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March Wrasslin' |OT| Don't Forget, You're Here Forever.


Hey remember when Sting wouldn't join the NWO?

Then...he joined the shitty face knockoff NWO.

And Luger! Luger wasn't even coy about his allegiance. He was WCW through and through. And then he wasn't.

But you're right. Sting in the nWo is worse. It was like "oh, you think Starrcade '97 killed my character? Take this!"

But I'm over that (well, not really). I've come to terms with the Wolfpac being a thing and they're the wooorst.


Braun Strowman was a Rosebud?!


Data West

coaches in the WNBA
What the fuck did you want them to do with Sting?

The Crow came out in 1994. Sting already proved that he had no range as a character as soon as he began cutting his 'motivational speaker Surfer Sting' promos that he cut in 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995. What the fuck else do you do with him? Even Taker had gone from zombie man to gothic bdsm man at that point and he still had mouthpieces to lean on.

The only other option was if Scott Hall watched 'The Matrix' the next year and went up to Sting, 'Eyo Stinger. I know you can't act much so I got you this new gimmick where you know kung fu'


Two things from the ending of the RAW I just watched:

1. Jesus Christ, why isn't Mick Foley at home in bed just eight days after nearly dying in Hell in a Cell??

2. Heh, I saw the source material for that gif where an incredulous Stone Cold furiously removes his guest commentator headset.


What the fuck did you want them to do with Sting?

The Crow came out in 1994. Sting already proved that he had no range as a character as soon as he began cutting his 'motivational speaker Surfer Sting' promos that he cut in 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995. What the fuck else do you do with him? Even Taker had gone from zombie man to gothic bdsm man at that point and he still had mouthpieces to lean on.

The only other option was if Scott Hall watched 'The Matrix' the next year and went up to Sting, 'Eyo Stinger. I know you can't act much so I got you this new gimmick where you know kung fu'
I'm just gonna let you marinate in that post, Data West. Let it wash all over your body. I'll see you on the other side, my friend. If you make it to the other side.
Two things from the ending of the RAW I just watched:

1. Jesus Christ, why isn't Mick Foley at home in bed just eight days after nearly dying in Hell in a Cell??

2. Heh, I saw the source material for that gif where an incredulous Stone Cold furiously removes his guest commentator headset.
Mankind can't die son
There should be at least 6-10 guys, three to five heels and three to five faces that are considered their "main event guys" and are protected as such instead of just one or two guys who are also both faces as they struggle to build up threats to them and fail miserably because they try to push them as the underdog despite the fact that they're absolutely not. Then there should be another 10 guys who are just below them and then another 10 that are below them and so on with what use to be the standard card hierarchy and the tiers should play a role in their likelihood of winning a match against someone who is lower on the card, the closer they are the more difficult the match should be, the wider the easier an so on. That gives you the chance of building up guys and easier to make a star out of someone or at the very least raise their profile on the roster as they could do back in the day without them even having to win the match instead of having 90% of the roster being interchangeable cogs.

You have your main event tier, upper mid-card tier, mid-card, lower mid-card,opener and enhancement guys, you don't have to strictly adhere to it with show position but just what level they should be backstage, you could probably throw in a special attraction tier that's for "boss level" type guys like Brock and Undertaker or like what Andre was at a time and where someone like Big Show should have been. Tag guys would have their own tiers and be treated a little differently where they can be at a higher level as part of a tag team while in singles they'd be lower because tag teams should be treated as greater than the sum of their parts so to speak with exceptions. Instead they have a 50 guys that are all just there unless they're Cena or Reigns. This would also mean to cut down on Raw and Smackdown having overly long matches that should be saved for PPV/special events. Upper tier guys interacting with lower guys should either be to build up the lower guy or give the higher guy some wins, if it's the latter there's no need for a 10-15 minute long back and fourth match but you can't consistently have both.

Of course the problem seems to be for a large part of this company, or well Vince, is the lack of patience in building someone up and making it come off as organic instead of just thrusting them into a position they're not ready for. And if they did have around 10 guys built up to be main event and so on then maybe they could ease up on how over exposed so many people on the roster are at this point.


