WCW Monday Nitro 2/19/2001
God damn it. We're having another funeral? If this shit goes on for a half hour so help me god I will find the cocksucker who booked this and kick him straight in the dick. "I hope the new owners are paying attention to this." They were. That's why only Flair and Scott were hired by Vince. Flair says Nash was a giant among titans. Titans are bigger than giants, right? I can't spoil this gif...
BANG! DDP is the next victim. Jeff vs Dustin, Buff vs Cat, Kanyon vs DDP, all tonight. Steiner was so tongue tied during this promo. DDP is out in the crowd. "Over here, Einsteiner!" He's going to ruin Kanyon tonight.
A sweet Paper Mario commercial played. Paper Mario was fantastic. Loved it. It was one of the last "holy shit N64 is fucking boss" games to come out.
TO THE BACK. Ms. Jones congratulates Cat for his win last night. Cat is creating a Cruiserweight Tag Team Division. Starting next Monday, an 8 team tournament will begin to crown new champs at Greed.
Shannon Moore vs Jamie Knoble
Shannon is just off. Everything he's done was awkward or botched. I wonder how tall Jamie Knoble really is. I'm 5'5 and I feel like I might be taller than him. Shannon hits a big somersault plancha, but landed hard on his left ankle. Jamie gets knocked into Evan. Evan then costs Jamie the match out of revenge. Evan and Shannon reunite. 2 Count is back, baby!
TO THE BACK. Kidman and Konnan are talking about something. Konnan has the nerve to make fun of Animal's small war crate. They challenge Animal/Chavo to a match tonight.
Mike Awesome vs Bryan Clarke
"Canadian Killer" makes me think he kills Canadians, not that his is a killer from Canada. Prime Time comes in and attacks Wrath, but the ref doesn't call for the bell OR even tell Elix to get out of the ring. Lance comes out and the ref finally calls the match off. Crush comes down for the save. High Times to Elix. High Times to Awesome.
TO THE BACK. Cat is walking with security and tells them to go get Lance Storm.
Cat, Ms. Jones, and security are out at the ramp. Lance is still in the ring. Cat books him against...HUGH MORRIS! I thought they weren't allowed to have any more matches? If Awesome or Prime Time get involved, they will both be fired.
A Kid Romeo package aired. They said he would be making his debut, but he showed up on a number of Nitros and Thunders last year and even won some matches.
Chavo Guerrero Jr/Animal vs Kidman/Konnan
TO THE BACK. Konnan and Animal were brawling in the back. But Chavo is already in the ring! Whatever will be do? Kidman attacks from behind like a good face.
Well, Chavo vs Kidman is certainly better than anything involving Konnan and Animal. After a commercial, 4 refs are trying to separate Chavo and Kidman. Konnan and Animal finally brawl to the ring. Tornado DDT! Konnan does some Quackenbush shit.
Any time it starts getting good, Konnan or Animal have to shit it up. Rey comes out and hits the WAZZUP leg drop. Kidman hits the Kid Krusher and pins the champ. Animal powerbombs Kidman after the match.
TO THE BACK. Buff heads to the ring.
Buff Bagwell vs The Cat
Cat tries to convince Buff to switch sides, because as men who love their mamas, they are both good hearted men. Buff ambushes Cat. SWERVE! Why are you doing this to me, WCW? You put on a great show the night before and then give me this shit after teasing me with Positively Kanyon? Buff spends the whole match working over Cat's neck, despite his knee injury and taped up ankle. Kanyon comes out. He gets Buff caught on the ropes, leading to a double arm DDT and Blockbuster. Buff wins. Kanyon Cutter to Ms. Jones. BANG! She's dead. I'm sure this was a way to get her off TV so they can stop paying her.
TO THE BACK. Ms. Jones was taken out in an ambulance. DDP tells Cat to go with her.
Lash LeRoux vs Rick Steiner
Lash got a hair cut. He looks even dumber.
I'm sure Steiner is going to knock his curls straight. He immediately walks up and punches Lash right in the mouth. Good. Then he throws Lash into the front row where some people were shit talking him. This is just a mean squash. Rick wins with three DVDs.
TO THE BACK. Lash is whining like a bitch with trainers and refs. He may have a broken rib. Scott instructs Kanyon to hit as many Kanyon Cutters on DDP as he can. He also gives Kanyon his special brass knuckles. Hugh talks to no one about Rick Steiner and Lance Storm.
Lance Storm vs Hugh Morris
I doubt Hugh will get much more offense than all of their other matches. About 2 minutes into it, Hugh gets knocked off the ropes and hurts his knee. Of course. Hugh gets to the ropes from the Maple Leaf. Moonsault. Hugh wins! I guess General Rection name was bad luck for Hugh.
TO THE BACK. The American Dweem heads to the ring.
The American Dweem comes to the ring. I love that WCW really did a JHV of Dusty's WWF music. Complete with cowbell and the same fucking chorus. Dusthy is hungry and eats some chicken in the ring. This is the greatest thing Jeff Jarrett has ever done. His Dusty is so dead on. It's great. Fruit of my loins, oooohhh if you weeeel. We have an exhibition showing what Dusthy can do. Bionic elbows for everyone! The fruit of his loins, Dustin if you weeeel, comes out. Rick Steiner ambushes him. Guitar shot. I don't know why Dustin cared so much. DustyDust was about as offensive. Maybe even more so.
TO THE BACK. DDP heads to the ring.
A tribute to Dale Earnheart? Really? Lol.
DDP vs Kanyon
I hope for 8 Kanyon Cutters. Through a table. Through a chair. On the chicken. On Tony. In the audience. Off the stage. Off the Nitro Vision. Off the roof. BANG! I wish DDP had been able to save Kanyon. Can you imagine how great DDP Yoga videos would be with Kanyon mugging behind DDP the whole time? Or doing a Kanyon Cutter to one of the chumps at the end of each session as a reward to keep you motivated? KANYON CUTTER! BANG!
Book to the face! DDP kicks out. The brick didn't get the job done. Twist of Fate Diamond Cutter! DDP wins. DDP gets out into the crowd before Flair's guys can get to him.
This show kind of sucked, especially coming off a really good show the night before.