ROH Scramble Madness
TO THE BACK. The Prophecy gloat that there are no titles on the line tonight. Samoa Joe makes faces about how goofy it all is. Joe isn't an official member and is going to do what he wants to do. The Ring Crew Express arrive to rock us like a hurricane. They want a tag title shot. Daniels wants Joe to murder them tonight.
Christopher Daniels/Mark Briscoe vs Amazing Red/Jay Briscoe
This is some kind of dream partner tag match between the brothers or something. I'm not sure why dem boys are fighting each other, but they are. They start off against each other. Mark and Red do stupid indy stand off bullshit ending with a belly to belly by Mark. Red/Jay do a weird flapjack/flatliner thing.
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Daniels gets Red on the floor and wipes him out a few times. Back in the ring, both work over Red for a while. BME only gets two. Mark hits a springboard avalanche Kanyon Cutter. BANG!
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He also hits a strong powerbomb. Red hits a rana and makes the hot tag to Jay. Both brothers look like either meth heads, child molesters, or both. Jay is in for like a minute and Red is back in. What? He hits Code Red on Daniels, but it doesn't end the match. Red tries another rana, which is reversed into a DVD into Last Rites for the win.
TO THE BACK. Joey Matthews talks to the two Special K guys. Alexis Laree confronts him for not having her back at the last show. She looks and sounds like SUCH a redneck. The rest of Special K show up with some drugs and pancakes I think.
Alexis Laree vs Mace
Mace was ROH's hilarious flamboyant gay gimmick. ROH definitely set themselves apart by having ECW guys that WWE didn't want, Dusty Rhodes, and a flamboyantly gay comedy heel. Mickie wins with a top rope cross body. I DO NOT like skinny Mickie. Not one bit. Mickie without dat ass is just depressing.
TO THE BACK. Steve Corino is is bitching about Homicide. Homicide stabbed him in the eye with a fork at the last show. He also claims he's not a garbage wrestler, never was, and never will be. He's done with ROH and is going back to Japan for good.
Jeremy Lopez vs Xavier Non-Title Match
Jeremy has a gross thin mustache. There is a random weird green spot light or something that keeps shining randomly. This is not interesting at all. Lopez sucks and Xavier wasn't the kind of talent that could really carry matches. X does an F5 into a face knee breaker and a cobra clutch suplex. Lopez does a completely stupid DDT while holding both of X's arms with one hand behind his back.
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X hits a neckbreaker and 450 for the win. Bleh.
Tommy Mamaluke/Matt Thompson vs Da Hit Squad
Thompson looks like Mamaluke's giant clone. Super tall and scrawny. I think this dude might be Buckethead. I find it so hard to take Da Hit Squad seriously as the big bruisers when they're both shorter than Tony Mamaluke. They're just short fat dudes. This Matt Thompson guy is weird to watch. I feel like he's going to shatter.
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Da Hit Squad do their ass to the face/cannon ball corner move. They then do a wheel barrow suplex/clothesline combo. The fatter guy expects a bunch of applause because he did a shitty drop kick. It barely even grazed Tony. Tony hits a tornado DDT on the fatter guy. Buckethead does a springboard Lionsault, which was pretty nifty.
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Maff hits a Burning Hammer while Tony has a guillotine on Mack, but the ref counts the fall for Da Hit Squad.
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Special K vs Red/SAT and Divine Storm Scramble Rules
This is going to be a clusterfuck and a half. I can't even do a write up for this. SAT have the dumbest and most intricate double team moves. Red won with some super spinny jumpy move.
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Dunn and Marcos vs Samoa Joe
Joe pins Dunn with the Island Driver in a total squash.
Paul London/Rudy Boy Gonzales vs Michael Shane/Bio-Hazard Street Fight
This feels like a filler show for sure. Rudy Boy was the actual trainer at HBK's school and was in some of the training montages for WM 12. He's also too fat to do a 619.
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London throws Bio-Hazard into the guard rails, which are actually just sides of dog cages I believe. Anyway, they were totally destroyed. This Bio-Hazard guy sucks. He's the only TWA guy that never went to TNA or WWE. A ladder gets involved. It's bridged between the apron and guard rail. Paul stands on it for no reason I can see other than to get crotched. Bio-Hazard was under it, so I don't know what the fuck Paul was trying to do. London hits the SSP and Michael Shane has to kick out because Bio-Hazard was no where near where he needed to be for his spot. Rudy kicks out of Shane's super kick. Rudy does a superbomb to Bio-Hazard and holds his legs so London can do a standing SSP for the win.
Carnage Crew vs Alex Arian/Don Juan/Fast Eddie
Why did I buy this show 10 years ago? This show has not been very interesting. Of note, Masada was listed as "Masato". Fast Eddie was the legally blind wrestler, right? When I see dudes like Devito or the fatter guy from DHS do dropkicks, it makes me think that the idea of someone doing a dropkick is really unimpressive. Even 60 year old Jerry Lawler can do a drop kick. This sucks. Carnage Crew win.
