Arn and Mean Gene shooting on Leno fucking hilarious
They heavily teased KO vs Rollins near the end of his run as champ.
I have never seen Zandig wrestle but thanks to wrestle gaf I just have it in my head that this guy is amazing beyond belief.
He really is
I still can't believe that Wyatt NYSE thing is real. Talk about making them look like even more of a joke
Dean does suck, all his good matches is him really get carried. His match against ramen in the tournament was also terrible. The only thing he does in matches is bring down the quality of the matches, with his sloppy punches, stupid moves, the way he runs like an clown in the ring and making dumb faces because hes such a crazy lunatic. Most overrated guy on the roster tbh.
Man, Vader needs to learn how to fuckin DM on twitter. Good god, WHY. What has been seen cannot be unseen.
Man, Vader needs to learn how to fuckin DM on twitter. Good god, WHY. What has been seen cannot be unseen.
Man, Vader needs to learn how to fuckin DM on twitter. Good god, WHY. What has been seen cannot be unseen.
The at half-mastadon, haha. Surprising, as people often say Vader only worked stiff.
Also, probably the least disturbing thing about the picture (but perplexing all the same): Vader wears Ugg boots.
The at half-mastadon, haha. Surprising, as people often say Vader only worked stiff.
Also, probably the least disturbing thing about the picture (but perplexing all the same): Vader wears Ugg boots.
The at half-mastadon, haha. Surprising, as people often say Vader only worked stiff.
Also, probably the least disturbing thing about the picture (but perplexing all the same): Vader wears Ugg boots.
I am done for today.The at half-mastadon, haha. Surprising, as people often say Vader only worked stiff.
Also, probably the least disturbing thing about the picture (but perplexing all the same): Vader wears Ugg boots.
Does WWE pull Vader from the hof for that?
RoflThe at half-mastadon, haha. Surprising, as people often say Vader only worked stiff.
Also, probably the least disturbing thing about the picture (but perplexing all the same): Vader wears Ugg boots.
The at half-mastadon, haha. Surprising, as people often say Vader only worked stiff.
Also, probably the least disturbing thing about the picture (but perplexing all the same): Vader wears Ugg boots.
Does WWE pull Vader from the hof for that?
WOW WOW WOWturns out Vader time is at about 3 o'clock
Judging from the last guy who got dick pics online he'll get a big push instead.
According to a good friend of mine who is a professor at full sail, the undertakers kid graduated from there today
Why the hell is takers kid going to full sail.
turns out Vader time is at about 3 o'clock
I never viewed wrestling related things on the internet when this was happening. Did Teddy really piss someone off backstage or something? I mean goddamn they humiliated him. I'm not complaining. The Cesaro stuff was kinda hilarious. But I'm curious.
Ok. What did Vader do? He is in "I got hacked / it wasnt me" mode.
turns out Vader time is at about 3 o'clock
Dick pic. What else do people do on social media