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March WrassleGAF |SHOW-T| Big Shoes Mean Big Appetites



Edit: Ooooh! Top of page!



So that Barrett gif getting punted in the nads, how many times has Triple H gone out of his way to embarrass a talent for no reason?

Did a random Pedigree to Sheamus, did one to Zack Ryder once I'm quite sure of, and there's that. I could have sworn there was more.
Well at least Barrett being kicked in the bollocks played into his defeat right guys? guys?

And damn it Beef for reminding me of DA FLYIN' WALINDAS, I knew there were some Booker T commentary quotes i'd been forgetting as of late WITH DA GREATEST OF EASE!

That Raw was awful even by awful Raw standards but I will say from the moment Cena got all huffy about his WM loss it instantly made the most exciting bit of build across both of the Cena/Rock matches, though I guess that speaks volumes about how weak the feud is to begin with. It was interesting watching The Rock's promo energy contrasted with Cena Bot and his dead eyed stares, it's like why the hell would you root for Cena here anyway?


So that Barrett gif getting punted in the nads, how many times has Triple H gone out of his way to embarrass a talent for no reason?

Did a random Pedigree to Sheamus, did one to Zack Ryder once I'm quite sure of, and there's that. I could have sworn there was more.

Drew Mac (more than once), Paul London and Spanky when they saved him from a beat down and all 3 were faces, Miz, Ziggler, Otunga, and I believe Swagger. Probably more. Some of them were on TV, most weren't but were then put up on WWE.Com and shown on TV later anyway.


formerly cjelly
Drew Mac (more than once), Paul London and Spanky when they saved him from a beat down and all 3 were faces, Miz, Ziggler, Otunga, and I believe Swagger. Probably more. Some of them were on TV, most weren't but were then put up on WWE.Com and shown on TV later anyway.

Sandow at Raw 1000 and NXT.




I still can't get over how much more sense, a natural, better feud, and a much, much better match Jericho/Cesaro would've made but they're going with this instead. Not to mention the whole rest of this shitfest that I'm paying $300 to see.

What's that site that lets you bet on wrestling again? I need to make my money back somehow.


So not worth it
Wait, they're going to do AJ vs. Kaitlyn? At WrestleMania? For the title?
I wish.

As long as they don't book AJ like she forgot how to wrestle I don't even care if they put it in the pre-show. Shame it's her hometown, so she won't win the belt, but still. Hell, they can even give it another week of build-up, that's the most a divas match at a PPV has had in like five years.


I'm just gonna list the things I liked, since there is already enough of the other.

Triple H Promo.(duh). Short,simple, and to the point. I just hope the match turns out good!
I guess people are mad that Trips kicked Wade in the ball sack area, but really, you are feuding with MIZ. That's the biggest kick in the nads you can get already.

AJ/Kaitlyn- I think these two can have a good match. Hopefully we will see more.

Rock/Cena panel- The two most hated superstars. Whatever, I enjoyed the whole bit. I think it goes to show there really isn't any point to have had those two feud for weeks. Just unnecessary really. I didn't think Rock/Austin 2 or 3 had any sort of build up now that I think back..nowhere near like the first time. The match sells itself I guess. Oh..and Dusty was cool

A little confused how Cena now respects the Rock but wants to ruin his life by beating him, but hey..it's cool!

Everything else was fine. I usually don't straight up hate stuff.


Austin/Rock 3 had the original Rock Concert in its build, quite possibly my favourite Raw segment of all time.

Can't say I remember Austin mentioned in the song. I just remember trashing the cities, favorite being TORONTA, CA NA DAA.

I absolutely remember Stone Cold's funeral though.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Man no kidding this is a horrible Mania build. Fandango gets a Mania paycheck. Horrible.

WWE's to the point where I won't watch it anymore, I think I'm done with the exception of their features and Netflix shows. I just don't want anything to do with it.


Man no kidding this is a horrible Mania build. Fandango gets a Mania paycheck. Horrible.

WWE's to the point where I won't watch it anymore, I think I'm done with the exception of their features and Netflix shows. I just don't want anything to do with it.

But can you quit Wrassle Gaf?


So not worth it
So if Big E and Ziggler win the tag titles, AJ wins the divas title and Ziggler succesfully cashes in his briefcase at WM, would that at least redeem what they've done to Ziggler and his team since his win over Cena?

Hypothetical of course, I know this won't actually happen.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Well then you can't really get away from WWE. It's for life!

I'll still talk about it from what I know but I doubt I'll watch any of it really. I had already scaled back - hadn't watched SD in over a year, don't watch anything except the odd NXT episode every once in a while since it actually is worth watching - but I'm focusing on other wrestling.


I'll still talk about it from what I know but I doubt I'll watch any of it really. I had already scaled back - hadn't watched SD in over a year, don't watch anything except the odd NXT episode every once in a while since it actually is worth watching - but I'm focusing on other wrestling.

Well if you ever do fail and turn on the channel again, there will be people here to support you. I wish you luck quitting cold turkey.


