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March WrassleGAF |SHOW-T| Big Shoes Mean Big Appetites


I hope you have good news, like he had an actual character.

He was pretty much El Generico, unmasked. The match was Ohno/Sebei vs Harper/Rowan....and it was the highlight of the night.


New Paige


Man, 40+ days sober is huge. Having Jake around must help a lot with inspiration, though.

Also, its kind of crazy that with all the hell his body has been through, that his major problem is something that affects plenty of people at his age. 54 may be a little young, but a lot of people end up getting hip replacements at some point in their life.
He was pretty much El Generico, unmasked. The match was Ohno/Sebei vs Harper/Rowan....and it was the highlight of the night.

Sounds good. When Chikara came to Toronto I got to see Generico and Brodie Lee, and both were really great.

Was Generico over? I'm assuming most of the crowd knew who he was either way.


Sounds good. When Chikara came to Toronto I got to see Generico and Brodie Lee, and both were really great.

Was Generico over? I'm assuming most of the crowd knew who he was either way.

I'd say Ohno was more over than Generico....there were some who knew who he was. It was a very small crowd of about 100.


D'lo is *vice president*.

You gotta wait months to see Eric Bischoff's inevitable return.
that makes too much sense. it'll probably be brooke hogan the way this has been going

its amazing how long they've dragged this out and how dumb it is to begin with. its a shitty nwo trying to capitalize on biker popularity (thanks to Sons of Anarchy) and they're making the same mistakes but worse. at least nWo brought in relevant talent. A&8's has revealed Taz (commentator), D Lo (not even sure what he is but i dont think hes wrestled in 5 years) and Wes Briscoe in the last month or so

and A&8's was dead the moment DVon was their big reveal
Aces & Eights would be ok if they ever won a meaningful match. They've done a few beat downs but in general they're just jobbers.

They should have been booked like The Shield, obviously.


Aces & Eights would be ok if they ever won a meaningful match. They've done a few beat downs but in general they're just jobbers.

They should have been booked like The Shield, obviously.

to be fair, The Shield is kind of a fluke as far as WWE booking goes. I have no idea how they've been so well protected by WWE creative for this long. It's been nearly four months, and they've never really been handed a loss. They've been temporarily driven from the ring by half the locker room, but that's about it.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Everyone the Shield has beaten besides Skip Sheffield has won at least the WHC. There's probably over fifty titles all together on those they have vanquished.

It bugs the hell out of me when people say that the Shield have been made to look weak. They might even win at Mania against another group of multiple time champions!

The real issue is how to bring them into the realm of singles competition. It's clear by now that they're not doing a traditional invasion style angle and they haven't been on a recruitment kick yet.
I don't see who can possibly think Shield look weak.

It's great because even if they lose at Mania (and they may not even) they're set up now for a good while. Ambrose, Rollins and Reigns are all credible enough I think for the WHC/IC level without question. And they've had what, 3 PPV matches? It's pretty incredible.


Everyone the Shield has beaten besides Skip Sheffield has won at least the WHC. There's probably over fifty titles all together on those they have vanquished.

It bugs the hell out of me when people say that the Shield have been made to look weak. They might even win at Mania against another group of multiple time champions!

The real issue is how to bring them into the realm of singles competition. It's clear by now that they're not doing a traditional invasion style angle and they haven't been on a recruitment kick yet.

People say they're weak?

That's insane. They've had three matches, two of which were on PPV, and all of which were victories. They've consistently been involved in main event level stuff when they don't have their own matches, being integral to storylines involving literally all of the biggest regular stars in the company.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
People say they're weak?

That's insane. They've had three matches, two of which were on PPV, and all of which were victories. They've consistently been involved in main event level stuff when they don't have their own matches, being integral to storylines involving literally all of the biggest regular stars in the company.

It was mainly from people before they won at EC, but a few of the marks (even around these parts!) were still saying it the night after...when they won again!


The shield is winning at Wrestlemania because if you look at the 6 matches so far. Four of them are guaranteed face victories of Ryback, Cena, Del Rio and Undertaker. So most likely the shield will win clean or by a Randy Orton heel turn.


A8 might go down for real as the worst major faction in wrestling history. Even by the metric of shitty TNA stables (SEX, Immortal, Immortal without Hulk Hogan, EV2.0, Diamonds in the Rough, Planet Jarrett), it's awful.
Everything about WM23's battle of the billionaires upsets me looking back.

