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March WrassleGAF |SHOW-T| Big Shoes Mean Big Appetites



Dead Man

I'm already at the bare minimum of "keeping up" with the program. Any less and I'd be one of those posters who comes in here asking "So what's been going on for the last 3 months?"

My problem is that I want to care. Even though they no longer do.
Meh, I'm comfortable with my role.
They will never turn Cena heel. If he does I will never post in this thread again. I am that damn confident.
Looks at date... thread has 5 more days.... ;)
Night again...


And that is one of the things that keeps me interested.


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
I sincerely hope they add Luke Harper or Kassius Ohno to The Shield this year to keep the stable/storyline going throughout 2013.

Dead Man

Imagine the heat he'd get, though. Half the audiences already despises him, he'd have th entire audience despising him, I can't even remember the last heel that had a whole audience just ready to kill him. He doesn't even have to do the "all black evil now nWo 4 life" thing.

He could crank up his Cenaisms to an insane degree, where he fully believes he is the most righteous, hilarious, noble, invunerable, incredible and heroic man ever, while he acts completely like a heel. Really play up the PG, kid friendly thing that riles up the adults, while doing in an obviously deluded/sarcastic and knowing, corporate manner that would keep kids from liking him, and literally believing he is invincible because of CENAWINSLOL.

I don't trust Cena in 2013 to be an nWo or a Punk type heel, best to stick with what he knows and just use it to its advantage.

That would be pretty awesome. Never happening.


I sincerely hope they add Luke Harper or Kassius Ohno to The Shield this year to keep the stable/storyline going throughout 2013.

I disagree. I don't want the NXT guys to clump together for fear of another 3MB/Nexus wreck where people with talent become jobbers to the stars. Ya got to keep 'em separated.


What a boring show. Could someone on screen try to pretend like WM is a big deal? You know what would have made more sense for HHH/Bork? The stipulation that HHH has to retire regardless of if he wins or loses. HHH said he'd agree to anything, he could get his win back, but get destroyed by Bork after the match and that'd be that.


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
I disagree. I don't want the NXT guys to clump together for fear of another 3MB/Nexus wreck where people with talent become jobbers to the stars. Ya got to keep 'em separated.

Having them go separate isn't a guarantee. If Bo Dallas is a sign of how they'll use individual NXT 'graduates', I'd rather see more pairings/groupings like they have done with The Shield, PTP, Big E paired with AJ/Dolph, and others. If they come in solo (or even as a tag-team), I believe it will be harder for the wrestlers to get over and recognized enough to stay on the main card.

Sandow was paired with Rhodes, Cesaro is doing a whole lot of nothing, Primo/Epico are jobbers in the tag scene, Bo is off TV, Maddox doesn't wrestle and makes a wild appearance once a month it seems, and there's more.

I'd rather see Harper or Ohno (two of my most anticipated 'graduates) join one of the hottest storylines in the WWE rather than starting at 0 and be the next Fandango, Brodus Clay, and Tensai. Harper could fit into a Swagger/Zeb pairing.


I just want to say that I don't think Bret looks old. Besides his hair, he really hasn't aged very much in the past 10 years. And now that he actually dresses like an adult, he looks pretty good for 55. Especially considering the stress of the past 10-15 years, plus a stroke, I think he looks great.

What the fuck was John Cena talking about? "Never won the big one" when he's a 12 time champion, two time Royal Rumble winner, and MITB winner? Losing IS an option? So what's the big deal then?


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
The only way I will accept a John Cena win at Wrestlemania is if he goes heel. This is the most opportune moment for WWE to make an impact with his turn. They should not be afraid of merchandise sales since NWO/DX heels were capable of selling merchandise. Even when The Rock was heel, he was capable of selling merch.
Having them go separate isn't a guarantee. If Bo Dallas is a sign of how they'll use individual NXT 'graduates', I'd rather see more pairings/groupings like they have done with The Shield, PTP, Big E paired with AJ/Dolph, and others. If they come in solo (or even as a tag-team), I believe it will be harder for the wrestlers to get over and recognized enough to stay on the main card.

Sandow was paired with Rhodes, Cesaro is doing a whole lot of nothing, Primo/Epico are jobbers in the tag scene, Bo is off TV, Maddox doesn't wrestle and makes a wild appearance once a month it seems, and there's more.

I'd rather see Harper or Ohno (two of my most anticipated 'graduates) join one of the hottest storylines in the WWE rather than starting at 0 and be the next Fandango, Brodus Clay, and Tensai. Harper could fit into a Swagger/Zeb pairing.

Bo Dallas has been in development for 3 plus years now, somebody else in his spot probably would have gotten over with what they gave him but he sucks in general. Its gonna be a while before they bring up Harper and even then he will be called up with The Wyat Family. NXT currently is FCW but televised alot of them are so green. Out of everybody on NXT the only people that are ready to be called up is Ohno and Paige. Ohno hasn't been in development that long, yah i know he's an experienced indy guy but WWE likes to have guys in development at least a year or so before calling them up if they even have anything for them to do. Big E was called up way to quick for a guy with not much wrestling experience, all just to give Ziggler some muscle so he could face Cena a couple of months ago. Big E is so boring in the ring even against good workers like Cesaro. They might be getting ready to call Paige up though they are hiring old divas so the division doesn't look so dead when she gets called up
Horrible slowwwww RAW. So much big talent on the card and the scheduling between them all is completely fucked. I think Taker has been on TV for about 35 mins worth since his return. 30 min of that has been entrances and poses. The rest were his 3 lines last week and a 10 sec brawl this week. I love Taker, but this is horrible. The video promo was neat though.

