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March Wrasslin' |OT| Don't Forget, You're Here Forever.


Ziggler beats Miz

Ok.. come on, this is too much.
No... THIS is Too Much...



Earlier tonight, there was actually an interview with Jeff Jarrett on the college radio station here in Ottawa. I got into my car and heard someone talking about Global Force and Vince Russo. I thought something was wrong with my radio.
there's no way he doesn't come back as a face, but that evil laugh and the al bundy face...man he needs to stay heel for life. losing him and being subjected to roman and ambrose really made me appreciate him even more than ever.


there's no way he doesn't come back as a face, but that evil laugh and the al bundy face...man he needs to stay heel for life. losing him and being subjected to roman and ambrose really made me appreciate him even more than ever.
Remember when we said there was no way Orton wouldn't come back as a face? And then he didn't right away and then turned face in the most anti-climactic fashion possible to ensure he could get relegated into 50/50 booking seamlessly and wouldn't be over at all?

Such fond memories.
Rock is still coming to Mania, right?

Yeah he will put himself into the Ambrose - Lesnar match. Which will end in an Triple Draw and all three of them will be included in the WWE Championship match with Triple H, Reigns, Lesnar, Ambrose and The Rock...which will end by Shane revealing Rock is on his side cause the made Hollywood deals yadda yadda, Rock wins and Shane takes over RAW....The Rock will hold the title for 3 years and only fight 3 times within those years and he will be known as the The Outdoor Champion "The champ is....somewhere else"
Ryback should come to the ring with a foot long sub in each hand. At some point in a match he's getting his ass kicked. He makes a desperation move to buy some time, then crawls to the corner of the ring, grabs the sub and takes a huge bite. It acts like Popeye getting his spinach and he makes a comeback and wins.

Just came across this while reading about Taker's streak: http://pwtorch.com/artman2/publish/WWE_News_3/article_82062.shtml

McMahon noted that Taker was initially shocked at McMahon's decision, which he said was not an easy decision.

In hindsight, McMahon said he thinks he made the right decision because he thinks Lesnar will be hot going into WrestleMania 31 when he (or Paul Heyman) reminds everyone of what he did at last year's Mania.

This would presumably set up a heat/Streak transfer to the wrestler that Lesnar faces at WM31.

Wish they'd cut like 15 minutes from recaps and like 20 from in ring promos (especially since much of the time they're just repeating themselves anyway) and use that time for more backstage/out of the arena stuff and well just doing a better job getting people over who could use that time to do so.. Or hell, keep the in ring promos and just cut down on the goddamn recaps. TV shows spend 30-60 seconds doing that shit, there's no reason WWE needs so much more time.


I can't believe you guys were complaining about Raw when there was a woman in the audience after Steph's promo wearing an altered Jeff Jarrett "Slap Nuts" t-shirt. So stylish...



I'm getting reaaaaaaaaal sick of seeing this word thrown around all the time

Why? As a dude who can relate to being sillily annoyed by word overuse ("narrative", "overrated", etc.), getting tired of "comeuppance" is like getting tired of "wrestling". It is integral.

Oooooohhhhh, that reddit sure makes my blood boil, what with their data and graphs and whatnot!
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