Umaga - Dead
Donald Trump - living
Steve Austin - not wrestling
BATH TURD - in such a high profile match.

And Vince's hair has never ever recovered.
Everything about WM23's battle of the billionaires upsets me looking back.

Umaga - Dead
Donald Trump - living
Steve Austin - not wrestling
BATH TURD - in such a high profile match.

And Vince's hair has never ever recovered.

Let me know if I'm saying this right....

Feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeernaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadoooooooooooo Feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeernaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaandezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Everything about WM23's battle of the billionaires upsets me looking back.

Umaga - Dead
Donald Trump - living
Steve Austin - not wrestling
BATH TURD - in such a high profile match.

And Vince's hair has never ever recovered.

Everything about WM23 makes me sad.

Cena- Still main eventing WM
HBK- Gone
Batista- Gone
Taker- Old and fat
Chris Benoit- Dead
Khali- Still around
Kane- Still around
Finlay- Not wrestling
Pope- Gone
Monty Brown- Gone
RVD- Still around
Tommy Dreamer- Still around
Mr. Kennedy- lol
Ric Flair- Dark match, a sad old man

I wonder which WM has the most dead guys on it. Has to be one in between 87 and 93 I'd imagine.
Just fast-forwarded through the DVD of WM27 I picked up cheaply, man it was as terrible as I remembered.

Miz smacking his head on the floor then winning but the camera just on Dwayne the entire time while Miz celebrated lol. Dwayne just shit on both 'main eventers' in one go because he's so cool.

The finish to UT vs HHH was soooo bad, no one wants to see the guys face in the other guys crotch for an hour before he taps out. They want to see a f**king Tombstone and count the 3 count. Man the crowd was soooooooo dead they didn't give a shit, it dragged on forever even the commentators gave up and its just silence. Whoever came up with that flat finish should be fired.

Then for no raisen HHH walks out cause he is the bestest and most badest around and UT has to be stretchered off? lol what is this shit.

Rey jobs to Cody and 2 years later he's still floundering around with nothing to do. :(

Snooki had the only WM highlight in a genuine wow moment, I remember no one expecting that haha. Again though a pointless match that lasted 3min NO ONE cared about bar Trish's butt crack. I don't even think Dolph was tagged in before the match ended.

I'm not even gonna get started on the Cole vs King stuff, it brings back bad memories of them bickering trying to out yell each other all f**king Raw.

CM Punk vs Randle cause TWO YEARS AGO YOU KICKED ME and only now he's angry about it? lol. The only bit I remember from this fued is Punk giving Randle's fake 'wife' a terror orgasm. :lol

Sunny looked great in the HoF thing.

Daniel Bryan looked legit happy to be on the pre-show thing and that made me happy.

Now time to watch the main reason I wanted the DVD, the HoF.
Time for the Kane Cycle to begin anew!

Everything about WM23 makes me sad.

Kane- Still around
You Bath turd.

Just fast-forwarded through the DVD of WM27 I picked up cheaply, man it was as terrible as I remembered.

Miz smacking his head on the floor then winning but the camera just on Dwayne the entire time while Miz celebrated lol. Dwayne just shit on both 'main eventers' in one go because he's so cool.
Lets face it, Rock is so cool that he needed to shit on both those jokers in order to make things moderately interesting.

The finish to UT vs HHH was soooo bad, no one wants to see the guys face in the other guys crotch for an hour before he taps out. They want to see a f**king Tombstone and count the 3 count. Man the crowd was soooooooo dead they didn't give a shit, it dragged on forever even the commentators gave up and its just silence. Whoever came up with that flat finish should be fired.

Then for no raisen HHH walks out cause he is the bestest and most badest around and UT has to be stretchered off? lol what is this shit.
Unfortunately I think the general silence from the commentary was because they were so into it, kind of like an edge of your seat silence, it's a lot better than the rest of the match which consists of like 15 minutes accumulated deadtime in a 40 minute slog as they oversell each others big moves to try and make things more "epic".

Now for a flat finish at WM look at Trips/Orton.
I remember liking the Taker vs HHH match at WM 27.....maybe I should just never watch it again.

Perhaps I liked it because it was the only good match at that WM. Well I remember liking Punk vs Orton. Yeah that WM was dogshit. It still blows my mind to think that fucking Mike Mizanin main evented a WM.

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