Dave Meltzer
So, there's no real reason for me to watch Raw when I get home tonight, right?
It sounds like it was somehow shitter than usual.
There was nothing.
So, there's no real reason for me to watch Raw when I get home tonight, right?
It sounds like it was somehow shitter than usual.
So the top of the Mania card is looking like.....
Rock vs Cena II
Brock vs HHH II
Punk vs Undertaker
Swagger vs Del Rio
I wonder where Jericho fits in for WM. Singles match with Ziggler? I can't see anything for him currently and I'd imagine he was brought back for some type of purpose
Team Hell No vs. Team Rhodes Scholars vs. Kofi/Truth vs. Brodus/Sweet TMy prediction for WM.
In Order:
Ryder vs. Catering
Swagger vs. Del Rio (with Ziggler cashing in after)
Miz vs. Cesaro
Team Hell No vs. ??? (pick a tag team, hell pick all of 'em)
Henry vs. Ryback
Some sort of Divas match
Orton/Sheamus/Big Show vs. The Shield
Punk vs. Undertaker
HHH vs. Brock
Rock vs. Cena
Miz vs. Cesaro
again? really?
I did it for the Soul, I hope he comes back soon. #comebacksoul
What's everyone's favorite Michael Gerard Tyson quote? Mine is
Orton sold that combo like a champ.
Too bad Punk is losing at WM.
That promo was 1000x Cena, Rock and HHH's promos put together.
I like this.
Big Show beatdown after RAW: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlb-tmgxP58
John cena needs to bring back basic thuganomics. Don't care if he goes heel. I just need to hear it again
The build into Wrestlemania 21 was really good.Why are people complaining about build? Have you not watched this product for the last decade?
I like this.
He has one of those fat abs stomachs. Don't get how those work.
Punk vs Taker
Winner gets a free DDP Yoga DVD.
Whatever. They can do anything they want with anyone at Wrestlemania, just don't let that Goldberg with Downs moron outmuscle the World's legitimate Strongest Man. FUCK THAT NOISE. Kick asses, split wigs, and let Mark Henry bench press Ryback for shits and giggles on a pin attempt.
Ryberg is going to Shell Shock Mark, the splitter is about to become the splitee
I would be legit scared for both men if this is attempted.
lol @ forced Punk/Taker
bigger lol @ them trying to use a streak vs streak angle. Would have worked if Punk still had a streak. fuckin idiots. should have thought about that before you decided to have a part timer babysit the belt for Cena.
Is Soul ever coming back to Wrasslegaf or is he a part timer like Rock and Brock now?
I was at that WM in Seattle when it happened. I thought he was f'n dead or paralyzed.It will be the greatest botch since Bork's shooting star press.
First up on GWF (cast spoilers):
Zandig vs Okada vs Freight Train vs Batista for the #1 Contender for the GAF Mascot
he cant pick him up. i saw one of his 11 matches with Cesaro and he struggled trying to shellshock him. He'll break his neck trying to pick up MarkRyberg is going to Shell Shock Mark, the splitter is about to become the splitee