WCW Thunder 2/14/2001
It's fitting this show was on Valentine's Day, because I'm pretty sure I'm about to get fucked.
TO THE BACK. Commissioner Storm books Cat vs Awesome. Steiner shows up and wants to break some legs tonight.
Air Paris/AJ Styles vs Knoble and Karagias
The winners will advance to the match at Superbrawl. Already in the match are Yang, Kaz, Shannon Moore, and Kidman. AJ's television debut! He's doing more there than he is now. AJ's career bums me out. He should have been in WWE years ago. Air Paris has a HORRIBLE look and gear. It's so indy it hurts. AJ backdrops Paris onto Knoble and Karagias.
It's really hard to believe that TNA has dropped the ball with AJ so many times. It all started when he needed Vince Russo to help him win his first NWA Championship. AJ catches Jamie in a stiff powerbomb.
Paris does a Burning Hammer. Lol. In a random opener on Thunder. Knoble and Karagias could have won with a Doomsday Device, but they fought over the pin. But both of them go on to Superbrawl no matter who makes the pin. Evan hit a 450, but Paris pulled him out and hit a DDT on the floor. AJ does a springboard SSP to the floor, but wipes out his partner. Knoble and Karagias win with a powerbomb/dropkick combo.
TO THE BACK. Sanders meets with Commissioner Storm. Lance wants Sanders to get rid of Kwee Wee for good. Gene is with the Thrillers. They're going to throw out The Leftovers.
Run down of Superbrawl Revenge. Rey Jr vs Chavo Jr WCW Cruiserweight Championship, Cat vs Storm WCW Commissionership, NBT vs The Leftovers WCW Tag Team Championships, Totally Buffed vs Kronik, Jeff Jarrett vs DDP, Kevin Nash vs Scott Steiner WCW Championship. Well, Dustin vs Rick was added to the card on Nitro, but it wasn't part of the package. On top of that, Rey vs Chavo, Cat vs Storm, TB vs Kronik, Jeff vs DDP, Dustin vs Rick, and Nash vs Steiner had all been on TV in the past 2 weeks.
Mark Jindrak vs Sean O'Haire
Sean is back to his regular trunks, which is a good call. These are some hosses, y'all. I think people forget how big Mark Jindrak was since he didn't really do anything in the US besides that short Lex Luger gimmick in 2004 or something. He's a monster. This is a basic brawl. I'm not sure putting all these guys against each other is the best idea when they're all so green. They all have a lot familiarity with each other, but still. It's just asking for trouble. Sean does a Seanton Bomb off the steps, which is pretty stupid. Stasiak comes out to watch. He defiantly seems like the kind of guy that likes to watch. Sean wins with the Widowmaker and Seanton Bomb. Holy shit, I completely forgot that Jindrak made it to some WWE games.
Kwee Wee vs Mike Sanders
Kwee Wee is full on Angry Allen from the start tonight. I don't want to see this shit. Sanders wins with a handful of tights.
TO THE BACK. Chavo and Wall talk about Rey. Wall vs Rey again? Wrath shows up and Lance won't allow him in the building. Crush doesn't like this and Totally Buffed attack him. Lance won't let security intervene. Konnan attacks Buff. Gene is with Awesome. He's going to end Cat's career.
Mike Awesome vs The Cat
I don't think Awesome ever explained why he joined Team Canada. Duggan turned because he was about to get released and he wanted to stay in the business. Awesome just randomly joined and that was that. Lance has booked Buff vs Konnan for later. The fuck? They must really have been hurting to keep putting Cat in the ring. I guess that's the only way he was going to get better, but still. I think he should have just been the counter part to Ric Flair in that whole thing instead of in the ring every Nitro and Thunder. Cat injures his leg accidentally kicking the ring post. Awesome wins with a frog splash.
TO THE BACK. Lance nodded in approval. Gene is with DDP and Dustin Rhodes. "You will never forget the name of...Dustin Rhodes." Eh. DDP brings up he and Dustin working together in FCW. DDP/Dustin vs Jeff/Rick Steiner in the main event.
Chavo Guerrero Jr/Wall vs Rey Mysterio Jr/Hugh Morris
Tag team matches with guys in singles matches at a PPV always seemed so lazy to me, but it's so easy. This is a lot of Rey getting dicked around as the FIP. I'm actually surprised that Hugh didn't play that role in this match considering how he's been booked for the past 6 months. Hugh allegedly had 6 concussions in 2000 alone. That seems..dangerous. Hugh and Rey do the Andre/Snuka spot, but it doesn't look as impressive when it looks like an uncle letting his baby nephew stand on his shoulders.
Hugh also had two knee injuries in 2000, but kept doing his moonsault even after becoming good friends with Muta, a guy who destroyed his knees doing moonsaults. He tried it on Chavo, but Wall moved Chavo out of the way. Wall catches Rey off a springboard and chokeslams him for the win.
TO THE BACK. Gene is with Totally Buffed.
A recap of Nash and Steiner airs. We don't even know if Nash will be able to wrestle at Superbrawl after the leg attack on Nitro.
Buff Bagwell vs Konnan
Nope. Buff won.
TO THE BACK. Steiner busts up catering when Lance tells him "it's time". Vader time? Please tell me it's Vader time. It was not Vader time.
Jeff Jarrett/Rick Steiner vs DDP/Dustin Rhodes
Rick had a lot of trouble getting his jacket off. Starts out as a brawl on the floor. I'm pretty sure Daffney bought a ticket after being fired and is screaming in the crowd. Fuck. Clothesline: The Match. Jeff pins DDP with the Stroke. Scott Steiner comes out as soon as the match ends to break some legs. Hugh and Crush make the save. Oh hey, a giant pull apart brawl to end the show? You don't say.
Some random mook gets hit in the leg and it looks like Sid's leg afterwards. It actually looks worse than Sid's leg, but I'm sure it was a dude missing a leg wearing a prosthetic.