When has the foot of the person doing the pinning being under the rope counted as a pin count stopper?
Yep... no feud for you. Enzo & Cass get the Dudleys and the Ascension instead. Enjoy!This half-assed face turn means we won't get a New Day vs. Enzo and Cass feud either.
Fuck everything.
Actually almost all the weeks took 30 minutes to start the first match30 minutes into the show and we're still reviewing the first match.
Is this how its been since going to the 3 hour format?
Notice how JBL sounds exactly like what Heel Cole sounded like back in the day.OMG SHUT THE FUCK UP, JBL!
I don't understand why Vince won't put the title on this guy
Roman is more handsome in Vince's eyes.I don't understand why Vince won't put the title on this guy
They like to exaggerate. Just smile and nod and go with it.I fucking hate the selling of how 'crazy' Ambrose is. The commentators make it way bigger of a deal then it is.
that makes ambrose look weak lol
that makes ambrose look weak lol
At Wrestlemania, we better get a Fight Club moment with Dean and Brock where Dean is laughing right in Brock's face with blood dripping from his mouth and freaks Brock out.
that makes ambrose look weak lol
Ambrose could pull out an AA12 and look weakthat makes ambrose look weak lol
It's Brock. Dean is weak.
It's Brock. Dean is weak.
that crowbar going to be the difference at mania.
So Ambrose is the chicken shit heel
do you see the size of brock?
that makes ambrose look weak lol
Taker and RomanEveryone outside Taker is supposed to look weak against Brock.
Also, it's a street fight. Weapons will be a thing.