I bet he's really getting ready for Alex debut since his boot is from the 3strike character
As he should. Alex is the bomb.
I bet he's really getting ready for Alex debut since his boot is from the 3strike character
I'm so glad J&J went to his school. They learned from the best.The one true Warrior Award 2016 recipient
Yo what the fuckHOLY SHIT
But thats a moot point because I doubt in this case the satisfaction of one portion of the audience must be sacrificed at the expense of the other. All conventional signs leading up to June 2, 2014, probably confirmed WWEs belief if by self-fulfilling prophecy that Reigns had the makings of the next top star. But instead of just one new top star, WWE couldve tried to create multiple new top stars, Reigns included among them, but they didnt. They could do something to make their house shows more meaningful and more interesting to their fans at-large, but they dont. Theres a real dilemma WWE is facing, but theyve responded to it with the usual hubris, pining to outsmart the fans, lest it be the other way around.
Just because he said and did terrible things in life doesn't mean his Warrior character can't do some good in the world in some way today.
As he should. Alex is the bomb.
Surely there were better candidates than such a hateful and bitter man who spent years publicly airing his disgusting opinions? The award should have been named for Connor.
Won't disagree, but like the poster above mentioned... Not as marketable. Gets more mileage.Surely there were better candidates than such a hateful and bitter man who spent years publicly airing his disgusting opinions? The award should have been named for Connor.
Connor the Crusher doesn't have marketable facepaint.
Surely there were better candidates than such a hateful and bitter man who spent years publicly airing his disgusting opinions? The award should have been named for Connor.
I'm reading this editorial, and I knew Warrior had conservative beliefs, but I didn't know those beliefs would go so far.
Connor the Crusher doesn't have marketable facepaint.
Damn.One of the first times he openly spoke about politics, he dropped the "queering don't make the world work" quote. Dude's been exactly that crazy for at least a decade
The Connor Award sounds much better and it's also named after a much better person. It also ties to their charity.
The Connor Award sounds much better and it's also named after a much better person. It also ties to their charity.
Love that PROGRESS have a Big Lads title now, here's the first two matches in the 8-man round robin to decide the first PROGRESS Atlas Champion:
World Hose Invitational? Awesome. Just needs a ladder...Love that PROGRESS have a Big Lads title now, here's the first two matches in the 8-man round robin to decide the first PROGRESS Atlas Champion:
How much do you guys get paid being on the BritWres street team? Free stickers?
Should I have seen T-Bone before or is this his debut match?
Accurate.The reason Warrior has an award is because everyone in wrestling from back then was a piece of shit so they basically just named their philanthropy award after a kayfabe character.
Can the excitement be contained to less than 1000x5000 pixels, uce? I'm trying to hate wrestling in peace over here.
If that's too big for your monitor, get a monitor from this century, grandpa.
I'm pretty sure forcing someone to look at "Big Daddy Walter" in 1080p resolution puts you in a position to apologize, you a**.
Someone, literally, defecated into Rock's meal back in the day, and the only reason why he didn't eat it is because Mark Henry was there to give him a heads up. Was the author of such dick move made public?
NinjaScooter down? :-(
Good reminder of what a vile piece of shit Warrior was.
Someone, literally, defecated into Rock's meal back in the day, and the only reason why he didn't eat it is because Mark Henry was there to give him a heads up. Was the author of such dick move made public?
Zach, where the fuck can we view your entire grade listing?
Click the image.
Probably X Pac or HBK. Those are the two ice narrowed it down to. Context clues gave it away and Sean did it to Sunny once.Someone, literally, defecated into Rock's meal back in the day, and the only reason why he didn't eat it is because Mark Henry was there to give him a heads up. Was the author of such dick move made public?
Yeah, someone there must enjoy wrestling. Crazy world.Someone on the SF5 dev team is a mark, because there's a Macho Man outfit for Zangief, and Alex has Razor's Edge as his Super.