I honestly give no shits about the PPV tonight.
They already have plans for a Swagger and Del Rio match for extreme rules so not sure he will have the title at Wrestlemania, but my idea was for him to have the tag title and the world title as well.
I really hope that Punk and Undertaker can put on a good show and deliver a match we'll all be talking about for years. A man who wants his streak acknowledged and respected versus a man whose streak is honoured and revered. It's a built-in storyline, and this is the first time in YEARS that Undertaker is actually going to wrestle a legitimate heel at Wrestlemania. That alone has my interest.
man i was really hoping for Brodus, Sweet T and Scooby Roo vs The ShieldROOOOO has signed with TNA for 5 years and is in San Antonio.
Triple H with vibrams
Brock needs to tweet the same picture with the whole rack loaded.
Pizza or HGH?
Nah, Ziggler is becoming WHC.
CrankyVince has been quiet since JBL has been climbing a mountain...
CrankyVince has been quiet since JBL has been climbing a mountain...
I don't know if Undertaker still has enough in the tank for the match we want to see.
Stop dreaming Aiii, it'll just be THAT much more painful when you awaken.
WCW Thunder 3/14/2001
The last go home show to the last PPV WCW will ever have. I find myself not very sad after the prior nearly 2 years of crushing medocrity, nonsense booking, and SWERVES. WCW were losing $5 Million a month in 2000. That's with the backing of a major conglomerate, prime time shows on major cable networks, and big stars. ECW lost about $7 Million total in 2000 with no backing, a shitty time slot on a shitty network that they had to PAY for, and no stars.
The bad news is, in total WCW fashion, the video of the final go home show for the final WCW PPV is completely unwatchable, so I'll just give you the results.
Filthy Animals beat 2 Count to make it to the finals of the WCW CW TTC. Suck it.
Jason Jett defeated Alex Wright
Shawn Stasiak defeated Reno
Palumbo and O'Haire beat Totally Buffed in a 4 corners elimination match
Shane Helms defeated Kwee Wee
Hugh Morris/Konnan defeated Disco/Mike Sanders
Jeff Jarrett/Rick Steiner defeated DDP/Dustin Rhodes
You're coming up on the end of it all(
I think we were lucky to see guys like Bryan and Henry to get 3 month-ish reigns. By saying that, it's just not in Vince's behavior much to give heels a good, lengthy title run (Miz in late 2010/early 2011 is rare exception; Vince loved him going to interviews in the meanwhile). For all the titles that Edge won, he was getting a month only to lose it the next PPV. Orton was always swapping back and forth with Cena.I never said it would be a long run.
That's part of the allure of the match, isn't it? Whether you're skeptical about it or not, you -want- to see what will happen. It could be a disaster, as unlikely as that is, a decent match, or a five-star classic. I'd like to think that Taker and Punk are talking about their match every day between now and Mania.
Has CrankyVince tweeted anything about how much money hes made taking surveys?CrankyVince has been quiet since JBL has been climbing a mountain...
I think we were lucky to see guys like Bryan and Henry to get 3 month-ish reigns. By saying that, it's just not in Vince's behavior much to give heels a good, lengthy title run (Miz in late 2010/early 2011 is rare exception; Vince loved him going to interviews in the meanwhile). For all the titles that Edge won, he was getting a month only to lose it the next PPV. Orton was always swapping back and forth with Cena.
Sheamus and Punk have been the longer title holders in recent memory for the WHC/WWE respectively. Punk was a face for the majority of his. There's your sign.
Somone on Team TNA has to be a traitor right?
Raw on Monday is from Indianapolis. Besides the regulars, Chris Jericho returns and Undertaker, Brock Lesnar and HHH are all booked for the show. Cody Rhodes & Damien Sandow face The New Age Outlaws.
I didn't make this connection till now because he looked a bit different, but I think PAC was working the merch table at the NXT live event I went to.
Though, the staff all looked like wrestlers to me, didn't recognize most of them.
Punk was a heel from August through January. That's 5 months as a heel champ, that's not bad.
I remember when it used to be top card would fight top card guys and mid carders would fight each other. The matches would not usually end clean until the PPVs. Now all we see are mid carders being fed cleanly to top card guys every week. Cesaro loses to Ryback before Sandow loses to Sheamus before Ziggler loses to Del Rio before Barrett loses to Orton, etc et al. There is no mid card - there's a feeding system to make 5-6 guys looks "strong" at the expense of the rest of the roster. This is my biggest gripe with the current creative. It's just so boring week after week.
HAs aces and 8s said what their goal is at all? i havent been watching TNA but it seems that they just come out and do "see you on thunder" brawls
Edit: from meltzer
Hmmm, boredom or suffering tonight?
Isn't Bully Ray supposed to be in the group too? I have a feeling they'll have him win the belt and then swerve everybody to close the show.Somone on Team TNA has to be a traitor right?
Isn't Bully Ray supposed to be in the group too? I have a feeling they'll have him win the belt and then swerve everybody to close the show.
Not a bad crowd.
Such a weird setup.
its around 5500, also its probably sting or Eric young
Bleh, tickets for Raw are still available for around $30 (not counting the $15 convience fee from TM), but driving 45 minutes, being around 15K people and all the down town traffic sounds like a lot of work. Even for Bork, Huner, and Hungertaker.