So not worth it
Just *beep* Raw and fastforward all the boring parts. I currently watch the entire show in anything from 30 to 60 minutes.

Smackdown in 5 to 10 minutes (depending if AJ is on it or not).

It's the only way to watch WWE.


Just *beep* Raw and fastforward all the boring parts. I currently watch the entire show in anything from 30 to 60 minutes.

Smackdown in 5 to 10 minutes (depending if AJ is on it or not).

It's the only way to watch WWE.

No joke, a lot of times with Smackdown I would just fast forward to promos, unless I thought a match would be good.

I always watch RAW live, but it works while I take care of other things. Dinner, laundry, baby, stuff for next day etc.
Doesn't need my 100% undivided attention like certain tv shows, movies, games, so it's perfect.
It's my time to unwind, so I don't get how others get so worked up. If you are legitimately angry, don't watch.
I'd like to think no one here is actually angry, but I wonder sometimes. If you got better things to do then do them.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Well if you ever do fail and turn on the channel again, there will be people here to support you. I wish you luck quitting cold turkey.

Oh there's still plenty to discuss and complain about :p Quitting isn't tough, because I...see below

Just *beep* Raw and fastforward all the boring parts. I currently watch the entire show in anything from 30 to 60 minutes.

Smackdown in 5 to 10 minutes (depending if AJ is on it or not).

It's the only way to watch WWE.

That's what I had been doing, or even less - just highlights, and then would listen to the LAW so I could hear the hosts groan through it in case I missed stuff.

Reading WrassleGaf during Raw is always, always better than watching Raw. Always.

That's so strange to me - I find this topic nearly insufferable as a little chat room while live events go on (maybe because I dont watch) but during a PPV or during Raw - those are times I would rather not come here. It's just a personal thing though I'm not asking for change, it is what it is :)


So not worth it
Cena's "I am better than The Rock" promo was pretty damn good though, got to give the guy credit. If only they used that stuff to turn him heel.

That's what I had been doing, or even less - just highlights, and then would listen to the LAW so I could hear the hosts groan through it in case I missed stuff.

This is exactly what I do, heh.

Solomonster Sounds Off helps too, but that doesn't come out until Sundays.


The main thing I took away from Cena's promo is that he wouldn't be able to make a point if he didn't have his hat. Every single time he made a point, he either took his hat off or put it back on. The entire segment. What would have happened if he hadn't had his hat?


So not worth it
The main thing I took away from Cena's promo is that he wouldn't be able to make a point if he didn't have his hat. Every single time he made a point, he either took his hat off or put it back on. The entire segment. What would have happened if he hadn't had his hat?

Infinite you can't see me hand gestures.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
The main thing I took away from Cena's promo is that he wouldn't be able to make a point if he didn't have his hat. Every single time he made a point, he either took his hat off or put it back on. The entire segment. What would have happened if he hadn't had his hat?

When he turns heel, he'll turn his hat backwards. Over The Top style.


I remember I liked the I want wrestling podcast because they talked a lot with writers and producers. I'll listen to that type of stuff, but I have no interest in listening to a show review, or someone complain for hours online. I can make up my own mind on what I like or don't like. Just seems pointless audio to me.

Granted there is lots of complaining here, but if that's all we did I wouldn't be here. It's a good mix of shenanigans.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I remember I liked the I want wrestling podcast because they talked a lot with writers and producers. I'll listen to that type of stuff, but I have no interest in listening to a show review, or someone complain for hours online. I can make up my own mind on what I like or don't like. Just seems pointless audio to me.

Granted there is lots of complaining here, but if that's all we did I wouldn't be here. It's a good mix of shenanigans.

Well John Pollock from the LAW is very well researched and you end up leaving most of the shows with some additional knowledge - this is very apparent if you listen to Review-A-Wai, where he has a good excuse to get into a lot of backstory, backstage goings-on at the time, and more.


So not worth it
Well John Pollock from the LAW is very well researched and you end up leaving most of the shows with some additional knowledge - this is very apparent if you listen to Review-A-Wai, where he has a good excuse to get into a lot of backstory, backstage goings-on at the time, and more.

John Pollock and Wai Ting are always enjoyable to listen to. As I said, I also like The Solomonster.

I like to listen to podcasts though, esp. at work since I can't function unless I'm doing at least three or four things simultaneously.


So not worth it
So there's a weightlifting competition between Ryback and Henry at Smackdown, eh?

Well that has to be rigged right? I don't believe for a second Ryback could outlift Henry. I hope Big E shows up and is like, lolweights, lets do this! and wins OUTA NOWHERE!


Thing is we've seen Ryback defeat 3MB loads of times already, so it's not really impressive.

Not only that, it was just 2 weeks ago when he destroyed 3MB on Raw. Also 2 weeks ago was ADR vs Claudio. They ran two of the same matches from TWO WEEKS AGO on Raw. What the fuck? How lazy is that?


So if Big E and Ziggler win the tag titles, AJ wins the divas title and Ziggler succesfully cashes in his briefcase at WM, would that at least redeem what they've done to Ziggler and his team since his win over Cena?

