So what is your cut strategy?
So what is your cut strategy?
Man, I remember thinking cutting would be easy. How wrong I was.
cutting weight is for scrubs.
acquire mass fuckers.
Seriously though I'm going to try to start my cut next month. Three months to lean out. USA! USA! USA!
Majority fats and protein, next to zero carbs sun-fri. Sat I load up, but NO SUGARS. Absolutely zero sugar in my life. It's pretty close to just plain ketogenic diet, but the almost-day of carbs gives me fuel enough to retain more muscle than if I had without. Doing DDP Yoga every other day just because it makes me feel better.
Honestly, in the grand scheme of things, it is. It really is. You just need to kick whatever addiction you have to bad food - treat it like an addiction. You're gonna get pangs. You're gonna have moments where you're ready to kill six babies so you can get your hands on a burrito. But you don't do it. All you have to do is NOT eat shit.
I think I'm about to start gaining weight. I've finally caved in and realized that I can't gain weight and stay cut at the same time. Fuck.
I've wasted many many months trying to do this.
Eat a butt, I acquired mass for decades
Then I got dipped in fat
Let me tell you what I miss on this cut
I miss the fuck out of nachos. Oh god damn I miss you nachos. Loaded high with BULLSHIT.
I miss the hell out of you, Taco Bell. You were cheap eating
Fuckin pizza? I miss you. Oh, man, I miss pizza and milk. Godlike combo. I miss you.
I miss you cookies
I miss you all sorts of food for fatties.
So what is your cut strategy?
Man, I remember thinking cutting would be easy. How wrong I was.
I do well when I'm at home or out somewhere, but here at work when a candy stand is literally steps away I have the hardest time not "rewarding" myself with a chocolate bar. Always feel like shit afterwards, never learn. Still trying though, mind over matter right.
I actually hate that I can't really discipline myself to diet. I mean, for the most part I've been good, but fuck it sucks when it's like "Oh I can't have XYZ because it has too many carbs" or some shit like that. I want to lose like 15-20 lbs, and I did it last year but I'm finding it hard to keep myself on track
You can, but it is a slow process. I am a firm believer in that you should focus on one or the other.
Yeah, doing portions and making sure you're under certain amounts of carbs/calories is pretty awful. I find that if you just do a shit load of cardio, you can pretty much eat what you want with in reason. You'll lose the weight, just slower than if you did it the right way. If you can handle doing 3 hours on a stationary bike (not necessarily all at once, mind you), you can still eat pizza and chips and you'll start losing weight unless you go crazy and eat double of what you normally eat. Normal shitty diet + a lot of cardio = Slow weight loss. If you live alone, the best thing to do is basically throw everything out that isn't veggies, fruit, and lean meats. Get rid of all that food. If it isn't opened, give to friends or a food bank or something. The biggest challenge I've had in my dieting/weight loss is that having access to the shitty food. It's fucking hard to try to stay on diet when the person or people you live with bring home donuts once a week.
Yeah I think I'm gonna try to put on 10 pounds of muscle by the end of May. Doesn't seem too unrealistic. And then I'll cut for a while. I think I need to finally post in fitnessGaf so I can get some help.
Throw that shit out. Make a deal with yourself. If you eat one? No, if you even GRAB one you have to have a coworker punch you in the balls for serious. You're better than that. It's truly the most lazy thing man. All you have to do to cut weight is NOT do something? How lazy can you be to opt out of NOT doing something? Just trying to motivate you, not calling you lazy EVEN THOUGH YOU'RE TELLIN ME YOU ARRRRE
Seriously though, just treat it like a legitimate addiction and it's a long road, but you'll get there. Especially when it's so goddamn fun to go out with friends and overeat and have FUCKIN MINT SHAKES I WANT A MINT SHAKE FUCKKKK and such.
Yeah I think I'm gonna try to put on 10 pounds of muscle by the end of May. Doesn't seem too unrealistic. And then I'll cut for a while. I think I need to finally post in fitnessGaf so I can get some help.