For the last couple of weeks of Observer radios, Meltzer has completely buried any possibility of Roman ever being The Guy. He's pretty much written the obituary already on his chances of ever becoming the man.
If anything, I think Dave has been too harsh on Roman.
I'm not sure anyone could find success given the self-sabotage that been WWE's tone-deaf booking. He's been set up to fail.

Now, that said, Roman hasn't done anything on his own to help prevent this from happening. He has been content to be the WWE's puppet and to blindly take whatever material he's been given from magic beans to his insufferable smirking even though it ultimately undermines a character that the WWE supposedly wants to build their product around.

But the blame needs to fall on Creative. It shouildn't fall on Roman and I think Dave's criticism is losing sight of that. Roman can't succeed being "the guy" that the WWE is presently trying to force down the throats of their audience... but he could succeed being "the guy" the company is built around given more organic development that allows the audience to CHOOSE to get behind him and make it feel like he's their choice and not a choice that was made for them.


For the last couple of weeks of Observer radios, Meltzer has completely buried any possibility of Roman ever being The Guy. He's pretty much written the obituary already on his chances of ever becoming the man.

At this point he's been ruined by booking.

Sure he will get his house show cheers but WWE could march a janitor out and get cheers for as a face there.

WWE's issue is they want to appeal to a broader audience and maybe somebody with Reigns would work better but with 3 hours of Raw and another 2 for smack down nobody in their right mind with no prior wrestling fandom is going to want to watch.

I'd love to see if there was any documentation of all of those younger Cena fans and if they still are fans of wrestling past the age of 10-13.

I feel like they even know that when they keep on putting guys like Austin, Rock, and HHH in prominent roles.

I mean imagine if at Wrestlemania 2000 WWE had the iron shiek main eventing?

Only way somebody like Reigns would get over as a face at this point is if they had a smaller audience they could work and have him on TV less.


I don't think Dean Ambrose is the guy, but he sure as hell did a lot more interesting things with Triple H in 1 night than Roman has done in the last year.
The King was AMAZING in his color commentary role during this era. Plus, I love a heel who maintains internal consistency like that.
He's so awesome because he was hesitant about really cheering on Hart at first and he even mentioned Hart's parents. Guy was a total genius.
If anything, I think Dave has been too harsh on Roman.
I'm not sure anyone could find success given the self-sabotage that been WWE's tone-deaf booking. He's been set up to fail.

Now, that said, Roman hasn't done anything on his own to help prevent this from happening. He has been content to be the WWE's puppet and to blindly take whatever material he's been given from magic beans to his insufferable smirking even though it ultimately undermines a character that the WWE supposedly wants to build their product around.

But the blame needs to fall on Creative. It shouildn't fall on Roman and I think Dave's criticism is losing sight of that. Roman can't succeed being "the guy" that the WWE is presently trying to force down the throats of their audience... but he could succeed being "the guy" the company is built around given more organic development that allows the audience to CHOOSE to get behind him and make it feel like he's their choice and not a choice that was made for them.

I'm happy for Reigns, but yeah I have to agree. He will get the belt and he will get the push, but they've done their best to fuck up any chance they had of the masses liking it.

That said, Reigns does deserve some blame. First time he says something that gets cheered ("tater tots"), he adlibs it into the rest of his promo a dozen times to the point people are already sick of it. First time he gets "BORING" chants, he snaps and adlibs "This isn't boring THIS IS REAL LIFE". First time he gets a crowd booing his moment, he shrugs it off and says "they'll do what they'll do, the company will do what it does, as long as I'm getting paid I don't care".

I love him and support his rise 100% especially amongst the indy scrub carcasses, but he has fucked up in one way that he does deserve called out for: publicly and immediately mishandling unscripted adversity each time it comes his way. It's unbaleeable


I don't think Dean Ambrose is the guy, but he sure as hell did a lot more interesting things with Triple H in 1 night than Roman has done in the last year.

He's weird in that I feel like he could give a shit if he has the belt or not. I think Roman wants the spotlight and wants the money that comes with it whereas Ambrose would be fine being the job guy in front of 100 people for the rest of his life.

If they want to build stars they need to focus less on the brand or they need to completely revamp the production and style of Raw.

I think that camerawork from the last main event is a good example.

If I showed that shit to somebody with no prior wrestling knowledge they would think that shit is fake and whats the point of watching this.

