Just saw a Twitter post from Miz that he's NOT injured and will be at WM. And how we all fell for his good acting.
Who freaking knows.
Pretty rough watching Benoit vs MVP. Benoit this close to the incident, he just has this general fogginess to him at this point, he doesn't look great. Decent match though.
Watching WrestleMania 23 for the first time. Realized I've never seen it after listening to the latest Review-a-Wai.
That opening Money in the Bank match is pretty great.
The "All Grown Up" theme they have for the show is pretty fucking lame.
Oh fuck me a Khali match.
They wait 'til Backlash to do that.I never understood why Edge and Orton were in that MitB match. Seeing that they were both the top heels of Raw at the time and were involved in the Cena/HBK feud you'd think they make the WWE title match a 4 way with Batista/Taker being the 1v1 title match.
It is super weird how minor their roles are in this Mania considering their spots on the roster.I never understood why Edge and Orton were in that MitB match. Seeing that they were both the top heels of Raw at the time and were involved in the Cena/HBK feud you'd think they make the WWE title match a 4 way with Batista/Taker being the 1v1 title match.
F'n King wanted to take out Bret more than Vince did. Sheeit
I miss Hakushi so much. He needs to come back and beat Austin's ass.Bret Hart's turnbuckle spots are so good.
Mesmerizing. Dude was an artist.
Ever since you've come back you've done nothing but CRY.
I always forget that Lawler had a legit run during New Generation. I also miss Hakushi, dude didn't fall entirely into the typical E stereoytpe.
Yeah from 93-98 King got in the ring a lot! But it's crazy how they were pushing new guys in the New Generation yet king was always in big fights with Bret. If only Bret could've wrestled King in his absolute prime. But yeah King was the man and he's funny with his antics. Sometimes, Owen was basically him but not chicken shit.By run I just meant time in the ring beyond my main remembrance which is him standing in the ring with a mic saying "PUPPIES"
The closest they've come in the modern WWE social media era to replicating a feud with genuine heat that was still largely dominated by one-sided outcomes was Christian vs. Orton.Austin Bret is the ultimate example that wins and losses DO NOT MATTER if the story is good enough.
Austin loses every single match decisively.
I can't think of anyone that had a worse World Title reign than Seth Rollins. Not even Mysterio in 2006 was that horrendous.
I can't think of anyone that had a worse World Title reign than Seth Rollins. Not even Mysterio in 2006 was that horrendous.
I can't think of anyone that had a worse World Title reign than Seth Rollins. Not even Mysterio in 2006 was that horrendous.
Bret Hart's turnbuckle spots are so good.
If you guys have the WWE Network, I recommend watching the Macho Man Randy Savage documentary when you get the chance:
Watching it right now, and it's no wonder that he and DDP worked so well together, because Macho Man was just as meticulous as DDP when it came to planning matches.
Flair never went 1-18 in a single month. Seth is a mess. Seth is a big fat mess.Big Match Seth won when it mattered!
This is actually how Ric Flair was booked during the Dusty days of JCP and why they had so much bad blood between them from that era.
Flair never went 1-18 in a single month. Seth is a mess. Seth is a big fat mess.