Boring HHH promo. I don't even remember what he said honestly. Why didn't Heyman chat with him? Why the fuck couldn't they pay Brock to be there?!

Fandango/Jericho - I guess a nice little filler match. Might even curtain jerk

Swagger/ Rio- Still boring and a waste of a good WHC match. It feels as if they did the same thing the whole damn month.

Ryback/Henry - Squash matches were boring and far too long.

Hell no/ Zigglez - Think this match will be a dud. Will probably get 10min of time anyways.

Sheild/Super Squad - I believe in the Sheild. Should make it a no DQ though.

Rock/Cena- Rock was ok. His life story shit is boring. No one cares that you were broke 30 years ago dude. Cena interestingly was acting like a pussy. Acting was horrible like usual. But I liked they gave up on that stupid respect bullshit.

Highly doubt they will redeem themselves next week. They will play it nice and safe. So anyone expecting an action packed go home show better throw in the towel now.
The only way I will accept a John Cena win at Wrestlemania is if he goes heel. This is the most opportune moment for WWE to make an impact with his turn. They should not be afraid of merchandise sales since NWO/DX heels were capable of selling merchandise. Even when The Rock was heel, he was capable of selling merch.

So if Cena goes heel means more of this?


But I gotta admit Cena's best feud was when he was Heel Cena against Latino Heat


Even if Dolph cashes in and wins the title soon, it won't matter, because he's literally lost to anyone and everyone even close to either title scene. Repeatedly. Besides his little run of wins around Survivor Series, since winning MITB, he's lost to Cena, Kane, Ryback, ADR, Sheamus, Orton, D-Bryne, Punk, Jericho, Big Shoe, Brodus, Mark Henry, Miz. He obviously can't hang with any of those guys and the only guy he can beat regularly is Kofi. Why should anyone give the slightest of fucks when he eventually wins the title if he can't beat anyone even in non-title matches with interference from AJ, Big E, and cheating?

There is no way him cashing in is going to be believable after he's been booked to be a total joke in the ring for the past 9 months. He's been booked so terribly. I think they think that, much like having the IC or US Championships, that's enough to make him over and believable, so losing doesn't matter. Except, it does. Especially when you're trying to build someone up as a future world champion. And current title holders repeatedly losing on TV over and over and not even defending their titles makes both the title and the title holder look shitty. How is no one in Titan Towers seeing these shows and making such obvious and terrible booking decisions?

Tonight, why was there any reason for HHH to punk Wade out? Since when do guys come out for their matches while someone is still leaving the ring after a promo? It didn't make HHH look like a bad ass, it didn't make Wade a rub for facing off with HHH, it just made Wade look like a punk loser. Then he loses to Miz. What the fuck?

Or why does Antonio Cesaro, the longest reigning champion in the company right now, not only not have any program going into WM, but also is used as a straight up JTTS for the entire month before WM? He dominates Miz for 2 months, and then loses easily to him, jobs at least 3 times to Ryback, gets booked in "title vs title" matches where he looks like a chump both times, gets beat up after a match, gets jobber entrances, has had no mic time, and gets made fun of on commentary? He had what seemed like a natural WM feud with Miz going strong, then it just ended and Wade was put in his place because he and Miz both have movies.

Before tonight, when was the last time Hell No not even defended the titles, but even have a tag match together? It seems like it's been months. Why instead of doing the obvious story of them breaking up and having a WM that was started at the Rumble, are they shoved into a random tag match 3 weeks before the big show with Ziggler and Big E? Why does anyone think Big E and Ziggler can win the tag titles when Big E. can't even help Ziggler win a singles match?

The entire past 3 months have been next level bonkers, as some terrorist looking dude is wont to say. Everyone is all hopeful for HHH taking over, but these shows have not only been ultra boring and grueling to watch, they've also been horribly booked on all levels of the cards. Can he not say, "hey Pops, I don't think having Ziggler lose every match is good for him. And I don't think having Wade and Cesaro lose every match is good for the titles. Why don't we just have them drop the belts instead of losing every week in non-title stuff?"
F**k what a disgrace of a show.

Wrestlemania looks terrible and its clear they don't even give a shit either, every week they somehow make it worse and worse.

AJ and Kaitlyn should have been a proper built feud months ago all leading up to now, not some throw-away countout shit on a throw-away Raw (2 weeks before the 'biggest show of the year'. :| )

Why were there two countout endings in one show?

Why do all the good guys do such bad guy things? Cesaro did NOTHING wrong yet Del Rio felt the need to attack him from behind.

Has Dolph ever interacted with Del Rio? Why is he distracted by tag team stuff when he should just be focusing on a bigger prize.

