"usually gets pretty big pops." Well then shit, give Titus O' Neil a run.
Da fuck? The excuse is he's too big? Then you work small. See: Bret Hart. Shit, Reigns managed to have a good match with the Big Show.
I'm not saying Ambrose is horrible. I'm saying that the only reason Smarks want him as "the guy" is because he's not Roman. Which isn't a good enough reason.
I was never a fan of Roman but I don't think his i ring work was completely the issue with him.
He is essentially Johnny B Badd. He can be over using specific moves sets and working matches but if you ask him to do anything different he is lost out there and his act gets old after 18 minutes. That;s why they removed him from the Rumble like they did. As a face champ they wanted him out first for the entrance and the fighting champion factor but he isn't as good as a HBK or Benoit to seem believable out there for 50 minutes.
Roman's promo ability, his scripting, his presentation, and outside factors (backlash at creative over perceived squandering of Daniel Bryan's career, Cena having his best year in a long time while Roman is booked as Cena's replacement, stale presentation and a commentary team featuring 0 talent or trust with the audience).
Plus Reigns was never in a feud in the past year with a good worker that would make him shine. Notice how Seth can work super flippy dippy as a face but as a heel he sticks to ground attacks and less flashy stuff.
Closest person who probably could work a match like that with him is Cesaro or Seth Rollins and both of those probably would have overshadowed him with fan support.
Bottom line is last years Rumble should have been won by somebody with momentum coming into the rumble and the only 2 that would have made sense were Bryan, Ambrose, and Ziggler (coming off good matches at TLC and survivor series.
Roman didn't have any steam because of shit creative and his injury.