Hypothetical of course, I know this won't actually happen.

Well, it might happen later, even if AJ doesn't win the title at WM (totally should, though, it would validate the last 8 months of mishandling to give her a hometown WM title win) she can win it maybe at ER.

It's not like WWE cares about any of the titles (not even the WWE title), so why should they care if three of them go to Team Rocket?

The entire past 3 months have been next level bonkers, as some terrorist looking dude is wont to say. Everyone is all hopeful for HHH taking over, but these shows have not only been ultra boring and grueling to watch, they've also been horribly booked on all levels of the cards. Can he not say, "hey Pops, I don't think having Ziggler lose every match is good for him. And I don't think having Wade and Cesaro lose every match is good for the titles. Why don't we just have them drop the belts instead of losing every week in non-title stuff?"

He can't, really. Vince has final say, and that's that. If he says something goes, it's going. He's stubborn as hell, even when he's wrong, more so than ever now (like not pushing the guys that get over on their own because he's making his handpicked stars dammit).

This WM build has been putrid. You can see why, too, there were some feuds going after the Rumble like Kane/Bryan and Cesaro/Miz, that were obviously meant to be WM matches. Then we had reports from Meltzer that Vince had the entire undercard plan scrapped a while back, then scrapped AGAIN about 2/3 weeks back. Hence suddenly Ryback/Henry (though it's a natural match so I don't mind), Jericho/Fandango, Hell No/Team Rocket and apparently Kaitlyn/AJ, all made in the last 2/3 weeks before WM with no build. Hell even the three main events don't have very extensive builds. Brock/HHH II drags along at an absolute snail's pace week to week, with a single good segment so far, Taker/Punk is decent but still fairly pedestrian, probably the best built match so far (even then it came right the fuck out of nowhere with no foreshadowing or longterm build about 3/4 weeks ago), and of Rock/Cena is a joke, the build only started three weeks ago, then neither guy appeared really for two weeks, now they have the SECOND promo together since WM 28, and next week is the go home show.

This WM is going to be a drop from last years, inevitably.


No One Remembers
Not only that, it was just 2 weeks ago when he destroyed 3MB on Raw. Also 2 weeks ago was ADR vs Claudio. They ran two of the same matches from TWO WEEKS AGO on Raw. What the fuck? How lazy is that?

And we've seen Ziggler vs. Kofi how many times now?

I just don't get what the fuck WWE is thinking with some of these matches. I mean hell, you could throw Yoshi Tatsu out for a match against Cesaro and it'd probably be an "OK" match.


I guess they figure a huge percentage of MANIA viewers don't even keep up with the show.
So come PPV time, everything is NEW?

I don't know.

I think after mania something will happen to get everyone (here) on board again. Always seems to happen.


last years card-

Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan
Kane vs Randy Orton
Big Show vs Cody Rhodes
Kelly Kelly Mari Menous vs Beth Phenix Eve Torres
Undertaker vs Triple H

Team Johnny (David Otunga (captain), Mark Henry, Dolph Ziggler, Jack Swagger, The Miz, and Drew McIntyre) (with John Laurinaitis, Vickie Guerrero and Brie Bella) vs Team Teddy (Santino Marella (captain), R-Truth, Kofi Kingston, Zack Ryder, The Great Khali, and Booker T) (with Theodore Long, Hornswoggle, Eve Torres, Nikki Bella and Aksana)

Cm Punk vs Jericho
Rock vs Cena

edit: so almost everyone from the singles matches is back, mark and swagger get a singles matches, and I didn't know Del Rio wasn't in wrestlemnia 28.

new dudes for 29- brock,ryback,big e,shield,fandango,maybe funkasaurs and sandow, wade.
feel bad for the u.s. champ. i hope he gets at least a dark match.


I don't think I have been less hyped for a 'Mania since LT fought Bigelow.

How can WWE brass not see whats going on regarding Cena? I get 7 years ago being booed by the adults, cheered by the kids was "controversial". But its gone on for far too long.

Now the audience boos just to boo. Its a fucking joke.

The only way this could work is to turn him heel at this point. It seems everyone wants it but McMahon.


The real thing with Cena is that the adults/males are absolutely willing to cheer him when he gets serious and fucks someone up. If they had him do that once a month instead of once or twice a year, I don't think there would be such a big backlash. Not the Cerious Cena promo talk of "This is the biggest thing in my life. My life depends on it." stuff while saying it complete deadpan with a terrible acting face on. I'm talking that Terminator shit he did when he tried to kill Darren Young during the Nexus angle. Stuff like that, not hokey pandering WWE Universe I respect the hell out of you (which he did say last night) bullshit, will get the adult males on his side.

Those fans always cheer him when he acts like a bad ass instead of a smirking asshole who never loses but acts like every match is such a mountain for him to overcome. Basically, John Cena is almost always rated G. If he could just throw in some PG 13 once a month, people online and adults at shows wouldn't boo the shit out of him.
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