followed on from it. And it was a long build, from like November-April HBK was 100% all about the match, it was a great story.

Even HHH/Taker II, which had a weak build, had a proper story that was set up at the end of their first (second?) match, and was followed up on as the story for the next year. And in fact it had a very satisfying conclusion at the end of the sequel match itself.

Rock/Cena 1 had no build, it was just "hey we're having a BIG MATCH, it's a really important match, kung pao bitch, lol!". This year has even less story, and there was no build whatsoever for it. They didn't even interact until like 4 weeks before WM. Counting the go home show next week, they will have shared THREE promos since last year's WM.

It's a transparent cash grab. Yeah, the point is to make money, always, but you're supposed to tell a story and make it worthwhile and that part draws the money. Instead it's a pure "big name/big name" cash-in.

Haha at the BORING chant.


Are you fucking serious? They still have THREE MORE GUYS TO ASK QUESTIONS and the first one has been going on for 5 minutes already. Fuck.


No One Remembers


Rock's promo is not very substantial, but at least he's passionate, he's get you fired up if you were in the crowd. Cena's a friggin robot, why would I ever cheer for him?
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