Samoa Joe vs Homicide
Oh shit. Maybe we'll get something good here. It's been like an hour of filler. They start right away with some chain wrestling. Joe goes to work on Homicide's taped up shoulder. That dude has had a taped shoulder for 11 years. Face wash. Twice. Homicide comes back and tries an STF, but Joe gets out. He then gets hit with a Homicide tope. STJoe.
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I don't even know why ROH bothered with those fence guard rails. They fell apart as soon as a body hit them. Dragon suplex right on Homicide's dome.
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Superfrankensteiner from Homicide followed up with two lariatos. This dude JUST got dropped right on his head and he's totally cool. DVD from Joe. Dangerous backdrop driver from Homicide.
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Joe locks on the choke, but Homicide gets to the ropes. Then they have a strike battle. It ends in a roll up from Homicide. He won! It's like a Divas match.
Christopher Daniels vs AJ Styles ROH Number One Contender Trophy Match
I remember the days when these guys had matches fucking everywhere. Some solid chain and mat wrasslin to start out. This could have happened on Thunder in the summer of 2001 if things had gone differently. McGillicutter! AJ gets monkey flipped into the corner.
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AJ railing spot. Back in the ring, a Muta Lock from AJ. TNA definitely ran this match into the ground. Way, way, way over did it. Still, I'm not against seeing it. Especially earlier matches to see how they've evolved their matches. Or not at all. I think AJ improved quite a bit over the years, but Daniels was pretty much maxed out by 2002-2003. But then he came back to TNA with a charisma shot, so what do I know. BME. Goofy, ridiculous Daniels is way better than serious evil heel Daniels. I still hate Kaz, though. Fuck Kaz. Even if he may or may not have improved a lot, I will never admit it. AJ wins with the Styles Clash. About 15 minutes and not really anything special. It was basically an early TNA match from them. After the match, Mark Briscoe and Xavier beat down AJ. Jay Briscoe makes a save and is also laid out. The SAT and Red make the real save.
Bryan Danielson vs Doug Williams 30 Minute Iron Man Match
This should be pretty good. I can't really do a write up for a bunch of mat wrestling and trading holds. It's weird seeing Doug Williams all cut up and stuff. He hasn't looked like that for a long time. It's also weird seeing fresh faced, non-meaty as fuck D-Bryne. I mean, he's always been in great shape, but he's put on probably 25 pounds of muscle at least in the past year and a half to two years. I liked that Doug tried the Marufuji rebound lariat spot a second time, but Dragon knew what was up and elbows him right in the face. I miss Dragon getting to do matches like these. Besides his matches with Punk last year, I can't really recall him getting to have many matches like this since coming to WWE. Dragon suplex about 18 minutes in puts Bryan up 1-0. Spinning cobra clutch from Doug. Dragon kicked out of the Chaos Theory. He hits it again, but Dragon's foot was in the ropes. Doug can't catch a break. Dragon comes back with a huge super back drop. Doug slaps on a crossface, but time runs out. Danielson wins 1-0. I'm not sure if this was better or worse than the Epic Encounter, but it was some good wrasslin. While I've pretty thoroughly enjoyed Daniel Bryan, I would love for him to be able to do these kind of matches again.
TO THE BACK. Dragon cut a promo. He wants one more match with Doug Williams sometime. He ends the promo with a "dig it" and a wink.
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Elsewhere, Doug is upset he couldn't get the job done in 30 minutes. He wants a 2/3 falls match in England. The Prophecy cut a promo. I hate this "okay, we're rolling" kind of stuff. The promo starts with Daniels just wanting to go home, but the camera man says "we're rolling" and he has to pause to get into character. It's so dumb. There has been something like this on all 3 of the ROH shows I found here. The YAK is on the phone with Corino, which makes Daniels mad. Joe doesn't like Daniels having a problem with Corino, so he leaves the promo. Daniels then gets back into character and restarts the promo with the same laugh and lines as before. So stupid. Then the promo ends and he's all "we done?" and then drops the heel voice and starts talking like regular guy Chris.
AJ and Mickie James were talking. They're ambushed by the Prophecy. Man, Mickie is a redneck. The long stingy hair that looks like it is never washed pulled back with a giant scrunchy while she says things like "exspecially". If it wasn't in a scrunchy, it was always just combed straight back. She actually looks gross. Not just because she's missing her glorious thickness she has now, but she just looks like an unclean woman. The kind where you don't know what kind of surprises you're going to find when you get her home. I don't know what happened to her between here and 2005 besides a boob job, but I heartily endorse it. She's a million times hotter now.