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March WrassleGAF |SHOW-T| Big Shoes Mean Big Appetites


It legit
sounded like Austin's promo with Rock before WM 17 where he said he HAD to beat him at all costs, which obviously foreshadowed his taking Vince's help to win the match.

Finally, some actual physicality.

Ok, ill definitely track it down. Thanks Ithil!
Not even throught the table.

also corprate cena or shield helping cena would be awesome.

like vince coming out, i dont need no stinking part timer i have JOHNNNNNNNNNNN CENAAAAAAAAAAAAA


it looked like cena tried to get out of the rock bottom and rock was NOPE. Almost looked like cena tired to land on his own feet.
I'm enjoying this very much. It's two guys with a beef, each wanting to be the best, and they're pleading their cases before they fight. It doesn't get more Ultimate than that.

That segment was boring as hell to me. Cena's a robot. The Rock's out there at least feigning passion but it's like he's playing tennis against the ocean. And after 25 long minutes it ends with a weak Rock bottom.

And that's the "heel Cena" you people want so bad? Normal Cena except more serious? It would still suck. Cena gonna Cena gonna Cena.
My reaction after watching that "fight"


They wasted Cena actually acknowledging that for 10 years, the dueling chants piss him off?

There has to be a attitude adjustment in Cena's future.


Are we having the "Cena will turn heel" debate again? How many times has WrassleGAF gone through this tired exercise since 2003? I've lost count.


The Cena heel turn needs to happen. It just...needs to. It just prints money. So much money. Smarks will gladly open their wallets.

The REAL reason to do it, is because Cena's time as face f the company is over, whether they like it or not. They can't turn back the clock and Cena winning clean as he's booed out of the building as a super in 2013 will only turn off audiences even more. He has nowhere to go, no one to feud with, after WM as a face, he's feuded with everyone, beaten everyone, done everything, no one is any threat to him now.

Cena turning heel now at the and of his redemption story would give what is probably his last WWE title reign all new life and refresh his final years massively. Think of how many feuds and stories are opened up by a heel turn a this stage of his career and the pedestal he's on.

But I think Vince still thinks he can milk that Cena cow for a few more years (and can't decide on a person to replace him as top face despite having many guys capable) so despite this very heelish promo from Cena, I'm not holding my breath for a heel turn. It's just the ideal time and place to do it for maximum impact and longevity.


It legit
sounded like Austin's promo with Rock before WM 17 where he said he HAD to beat him at all costs, which obviously foreshadowed his taking Vince's help to win the match.

Finally, some actual physicality.

Ok, ill definitely track it down. Thanks Ithil!

Similar to what happened tonight:

Part 1 (11:29 in)
Part 2

Fucking awesome sitdown interview before Wrestlemania 17 between Austin and Rock on SMACKDOWN. Sure was great when they actually used all four hours of Raw and Smackdown each week.


Yeah, I don't think the turn will happen, but it would make a lot of sense. They've got him on a slow burn for it. Any time they want to pull that trigger, it could be huge for generating crowd interest.


Cena basically cut a heel promo where she said no one beats him and he only lost because he made a mistake trying for the mock People's Elbow.

Well, that's sort of true. Rock was down, Cena started fucking around and lost. It was stupid. Of course, bringing this up shines a light on TPE being a stupid move, so I imagine he danced away from the subject pretty quickly.

God this RAW sounded painful. Glad I played Bastion instead, though I'm morbidly curious about the last segment. And more Mick Foley ain't bad neither.

Still, all of this leads me to one conclusion: I hope someone gets fired for the 2012-2013 booking. Maybe multiple someones. Not out of spite or anything, but just because being this bad at your job means you shouldn't have said job. Your work is bowling shoe ugly.

And if it really is Vince pulling the strings, then God help us all.
That segment was boring as hell to me. Cena's a robot. The Rock's out there at least feigning passion but it's like he's playing tennis against the ocean. And after 25 long minutes it ends with a weak Rock bottom.

And that's the "heel Cena" you people want so bad? Normal Cena except more serious? It would still suck. Cena gonna Cena gonna Cena.



That segment was boring as hell to me. Cena's a robot. The Rock's out there at least feigning passion but it's like he's playing tennis against the ocean. And after 25 long minutes it ends with a weak Rock bottom.

And that's the "heel Cena" you people want so bad? Normal Cena except more serious? It would still suck. Cena gonna Cena gonna Cena.

I thought it was super awesome subtle character development. Cena's been saying all the right things for the past year, but now--on the eve of the rematch--he finally admits that he doesn't feel like Dwayne beat him. That he made a mistake for the most plausible of reasons. That he's pissed at himself for doing it and having to spend the next year putting Dwayne over. Meanwhile, Dwayne knows better; he beat Cena and he'll beat Cena again. It's an awesome dynamic. Like I said, it's a very Ultimate build.
The REAL reason to do it, is because Cena's time as face f the company is over, whether they like it or not. They can't turn back the clock and Cena winning clean as he's booed out of the building as a super in 2013 will only turn off audiences even more. He has nowhere to go, no one to feud with, after WM as a face, he's feuded with everyone, beaten everyone, done everything, no one is any threat to him now.

True. In a perfect world, he would leave the territory.

Too bad they can't send him off to work somewhere else like they used to back in the day...


But it's a very chickenshit heel thing to say. It's the guy saying "I'm going to try to diminish your victory because I can't accept the fact that you beat me." It's like when someone blames a loss on an injury that nobody in the world knew about before the fight.
I thought it was super awesome subtle character development. Cena's been saying all the right things for the past year, but now--on the eve of the rematch--he finally admits that he doesn't feel like Dwayne beat him. That he made a mistake for the most plausible of reasons. That he's pissed at himself for doing it and having to spend the next year putting Dwayne over. Meanwhile, Dwayne knows better; he beat Cena and he'll beat Cena again. It's an awesome dynamic. Like I said, it's a very Ultimate build.

If you say so. I really don't see it, or anything to be interested about with this match, the same way I don't see why anyone's still excited for "heel Cena." Despite whatever subtle character development happened in that segment, it's still gonna be John Cena wrestling in that match. Mr. No Sell, Mr. Every Move Looks Awkward, Mr. Public Access Television Pastor On The Mic, and the Monday after that it's still gonna be John Cena on Raw. Win, lose, draw, face, heel, the guy is a black hole.

The concept of the feud COULD be interesting with someone else opposite Rocky, but in execution, It's Still John Cena™
I missed RAW... prefered to go do other stuff and watch HIMYM

Apparently I didn't miss anything, not even the lovely diva pics...

Now it's time to wait for Bioshock Infinite to unlock and download from PSN :(
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