You show them a John Cena open challenge, a NXT takeover, a brock match, or even parts if the New Day vs Primetime Players feud I think they could be won over.

That next TV contract is going to be interesting considering the last deal they got.


That said, Reigns does deserve some blame. First time he says something that gets cheered ("tater tots"), he adlibs it into the rest of his promo a dozen times to the point people are already sick of it. First time he gets "BORING" chants, he snaps and adlibs "This isn't boring THIS IS REAL LIFE". First time he gets a crowd booing his moment, he shrugs it off and says "they'll do what they'll do, the company will do what it does, as long as I'm getting paid I don't care".
Roman has terrible instincts. No argument there.

He'd have had a chance to develop them had he not been forced into a can't win situation by the booking so they undercut his growth quite severely in that respect.

I actually think this speaks to the intangibles of who you push strong early vs. who you allow to develop and grow into their characters. If someone has a natural charisma and a fundamental understanding of ring psychology and who they are as a performer and how they should react, I think an overpush can work fine. Throw them out of the nest and watch them fly.

But Roman's socially awkward. This approach was never going to flourish for him.
It's sad, you would believe that after watching this ppv there would be loads of Harts in the wwe and they would be on top. But it's not like that.


It's sad, you would believe that after watching this ppv there would be loads of Harts in the wwe and they would be on top. But it's not like that.
They'll always have that one night in Calgary when they were on top of the wrestling world.


SmackDown and Main Event taping results:

Dark Match

1. Neville beat Tyler Breeze. A really good reaction for Breeze

Main Event

1. Paige, Natalya, and Brie Bella beat Summer Rae, Naomi, and Tamina. The babyfaces got good reactions, especially Paige and Brie’s “Yes!” chant. Lana interrupted mid match. Lana watched from the top of announce table Natalya made the hot tag to Brie, who submitted Naomi to the Yes! Lock. The babyfaces and Lana had a staredown

2. Ryback beat Heath Slater. Before the match, The Social Outcasts cut a promo claiming that Ryback’s win over Adam Rose on Raw was a fluke

3. The Lucha Dragons beat The Ascension. The Dragons won after performing their finishers

4. Stardust beat Zack Ryder


Dean Ambrose sat in a chair in mid-ring. He said he doesn’t operate on a five year plan but rather on a five second plan. It gets him in trouble when Brock Lesnar throws him through a windshield or when Triple H beats him up, but it also got him a WWE World Heavyweight Championship match. Ambrose wondered where he would face Lesnar or Hunter if he wins at WWE Roadblock.

Kevin Owens came out and questioned what gives Ambrose the right to open Smackdown this way. Owens says he is Intercontinental Champion and has no real contender at WrestleMania. Owens said Ambrose is a broken man. Owens tried to attack Ambrose, who got the better of it and used the chair that he had been sitting on

1. Sheamus and Rusev beat The Uso Brothers. Sheamus pinned Jimmy after a Brogue Kick. After the match, The Dudley Boyz came out with a table and League of Nations was happy to let them pass by. They attacked and left Jimmy in the ring, but the did not use the table.

2. Dolph Ziggler beat The Miz. Ziggler got a quick win with a surprise backslide

R-Truth was in catering and spotted Goldust sitting alone at a table. Truth tried to apologize. Truth agreed to be Goldust’s tag partner, but Goldust rejected him and shoved food in his own face

3. Becky Lynch fought Sasha Banks to an apparent non-finish. Charlotte and Ric Flair were at ringside. Lynch and Sasha ended up there, and Flair taunted them both. Charlotte attacked them from behind to end the match

Raw will be held in Atlanta on August 14th

A video recapped Undertaker’s appearance on Raw

New Day came to the ring for a promo. Xavier Woods said that Y2AJ claiming a title shot was a miracle. He said they happen every day like the low cost of WWE Network. Big E said it’s a miracle that Xavier became a success given that he comes from Atlanta

4. AJ Styles beat Kofi Kingston (w/Big E, Xavier Woods). Francesca II was mic’d. The referee threw out Big E and Woods, then Styles pinned Kingston for the win

5. Dean Ambrose beat Kevin Owens in a non-title match.
I can't believe you guys were complaining about Raw when there was a woman in the audience after Steph's promo wearing an altered Jeff Jarrett "Slap Nuts" t-shirt. So stylish...

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