Why has the WWE driven me to the point where I can't even give a shit about a Daniel Bryan match anymore? The one guy I love on the show beyond all else and they've sucked whatever small care I could still muster for the played out to death months ago PLEASE END IT tag team BS.


The last segment was 30min of zero f**ks being given and then they just go WELL UNLESS YOU JUST BRING IT AT WM THIS ALL MEANS NOTHING!!!! *finising move* Glad I tuned in then. :|

Heyman running like the wind and Fandangooooo were the highlights.


Don't even bother. Watch the opening so you can see Paul E. (oh shit, is Big E. his son?) recover a fumble and run it in for a touch down and maybe the end just so you can see how fucking ridiculous this angle with Cena and Rock is. I'm glad Rock got to point out "Because I have to" is a terrible god damn reason for Cena to be so worked up. However, I'm not glad that Rock said that Cena took his loss like a man and didn't bitch or cry when in fact he's been bitching about it for the past year. It's all he talks about and he was being SUCH a bitch during their promo, but Rock didn't call him on it.
So if Cena goes heel means more of this?


But I gotta admit Cena's best feud was when he was Heel Cena against Latino Heat
It's so weird going back and watching old Cena shit. It feels like it never existed and the only Cena is the one that exists now. I mean the guy used to cheat.....EVEN WHEN HE WAS WWE CHAMPION....WTF...
Even if Dolph cashes in and wins the title soon, it won't matter, because he's literally lost to anyone and everyone even close to either title scene. Repeatedly. Besides his little run of wins around Survivor Series, since winning MITB, he's lost to Cena, Kane, Ryback, ADR, Sheamus, Orton, D-Bryne, Punk, Jericho, Big Shoe, Brodus, Mark Henry, Miz. He obviously can't hang with any of those guys and the only guy he can beat regularly is Kofi. Why should anyone give the slightest of fucks when he eventually wins the title if he can't beat anyone even in non-title matches with interference from AJ, Big E, and cheating?

There is no way him cashing in is going to be believable after he's been booked to be a total joke in the ring for the past 9 months. He's been booked so terribly. I think they think that, much like having the IC or US Championships, that's enough to make him over and believable, so losing doesn't matter. Except, it does. Especially when you're trying to build someone up as a future world champion. And current title holders repeatedly losing on TV over and over and not even defending their titles makes both the title and the title holder look shitty. How is no one in Titan Towers seeing these shows and making such obvious and terrible booking decisions?

Tonight, why was there any reason for HHH to punk Wade out? Since when do guys come out for their matches while someone is still leaving the ring after a promo? It didn't make HHH look like a bad ass, it didn't make Wade a rub for facing off with HHH, it just made Wade look like a punk loser. Then he loses to Miz. What the fuck?

Or why does Antonio Cesaro, the longest reigning champion in the company right now, not only not have any program going into WM, but also is used as a straight up JTTS for the entire month before WM? He dominates Miz for 2 months, and then loses easily to him, jobs at least 3 times to Ryback, gets booked in "title vs title" matches where he looks like a chump both times, gets beat up after a match, gets jobber entrances, has had no mic time, and gets made fun of on commentary? He had what seemed like a natural WM feud with Miz going strong, then it just ended and Wade was put in his place because he and Miz both have movies.

Before tonight, when was the last time Hell No not even defended the titles, but even have a tag match together? It seems like it's been months. Why instead of doing the obvious story of them breaking up and having a WM that was started at the Rumble, are they shoved into a random tag match 3 weeks before the big show with Ziggler and Big E? Why does anyone think Big E and Ziggler can win the tag titles when Big E. can't even help Ziggler win a singles match?

The entire past 3 months have been next level bonkers, as some terrorist looking dude is wont to say. Everyone is all hopeful for HHH taking over, but these shows have not only been ultra boring and grueling to watch, they've also been horribly booked on all levels of the cards. Can he not say, "hey Pops, I don't think having Ziggler lose every match is good for him. And I don't think having Wade and Cesaro lose every match is good for the titles. Why don't we just have them drop the belts instead of losing every week in non-title stuff?"
All truth right there. I really wish there was a way I could just ask everyone there what the fuck they're thinking when they do all this shit. I just don't get it.....it seems so easy and obvious what the best solutions would be, yet they keep doing dumb shit.


That's what you get for forgetting to make a story for your WM main event.
What story would Punk-Taker have if Paul Bearer hadn't died?

"I'm facing Tri-... John Ce- ... shit..."
*whispers to somebody asking who doesn't have a WM match yet*
"... I'll face CM Punk!"

The whole card sounds horrid. I'll probably tune in just to see the car wreck. And strobogo's post is spot on and just lays out the terrible writing and booking this crew has.
What story would Punk-Taker have if Paul Bearer hadn't died?

"I'm facing Tri-... John Ce- ... shit..."
*whispers to somebody asking who doesn't have a WM match yet*
"... I'll face CM Punk!"

The whole card sounds horrid. I'll probably tune in just to see the car wreck. And strobogo's post is spot on and just lays out the terrible writing and booking this crew has.

Pray for rain, snow, or extreme cold to spice things up, that's what I'm looking forward to now
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