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March WrassleGAF |SHOW-T| Big Shoes Mean Big Appetites

Bret gives 0 fucks.


If you say so. I really don't see it, or anything to be interested about with this match, the same way I don't see why anyone's still excited for "heel Cena." Despite whatever subtle character development happened in that segment, it's still gonna be John Cena wrestling in that match. Mr. No Sell, Mr. Every Move Looks Awkward, Mr. Public Access Television Pastor On The Mic, and the Monday after that it's still gonna be John Cena on Raw. Win, lose, draw, face, heel, the guy is a black hole.

The concept of the feud COULD be interesting with someone else opposite Rocky, but in execution, It's Still John Cena™

Well, I watch this shit 3 weeks out of the year. It's somewhat tolerable on that basis. Perhaps you should follow my lead.


I missed RAW... prefered to go do other stuff and watch HIMYM

Apparently I didn't miss anything, not even the lovely diva pics...

Now it's time to wait for Bioshock Infinite to unlock and download from PSN :(

Highlights of RAW were AJ exiting the ring, AJ throwing Kaitlyn headfirst into a water fountain, and Heyman absolutely bombing it up the ramp after Taker appeared. Other than that...yeah.


I want to hear more about Jericho talking Fandango through everything just because Jericho was saying "don't say a word" but then Fandango says his name lol.
Well, I watch this shit 3 weeks out of the year. It's somewhat tolerable on that basis. Perhaps you should follow my lead.

I'm already at the bare minimum of "keeping up" with the program. Any less and I'd be one of those posters who comes in here asking "So what's been going on for the last 3 months?"

My problem is that I want to care. Even though they no longer do.


Wait Henry vs Ryback is a weight lifing contest. DA fuck.

they really dont ryback to fall on his ass

I think it's just for Smackdown, but they're gonna have Ryback win because lolface.

When you've got one of the 3-4 strongest men the entire human species has ever produced, it's kinda ridiculous to have him lose a lifting contest to anyone.

Gonna RAGE bros.



No chance Cena is going legit, dress in black and talk shit about the local sports team heel. As long as he's selling merch and doing make a wish stuff. It's just not gonna happen.

He already is a heel for half the audience. Tonight was a fucking heel promo. You didn't beat me last year, I beat me? The fuck is that?
I don't even get that complaint. It's not like she doesn't in fact look her age (25). I'd never mistake her for anything other than early to mid 20s.

It was a joke, chill dude. I like AJ, but they've been mishandling her since the 1000 episode. She just kinda annoys me now whenever I see her.
AJ is a very pretty lady and I want to take her for a walk on the beach.

Also I am keeping my expectations for Rock/Cena 2 in check. Cena is not turning heel. They have had a million chances and they havent done it a million times. I dont know what they do to make his win any less painful for the audience so they might as well just let him win and let it be.


No chance Cena is going legit, dress in black and talk shit about the local sports team heel. As long as he's selling merch and doing make a wish stuff. It's just not gonna happen.

He already is a heel for half the audience. Tonight was a fucking heel promo. You didn't beat me last year, I beat me? The fuck is that?

Imagine the heat he'd get, though. Half the audiences already despises him, he'd have th entire audience despising him, I can't even remember the last heel that had a whole audience just ready to kill him. He doesn't even have to do the "all black evil now nWo 4 life" thing.

He could crank up his Cenaisms to an insane degree, where he fully believes he is the most righteous, hilarious, noble, invunerable, incredible and heroic man ever, while he acts completely like a heel. Really play up the PG, kid friendly thing that riles up the adults, while doing in an obviously deluded/sarcastic and knowing, corporate manner that would keep kids from liking him, and literally believing he is invincible because of CENAWINSLOL.

I don't trust Cena in 2013 to be an nWo or a Punk type heel, best to stick with what he knows and just use it to its advantage.


How can a videogame hype it's release date better than WWE can it's biggest event of the year? Seriously. Bioshock hype!

MC Safety

I saw Dusty Rhodes' forehead and imagine all it takes to get him busted wide open, as they say, is a stiff breeze.

(They never say he's cut or he's bleeding. It's always "busted wide open!")
I'm already at the bare minimum of "keeping up" with the program. Any less and I'd be one of those posters who comes in here asking "So what's been going on for the last 3 months?"

My problem is that I want to care. Even though they no longer do.

stop caring. i began watching after years of not caring just to quit again after a few weeks.



I just wish I could ever buy into the Cena character. He can't actually never give up if he's always on the top.

If they did an actual storyline where he went all the way back down and had to work his way back to the main event, then I could at least suspend my disbelief and try to enjoy the character. But when someone is going on about how they've lost everything and need to never give up and redemption when they've been the main even of almost every PPV over the WWE title, it's just.. no.
I think it's just for Smackdown, but they're gonna have Ryback win because lolface.

When you've got one of the 3-4 strongest men the entire human species has ever produced, it's kinda ridiculous to have him lose a lifting contest to anyone.

Gonna RAGE bros.

I think they'll actually have Henry win that just to make Ryback look kinda like an underdog....that way it'll look even more awesome when he gives him the shellshock at WM.

I feel kinda shitty that I'm actually hoping he botches it.


It's the WWE. The faces are heels and the heels are reasonable people.


Tonight, Wade Barrett just wanted to wrestle his match on time. Triple H kicked him in the dick for NO REASON and because of it he lost the match! Why is Brock Lesnar the bad guy going into WM?



Tonight, Wade Barrett just wanted to wrestle his match on time. Triple H kicked him in the dick for NO REASON and because of it he lost the match! Why is Brock Lesnar the bad guy going into WM?

Brock did F5 a senior citizen just for trying to fire his friend?/manager. Cena/Rock is dual faces. Is it hard to believe that Haitch/Laser is dual heels?


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
Paul Heyman is among the best highlights of any show he is on. I believe the WWE should give him another wrestler to manage, but still keep them all separate from being a stable. I'd like to see him aligned with Wade Barrett or Antonio Cesaro to help get them to the next level in WWE.
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