Thanks for the encouragement Sun. Definitely need to treat it that way to whip my ass in gear. Motivated! Tomorrow's a new day and a fresh start. *Preps my fitness pal*
By far for me the key was bringing my lunch to work. I would go bananas at lunch because it was my one escape from work, and I felt like I needed to spoil myself. "Fuck, 2 combos at Arbys? Let's get fucking stupid, throw a milkshake in there, I need to enjoy my hour away from work." Stupid.
Just don't live this evening as if it's your last day of eating right, that'll make the withdrawal much worse. Live normal tonight, then get psyched tomorrow.
Wrestlemania is right around the corner!Dear FitnessGAF,
You seem to have staged a hostile takeover of my WrassleGAF, i am fat and like fake sports, where am I to turn to now?
Best regards,
Dear FitnessGAF,
You seem to have staged a hostile takeover of my WrassleGAF, i am fat and like fake sports, where am I to turn to now?
Best regards,
Jesus that's basically me. Cutting that shit out asap.
Dear Scott Steiner,
What do you think of Aiii?
Dear Net_Wrecker,
33 1/3 percent chance,
Scott Steiner
How long have you been training? Because putting 10 lbs of muscle in 2 months is damn near impossible.
Thing was I'd put on some Netflix or some shit and eat on my hour off. Now I bring plain-ass meat and cheese to work or something I cooked at home, I eat it within a couple minutes, and I spend my lunch hour playing either my Vita or 3DS. A tough thing for me was avoiding watching something while I ate. It's seriously the best pastime. So I'm focusing on games to keep my mind off the "watch and enjoy food" bit.
Again, to a tee. I always find myself not eating and scrolling for minutes because I have to find something good to watch while I eat. I actually recently just started bringing my 3DS to work myself oddly enough. I saw it in my room and thought "I never play it and I'm running out of things to watch, why not try it at lunch" really glad I did this. Now I'm eating my lunch from home while working on the computer and then playing 3DS or battlefield on my lunch break instead of buying something to eat while I watch something. Now just got to fix those the snacking habbits and "reward" meals..
I started a lifestyle change health wise about three weeks ago and I figure I'd run my plan past you guys.
Monday through Friday I wake up and do the stationary bike for 20 minutes at a pretty intense pace at maximum incline. I then do about 10 to 15 minutes of push ups, crunches, and squats. For breakfast I have a kale shake that includes kale, baby spinash, carrots, celery, blueberrys, fish oil, green tea extract and naked juice. While at work I eat a greek yogurt, a power bar (detour to be more specific), and an a apple. After work I do about 20 minutes of kettle bells, squats, crunches, push ups, and a couple days a week I also bench. Dinner is a regular homecooked meal, usually pretty healthy though. If I want something sweet I've been eating honey nut cheerios.
All these things and yet when I hang out with you you take me to melt and we eat obscene grilled cheese monstrosities!
How do you make last night's dunk even nastier?
Sorry if posted already.
Really? I've heard of people going SUPER hard and doing it in a little over a month. But I'm talking about a ridiculous amount of eating and training. So I figured 2 and a half months would be a bit more doable.
Anyway, I've been exercising daily for about 2 years now. I played football in high school and was in great shape but then once I graduated I fell apart. I got really gross once I started working at Gamestop because there was a Taco Bell right next to us and I'd eat that shit 5 days a week....and I'd eat a LOT each time. The year I spent working at Gamestop I went from weiging 150 lbs to being 198. What's funny is that once I quit I went down to 175 in about 3 months just from not eating that shit almost everyday. This was back in 2005 and I was just about that weight until 2008 when I became determined to lose that shit. Went from 170 down to 140 in a little over a month. It might have been quite unhealthy....who knows. Then I dated this girl for 3 years and of course I gained a ton of weight. Got up to 160 and then decided to get a gym membership. Been working out regularly since then.
Alright bros, I'm off to Raw. Will someone Paypal me $10 to not bring a Shark Johnson sign?
Damn MMA Community folks just got killed. You're all welcome here if you need it.
What happened?